003, "Hangover Haze."

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- Minju's POV -

"Oh my god.. my head.." i murmured as I tried to move my limbs but then I noticed something wasn't right. My body is sore as I try to sit up,  and I can't remember what happened. The only thing I remember is going to Yujin's party and then..

My head begins to pound and I close my eyes trying to calm the pain that was increasing by each second. God what was I doing last night..? My body feels like it has been run over by a car or something. I sat up, and my butt hurts too. Did I get drunk last night and go home with someone?  That can't be right, Hyunjin would've never allow me to do something like that.

I can't remember anything clearly.. But I can't stay like this all day, so I try to stand up and slowly get out of the bed, but my legs can barely hold my weight. Someone must've fucked me right? Or else I got so drunk that I passed out on the way home..

I hold onto the dresser beside me as I try to walk, I step out of the bedroom and see a black leather jacket on the table. It's Hyunjin's. Did he come over last night? Ugh I don't want him to be here.."H-Hyunjin..." I call out weakly, looking around the room.

"Hyunjin, are you here? H-Hyunjin?" I asked again, trying to stay focused, it's too difficult. My head is throbbing and I'm still feeling dizzy, what the hell happened to me? "What's up babe?" A deep voice asks from behind me, making me turn around, and then I saw him.

It's so gross to hear him call me that after how many times I've caught him cheating on me. But what can I even do about it? My parents love him, so if I complain they'll be angry at me..  "Hyunjin, why are you here? I'm sorry that I came home so late.. I-I didn't mean to stay out for so long.." I'm struggling to form sentences with how bad my headache is.

He sits down and gives me his signature smirk, he puts his arm on the back of my chair. "I missed you." He says and I just stare at him in disbelief. "Where were you last night? You weren't home when I came to pick you up." He asked and I looked at him, not sure of how to respond.

"I... I went out.." I murmured, looking at him. "With who?" His voice sounded threatening, and I just shrug. I don't want him to get angry, so I just stay quiet. "Don't lie to me, Minju, you better tell me."

"Hyunjin, I can't remember. I just remember going to that party... and that's it. I don't know anything else." I reply, I don't know if I'm telling the truth or not.

"Do you think you'll go out drinking like that ever again? What did I tell you? You can't drink at parties like that anymore. And you can't drink any alcohol without my permission. Do you understand?" I stay quiet, looking down at the floor, not sure of how I should respond. "Answer me."

"But Hyunjin, I was at my friends party and I couldn't decline.." I mutter. He suddenly grabs my face and I gasp softly. "I said answer me. Don't you understand that I'm only doing this for you? You don't know what would happen to you if you continue doing that shit." He said, his grip tightening on my cheeks.

"I... I-I know.." I whispered, not wanting him to hurt me more than this. "You're really lucky that I'm a patient guy, otherwise I'd be hitting you right now, you don't have to lie to me Minju. I know that you're drinking again." Hit me? But why would he do that to his girlfriend? He shouldn't hit me. "I-I'm not lying, I swear.. I've been so good all this time... You know I wouldn't do this to you..."

"I heard from your parents that a cop drove you home last night. You were so drunk, you couldn't even get in the car. Did that cop fuck you or something?" He asked, glaring at me, waiting for an answer.

"No? Why would a cop fuck me? Plus, I don't remember anything from last night, why are you asking me that?"

He looks at me and sighs, letting go of my cheeks. "Don't lie to me, you can't remember because you fucked him, right? You slut. I bet you didn't even remember what he looked like, you just took off your pants and let him do anything to you." He said, looking at me.

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