- 𝙃𝙪𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙪𝙥! -

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Warning : Fluff? 🧸
Jeongin little AU

Seungmin was typing something on his computer, of course something probably related to his work. He sighed as he continued to type. He's been working non-stop and didn't even rest in between.


Jeongin, Seungmin's boyfriend has slipped into headspace and was scribbling on a piece of paper, but what little Jeongin didn't know was that those papers were related to his boyfriends work...

Once he was finished scribbling on it he entered his boyfriends office to show him. He opened the door happily to show him.

" dada, look wat innie dwew! "

Seungmin stopped typing only to face his cute little boyfriend with a smile plastered on his face.

" what did you draw innie? "

Jeongin showed him the paper.

" pretty right? "

Seungmin looked at the papers in the little's hand and quick to notice the words on it. He immediately snatched it away from Jeongin and sighed which to Jeongin, he looked angry...

" Jeongin, This isn't any paper it's my work, you know you shouldn't draw on any paper that's related to my work you know that! "

Seungmin scolded him seriously. Yes, he was mad. But why shouldn't he? Now, he has to rewrite the whole paper and reprint everything.

Jeongin flinched at Seungmin's tone.

" I-Im sowwy dada, innie did nowt mean tow... "

Jeongin stuttered with watery eyes while looking down feeling guilt. Seungmin sighed for the nth time today and then said,

" just go in our room and think about your mistakes I'll deal with you later. "

Jeongin ran to their shared room once Seungmin finished that sentence and hid himself under the blanket.

Seungmin felt guilty, but still decided to continue his work, besides, he has alot thanks to Jeongin now.

Few minutes later...

" finally... "

Seungmin sighed as he shut down his computer and got up to stretch.

" now I can go cuddle my baby ~ "

He started walking and head to their shared bedroom. There, he opened the door slowly and peeked through the gap. What he saw almost made him furious.

Jeongin was really guilty after what he did that he cuddled himself in the blanket and start to hit his head multiple times with his fist and start saying all unmotivated words to himself saying how much he basically hated himself. (Like wonyoung's old habit during produce 48)

Seungmin then fully opened the door revealing himself.

" Jeongin. "

Hearing his name he slightly jumped to look at the owner of the voice but quickly looked down once he met with Seungmin's eyes.

" Innie, please look at me... "

The little sighed as he met Seungmin's eyes again. Seungmin walked closer sitting on the bed, kissed Jeongin's head and hugged the little.

" I'm sorry for raising my voice you... I didn't know you were in your headspace, please forgive me... "

" hmm... Otay ! "

Seungmin chuckled as he heard him.

" I finished all my work now! Wanna cuddle? "

" YAY !! "

Jeongin pulled out of the hug only to lay properly to cuddle. Seungmin giggled and cuddled the headspace boy. Seungmin kissed his little's forehead and closed his eyes and Jeongin did the same. Soon, they both fell asleep in each other's arms.
A/N : Got nothing to say other than, TODAYS MY BIRTHDAY! (July 13th) 😽

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