- 𝙈𝙮 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 -

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Warning : angst & fluff? 💔🧸
Dear Yang Jeongin,
I'm sorry, for everything. I didn't mean for all of this to happened. Please forgive me and understand that I'm leaving for a good reason. I love you, please don't forget me I'll be back soon my love ‹3

- Kim Seungmin

Jeongin cried as he read the letter his boyfriend gave him. He's leaving, and didn't even say goodbye to him in person. Jeongin felt angry and betrayed. Why couldn't Seungmin just tell him face to face? Was he scared that he will break Jeongin's heart? Well, now he did and Jeongin was furious at him.

-Time skip 3 months had passed-

Jeongin was heading home after a long day at school and saw the postman putting an envelope inside Jeongin's house mailbox. He rarely got any letters ever since Seungmin gave him that, so he was really surprised on how he was finally receiving one again.

The postman noticed him and gave him a tiny wave before going back in his van and drove off. Jeongin approached the mailbox to take out the envelope and head back inside.

He showered, put on his Pjs and got all comfy in his bed before turning back to the mysterious envelope that was on his night stand. He wanted to open it tomorrow... But curiosity got the best of him so he ripped the envelope open. He guessed it, it was a letter from Kim Seungmin.

Suddenly his curiosity feeling turned into betrayal. He never or was he ever going to forgive Seungmin ever since that day when he left. Of course, Jeongin knows he probably left for a good reason but, he just can't forgive him for not getting a proper goodbye...

He read the letter anyway,

Dear Yang Jeongin,
How are you? I hope you're well. I just wanted to tell you that I'm coming back to South Korea tomorrow! I'm so happy. See you soon my love.

- Kim Seungmin

Jeongin was in tears again but for the first time in months it was happy tears. His boyfriend was coming back. Tomorrow. He was really excited and slept early that night. He was so excited that he just wanted the night to get over with.

- next day -

Jeongin woke up in a good mood. He got changed into some more stylish outfit since today is a special day. His boyfriend was finally coming back after 3 months without him.

He grabbed his house key, phone and wallet. He put on his shoes and called a cab to drive him to the airport. He was fidgeting with his fingers for the past few hours now. He was nervous, really nervous. He sometimes check the time to see if he was too late or too early.

After a few hours...
Still no sign of him.

The sun was almost setting and it was getting darker by the second. Jeongin clenched his fist and just decided to head home, there's no point in waiting when he wasn't gonna come.

He walked home with tears in his eyes. Is this some kind of joke? He thought to himself. How could Seungmin do this? Jeongin felt the betrayal feeling coming back.

He opened his front door and slam it shut. He was mad. Really mad. He quickly got a piece of paper and started to write with dry angry tears on his face. Before he wrote anything he checked the paper Seungmin gave him and reread the letter he noticed at the very bottom of the paper there wrote "made you believe it, haha you're so easy to fool"

𝑺𝒆𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏 𝑶𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒔 (Disconnected)Where stories live. Discover now