Part 17

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 3rd Person POV

 "Oh, yeah, I did! Sorry about my, er.." Lucy grimaced and looked down at herself. She needed to glance back down in horror to confirm what she was seeing. 

  Her new friend Danny was standing in the doorway, looking absolutely bewildered. She had a horrible outfit on. Her friends looked like rabid monkeys screeching at each other. And Lockwood was lounging on the couch with an almost betrayed looking expression and puppy dog eyes.

  Well. Fuck my life and screw this shit, Lucy decided, and stepped back and pulled Danny inside. 

  Thankfully, her friends quieted down when they saw their new visitor. Norrie froze in the middle of putting Quill in a chokehold, George was blindly searching for his glasses and still hadn't noticed the quiet of the room, Flo was giving Danny the best side-eye since the Rock and Mary and Holly were sitting beside each other on the couch sharing a magazine, calmly glancing up, nodding at Danny and then continued reading with interest. 

  "Please, come in. Help yourself to the snacks! I think we have a fresh platter of biscuits somewhere in the kitchen." Lucy crossed the living room in large strides, adjusting her clothing as she went and pretending that she wasn't bothered by anything that was going on. Danny, to his credit, played his part and sat down on the sofa, across from Lockwood. Lucy realized she'd have to sit between them, and to distract herself from this fact she immersed herself in pretentiously examining the contents of the fridge. 

  Danny snorted slightly under his breath, "Biscuits." Lockwood shot him an unyielding stare and snapped back: "Yes, biscuits." 

  "Ah, here we go!" Lucy said brightly, holding up an almost untouched platter. She realized everyone was now staring at her and stared right back at her friends. What did they expect her to do, start juggling them? Maybe produce a hula hoop from somewhere? 

  "Biscuits, anyone?" She asked weakly. When she was met with more silence, she added: "Biscuit rule doesn't apply for tonight!" Immediately everyone attacked the plate, aside from George who was bellowing something about how the biscuit rule couldn't just not apply anymore, it was something-something of a law in the household, this couldn't just be 'willy-nilly' and Lucy was pretty sure she'd heard 'hodgepodge' somewhere in his speech. 

  God, biscuits were an entire religion to him at this point. 

   Anyway, the good thing was that they weren't still staring at her, Danny was visibly more relaxed, and the only con was that Lockwood was STILL looking at her with those ridiculous puppy dog eyes. She looked at him helplessly and he only widened his eyes even more. 

  The idiot. 

  Okay, now it was time to begin small talk. Easy, Lucy, you can do this. Danny easily slipped into a conversation with her within seconds, but it was harder to get something out of Lockwood. All he provided were noncommittal grunts, sighs and occasionally shuffling around into a more comfortable position. 

  Lucy kicked him hard under the table. She was wearing flip flops (if she had been wearing boots Lockwood would've surely broke a leg), but with all her practice staving in coffin lids she could easily stave in Lockwood's shitty attitude. 

  She needed a swear jar and a hot cuppa with some aspirin after this. "So." Lucy said brightly, then opened her mouth and proceeded to forget what she was going to say. She stumbled about, looking for a topic, then blurted out: "Er, what sports do you play?" She grinned hopefully at both of them, and Danny took the bait. "I play soccer, midfielder." he supplied. "I play football." Lockwood lied. Danny looked him up and down. "You don't look like you could tackle anyone." Lockwood cocked his head, confused. "I don't tackle people, it's football." 

  "Oh! That's your term for soccer, ain't it." Danny snapped his fingers. "I thought you were talking about american football." "Soccer?" Lockwood asked again, eyebrows furrowed in genuine confusion. Lucy sighed, pulled out her iPhone and swiped on the cracked screen protector until she pulled up an image of soccer. "Oh, that's what you call football?" Lockwood was still bewildered. "No, Lockwood, that's what they call putting a stick up their asses." Lucy snarked. 

  Danny noticed the escalating situation and quickly backed out of it. "Sorry about everything being a bit...chaotic." Lucy apologized. "I'll call you later, maybe set up a better time?" She didn't notice Lockwood glaring at Danny from behind her. Danny took one look at his face and put on a grin. "Sure. Call me sometime." Then he pretty much bolted out the door. 

  Instantly the chaos stopped. "We scared him off?" George asked. "It worked?" added Flo. Lockwood nodded and grinned at all of them. "Thanks for the help." 

  Lucy looked around at all of them incredulously. 

  The neighbors woke up a few seconds later to the sound of "WHAT THE ACTUAL-", some panicked screams and an epic, terrified shout: "PLEASE, NO, SORRY LUCE, DON'T KILL ME!"

   When morning came, Lockwood had a nice black eye that matched almost perfectly with Lucy's navy blue shirt. She walked downstairs, her shoulder-length hair billowing upwards in a lion's mane as she walked, grabbed a cup of hot tea from George's hand and jumped up to sit on the counter, her faded green pj pants pulling up slightly to reveal a pair of bright red fluffy socks. Lucy saw the questioning look on his face. "I slept with the AC on." she mumbled into her cuppa. 

  Lockwood, sensing the opportunity for a dramatic entrance, had peeked down the stairs and saw what was going on. He snagged one of Lucy's dramatic blue eyeshadows and swiped it across his lips, tinging them light blue, then swiped some across his cheeks and smudged it with a brush like he'd seen Lucy do with some sort of skin-colored liquid. He dug through his closet, but couldn't find anything suitable to wear, so he wrapped himself in blankets off his bed and almost tripped going down the stairs. He pretended to be shivering as he entered the kitchen. "T-the AC was o-on all last n-night." he stuttered, trying hard not to grin at Lucy's exasperated expression. She and George kept a straight face for about two seconds, then burst into a fit of giggles. 

  "Lockwood! It-wasn't that-" she choked out, still laughing like a maniac. "George-your laugh!" she wheezed out, gasping for breath. "You sound like a, a dying chicken!" 

  That prompted even Lockwood to choke on his laughter, but he was the first to compose himself. "I thought we agreed, no more making fun of George's laugh." he said, tossing the blanket aside, making a mental note to deal with it later. "Well, I guess that rule is reversible now, just like your biscuit rule, George." Lucy said cheekily.

  "You little-" A moment later, Lucy's hysterical screams, George's shouting, and Lockwood's laughter rang through the house. Norrie, Quill, Mary, Flo and everybody piled downstairs, just in time to see Lucy trip over a chair and sprawl onto the kitchen tiles with a dramatic 'OOF.' 


Yeah, it's been a while. School messy for lack of a better word. 

I feel so British right now. ANYWAY LOVE YALL!!! UPDATES SHOULD COME SOON!

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