¤Chapter Fiveteen¤

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"Cindy! What do you mean!? What did you do to me?!" I yelled in a fit of anger. It's been a month since I... 'met' Moon and Sun. And just now, I asked her about the empty feeling.

"Dad made me! I'm sorry! You're only meant to be temporary, and he didn't want you to get emotionally attached..." she answered back.

I sent her a teared up glare. "You... bitch... why do my emotions even matter!? If I liked them, so what!? It doesn't hurt anyone!"

She only looked away. That made me even more upset with her. My fists clenched, and I punched the wall that was right next to her head.

"We didn't make you to be violent unless threatened..." she muttered as she stared with wide eyes.

My face grew blank... well, a blank anger. I stared into her eyes. "Well, maybe the feeling of love was added before the anger, so when it was removed, it didn't have a balance."

Cindy looked apologeticly at me. "I'm so sorry... I want to re-add it, but... dad won't let me..."

"I don't give a damn what he says. I don't want to feel empty. I want to remember Sun and Moon from when I FIRST met them!" I yelled.

Her eyes met mine in fear. "You don't... remember them...? We only got rid of the memories of you loving them, so if you forgot them then..." she paused. "You loved them the moment you met them... didn't you...?"

"And how would I remember that?" I asked with a highly-angered tone.

"Right... sorry.."

I roll my eyes. I breathed in and out. "I have a question."

"Go ahead," Cindy said, still having a fearful tone.

"Why did you make Sun, the more sensitive one, clean my BLOOD COLORED oil?" I grinned as I tilted my head in an angered way.

Cindy opened her mouth to speak, but no words left her mouth. She just stayed silent and rubbed her arm nervously. Although, I did hear her mumble, "Well... they're the same, so I figured..."

I punched the wall again, my hand actually going straight through it. "They aren't the same. They are very different."

"Y/N, calm down... you're worrying me... I'm really sorry, and I truly can't re-add it. Dad would be so upset with me," she said very quietly.

I backed away and sent her a glare. "Cindy, I'm not ever going to trust you... or Mike. So, tell your dad that I won't be coming to get weekly checks."

"But -"

And before she could even finish her words, I had left. On my way back to the daycare, I walked around and just groaned in annoyance and anger.


I understand why they distanced from me... I had hurt them mentally. My emotion was gone, and basically, every single memory of them was gone. They were pained in their 'hearts' by my lack of love toward them.

Every chance that I used to talk with them, they ignored me. Using excuses to go away when the kids left. It got to the point where I just sat behind the security desk, charging. But today I couldn't. I was holding little Chris in my arms. He was blabbing things to me, I listened, laughed, and even answered.

His siblings should've been here... the announcements already said the place was closed, no one could enter nor leave.

"Y/N, we'll care for Evan, you can... rest," Sun said in a tired and sad tone.

Chris looked at him and blew a raspberry at him. He hugged me and just said, "Mm... No! My mama/papa!"

"Chris," Sun said, crouching down. "They're really tired, please -"

"Sun, shut it. Don't lie to him," I sent a small glare.

Damn, having that singular emotion gone really brings out my anger. But around the kids, I didn't feel angry. And I wasn't going to let the damn stupid, sensitive Sundrop take the only thing that can stop me from hurting anyone and anything.

I felt Evan rest his head on me. Soon, his small self began to snore lightly. It wasn't like a deep, loud snore. It was soft and barely there.

I decided to use my internal heating to warm him up. The place was cool, and I could feel the small child shiver. If he wakes up, oh well, if he finds out I'm an animatronic, again, oh well.

Sun pouted and then walked off. He went up into the room above the ball-pit. Although, I could feel him stare at me. Even when I began to sleep, he only watched me, his eyes I'm sure were showing such a heartbroken feeling.


"Evan! Please, stop running. You're going to fall!" I chased after the small boy running around the daycare. He perfectly jumped over the wires, but it still worried me. I no longer felt Sun watch me.

My eyes soon widened as I saw Chris trip and fall. He braced with his hands, and I heard a crack. I went right over to him and held him, scanning him. I didn't care that my eye, the one that was shattered, was fixed and was made with a glow when I scanned. He had somehow broke his wrists. I picked him up and carried him to the security desk. He sobbed and cried loudly. I grabbed bandages and even a makeshift cast, wrapping his wrists up.

"Mama/Papa..." he said between sniffles.

I picked him up once more and gently rocked him. "Shh~ Shh~ you're bandaged. You're okay now..."

His tears just ran down his face, and I wiped away each one. I then played a song from my chest. The song being 'Rises The Moon' personally one of my favorites. He looked at me and smiled with a small giggle. "I like this song, mama/papa!"

"Good, I'm glad you like it," I said as I swayed side to side. I felt Sun's gaze on me again. I didn't bother looking at him. I just... held Chris gently.

Sun desended using his wire. He was right next to me. "Y/N, I know you don't have the emotion, but... do you... love us?"

I went to speak, but I froze and instead said something a glitching animatronic would say. "Error... Error... The idea of 'love' isn't acceptable. The 'love' is shown as platonic, and romantic attraction isn't available. Now then, Sundrop. Fuck. Off."

So... uhm... Congrats! You acted violent and like an animatronic in the same chapter. I hope you feel... blessed with the longer chapter!

Now then, have a great Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

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