Part 14

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  I'm BACK darlings!!!! Also, I'm going to be dedicating chapters to my readers. If you want a dedication, just comment, and I'll try to churn out more chapters! I also will be nominating some of my favorite writers.

  First nomination goes to: LaurenABlack. She wrote some AMAZ Wings of Fire books and some Truth or Dare ones!!!!!!!!! 

  THANK YOU FABULOUS PEOPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  WoF-Hybrid10 signingggggggggg OUT!

    Lucy P.O.V

  Memories flash by like scenery past a train window, except it's few sights and mostly feelings. 

  Hope blossoming through my chest the first time I stepped into 35 Portland Row. Lockwood's familiar grin and George's trademark smirk. A perfect summer day afternoon, lying in the back garden, staring up at the, for once, cloudless blue sky, talking spiritedly with Holly. Having a playful conversation for the first time in years with Norrie. Even a few memories of Quill float past.

  Even some bad ones come by. Norrie's helpless, ghostlocked form. Jacobs lying to the judge's face in court. Frustration and anger building inside of me as Mum signed me up for a terrible fate.

  The train speeds on and on. The train begins whistling repeatedly. I can't concentrate, I can't relax. I squeeze my eyes shut, begging for it to stop as the din grows louder and louder. Then I'm thrown violently awake, my eyes flying open to Lockwood and Norrie beside me, talking to me, reassuring me. 

  I only have a blurred account of what happened next. The movement of the hospital bed. The latexed, bright blue gloves of the doctors unhooking me from whatever system I'm connected to. Some sort of test, questions being asked. When I look down, I'm surprised at the welts and stings criss-crossing my legs. My last thought is about how embarrassing it is dressed in a unicorn and rainbow decorated hospital gown, and then I fall into a peaceful, blackened dream, this time not forced on by a medical condition.

  Sorry for the late chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm super busy with summer camp and online courses, but I'll try to update. Love you amazing readers!!!!!!!!!!!

  WoF-Hybrid10 signinggggggggg OUT!!!!

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