Part 15

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  Hellooooooooo it's me!! I'm back peoples!!!!!!!!!!!

  Oh. MAH GOD. I still have my online course, but now I have ANOTHER all-day summer camp. But I'm here right now! So let's begin!

  Slight Norrie x Quill in this chapter, also sweet Locklyle moment!!!!!!! OK I'M NOT GONNA DELAY ANY LONGER. LET'S GOOOOO!!!

  WoF-Hybrid10 kickstarting my imagination!!! :D

  Update: I'm so sorry this is a few days late. I've been busy with summer camp and I'm extremely busy. Recently, our instructor was in a bad car accident rushing to work and he didn't make it, so please pray for him and his family.

  Lucy P.O.V   

  I wake up and stretch out my arms, confused. I feel a rhythmic breathing on my footboard bench next to me. Lockwood holds a tube of ointment in his hand and was clearly trying to apply some, but apparently he passed out. I roll my eyes. Classic Anthony bloody Lockwood habits. The bags under his eyes make me slightly concerned for him, but he's snoozing peacefully. I can't bring myself to wake him up, so instead I stretch and check out my surroundings. 

  We're back in our room. I'm snuggled up among a cocoon of blankets and pillows. Lockwood's slouched against it, his mouth slightly open, small snores intermittently interrupting the morning silence. He's still fully dressed, but his clothes are rumpled. I throw a blanket over him and slowly disentangle myself from the layers of sheets and out of Lockwood's arm. He cracks open an eye and gives me a relieved grin. "Luce." Then he pulls me towards him in a bone crushing hug. "You have no idea how scared we were."

  "Mornin. Stop or else I'll have to go back to the hospital all over again." I look down in a panic. "Oh god..." I'm still in the RIDICULOUS hospital gown. "Do they use the same hospital gowns in each hospital?" I grouse. "Yeahhhhh nah I'll leave you to get dressed." He yawns and goes back to his side of the room. 

  Everyone is still in the kitchen. I have no clue where Flo is. George tells me she's been down by the seashore this whole time, probably terrifying the locals and stomping around kicking up sand to look for relics, judging from the wet sand still plastered to the doormat. Although America doesn't have a ghost problem. Habits. 

  Norrie, Quill, George and Holly are smirking. "Soooo, what have you and Tony been up to?" Quill asks. I groan and slump in a chair. "It's too early for this. Tea and I can deal with it." Holly reaches behind her and pulls out a steaming teacup from nowhere. "Thanks Hol." I smile tiredly and sit down. Lockwood walks in behind me in a short-sleeved button down and trousers, fiddling with the clip-on ties he's begun to use. He looks up as Holly smirks and slides a cup towards him. "Thanks Holly-oh dear." he pronounces the last part through gritted teeth. "Nope. Bye." he grabs it and walks out.

   "Ya know what, I might just-" I try to slip away but Norrie grabs my arm. "Oh no you don't." "Fine. Wot." I ask with a dramatically pronounced sigh. "Okay, first. Are you okay-" Holly begins-"What were you THINKING swimming past the Jellyfish Warning! Do Not Swim Without Lifeguard! sign-" George adds, "-and what the bloody heck is wrong with Mr. Walk-Right-Out-The-Door over there?" Norrie finishes, leaning back towards Quill who instinctively wraps an arm around her. 

   I laugh silently at Quill's protective behavior. He must think of her like a sister, especially since I heard him confiding in her often and letting slip about a deceased sibling. Honestly, his and Norrie's dynamic was much like Lockwood and mine. But still, Quill could sometimes be defined as a self-righteous prick, that had become slightly more modest since the Bickerstaff case. On the other hand, Norrie was occasionally slightly intense as well, and she was the best. 

  I answer them truthfully-I was fine, I was looking at the ocean floor and didn't notice the sign posted, adding a heap of apologies and quickly excusing myself to go find Mr. Walk-Out. 

  He was in the practice room. His hair was slightly dishevelled, his clothes were rumpled and tie askew, but he had a much healthier complexion and was bright-eyed as he dodged and nimbly swung his rapier back and forth through the smoke. 

  I grab my own to join him. We fight back to back, side-stepping and ducking. Until a blast of steam came from both directions, curving towards both of us. We both duck backwards at the same time, a huge, hollow CLONK resounding through the room as we bonk our heads together. "Oh bloody hell!" I screech, dropping to my knees and clutching the bruise on my head. Lockwood staggers back, but still has a grin on his face. "I'm fine!" he says optimistically. "'Cause you have a thick skull." I mumble as I stand up. 

  Lockwood dramatically put a hand over his heart. "That hurts, Croco-Lyle!" His comical expression makes me laugh even past the bruise. And it probably always would.

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