001, "A Vampire's Nightly Drive." {M}

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- Reader's POV -

With the stolen cop car Chaewon drove down the quiet late night streets of Seoul In silence, the vampire gripped the steering wheel as she stared straight ahead. The streetlights illuminated her pale face and the car was dark, the only light was from the moon outside and the occasional car that drove by.

The night had been a long and difficult one, Chaewon had spent most of her time trying to hunt down humans and feed before she needed to go home for the day. In her quite oversized black ripped Jean jacket and jeans she looked just like any other human.

The duty belt wrapped around her waist made her look even more normal than she already was. She could also feel the weight of the guns and ammunition belt against her hips. She was wearing a pair of black combat boots that helped her balance as she drove.

She doesn't even know why she took the duty belt, it's not really needed when she could only use her powers to stop a human from getting out of control, but it had been a while since she went out with the intention of hunting down humans. But the police badge was most definitely needed to make her look more believable as a cop.

The night was silent and the streets were empty as Chaewon drove down the street, turning off a main road into a small street. It was dark and only illuminated by the moon. Chaewon frowned as she continued to drive down the road into a quiet neighborhood.

Just as Chaewon was driving she noticed a car come from the right side of the road and turn onto the road she was on, in front of her. She glanced at the mirror quickly as she made a right turn, so that she was behind the car. She saw that it was a black Mercedes with a license plate that was facing the road, making it easier for her to read it.

The person was driving sloppily, making terrible turns and swerving from side to side. Chaewon furrows her eyebrows but gets an idea, she turns the sirens on the car and activates the police lights as well. The Mercedes slows down to a stop, making Chaewon step on the brakes and stop. She slowly gets out of the car, careful not to make any noise as she approaches the car window.

The driver of the Mercedes, a woman, rolls the window down and looks up at Chaewon. She looks utterly terrified and she looks around as if she was trying to see if there were other cops around. The woman looked like she was in her early 20s, around Chaewon's age, she had plump pink lips, brown eyes, long brown hair and a really pretty face.

Chaewon had to admit that the woman was fucking attractive but also had to remind herself that this was a human, before saying anything to her. "What is it officer?" The woman asked, her voice shaky and quiet.

Chaewon nodded towards the road, "This is a dead end, you can't get out this way miss. And you're driving under the influence of alcohol." Chaewon says noticing the woman's flushed cheeks and the slight smell of alcohol coming from her breath.

"O-Officer, please, I didn't mean to... I'm so scared. Don't... don't hurt me." The woman said her voice trembling as she stared up at Chaewon. Chaewon not being a real officer could see this girl's fear, but she also saw her scent as the girl slowly leaned closer.

Chaewon had to hold back a smirk as the woman grabbed her arm. "O-Officer, please, I can't... I need... I..." The woman said as she tried to form a sentence. Chaewon chuckled and took a step back. "Please stay back, miss." She said as she quickly glanced down at the girl's wrist, taking in the sweet scent of the blood that was there. "Get out of the vehicle and don't move."

The woman nods slowly getting out of the car and slowly getting on her knees. "O-Officer..." She whimpers, but Chaewon ignores her as she grabs the handcuffs from her belt. "Don't worry, miss. I'll take good care of you." Chaewon smirks.

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