013, "Morning Tenderness."

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- Chaewon's POV -

Minju was still asleep when the sun came up, her body covered in marks and bruises, her thighs slick with her juices and cum. I laid in the bed next to her, my arms wrapped around the younger girl, my fingers playing with her hair.

Minju groaned, and her eyes opened, her gaze locking on mine. "Mmm, hey.." She whispered, her hand touching my face. "Hey, how do you feel?"
"Sore. You're not gentle at all." She teased, and I smirked, kissing her nose. "Sorry, baby." I cooed, and I stroked her cheek, my fingers grazing her lips.

"You were pretty rough, but, I liked it." She admitted, her cheeks reddening, and her eyes darting away. "You were amazing, Minju." I smiled, and I kissed her softly, my tongue running over her bottom lip. "Mmmmhhhh..." Minju hums raspily her voice still full of sleep.

My hands run up and down her sides, and I kiss her neck, my tongue tracing her pulse point. "Mmm... That feels good." She sighs, and her body trembles, her skin warm against my cool fingertips.
"Yeah.." I whisper, my eyes darkening, and my fangs growing. "Can I drink your blood, baby?" I ask, and she nods, her neck tilting to the side.

"Please, Chaewon-ah." She breathes, and her hand moves to the back of my head, pushing me closer. "Oh, fuck." I curse, and my lips press against her neck, my teeth sinking into her flesh, and her sweet, sweet blood flooding my mouth.

"O-oohh." She moans, her fingers gripping my hair, and her body tensing. I drink from her for a while, and then pull away, licking my lips. "Mmmm.." I sigh, and I lay down next to her, pulling her into my arms.

"Minju-ah. Are you hungry?" I ask, and she shakes her head. "Nope, I'm fine. Thanks." I smile, and I kiss her forehead, my arms wrapping around her.  "You're welcome."

"I'm so sore though, you need to carry me everywhere." She jokes, and I chuckle, shaking my head. "I don't think so, baby."

"Aw, come on, Chae. Please?" She pouts, and her eyes grow wide. "No." I reply, and she huffs, crossing her arms. "Fine. Then, I'll just walk around naked, and make you stare at my ass." I gaped at her, and she laughed, her hand resting on my cheek.

"You're such a brat." I mutter, and she grins, kissing my lips. "So? What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing, you're perfect." I sigh, and I lean into her, her soft skin against mine, and her heart beating. "You're so warm.." I murmured against her ear. "And so pretty.."

I hope that asshole of a boyfriend won't bother her anymore.. Well he won't be able to as long as she's with me. I yawn, stretching my limbs out as I stare at her intensely. She blushes, staring back at me with the same intensity but she looks more shocked than anything.

"You know, you can be really creepy." She says, and I smirk, raising my eyebrows. "Creepy? Really? How about sexy?" I counter, and she bites her lip, shaking her head. . "I mean, yes. But you can also be creepy. Especially when you stare at me like that."

"Hmmm.." I hum, and I kiss her chin, my fingers grazing her cheek. "Maybe I just love looking at you, and can't help myself." I say, and she blushes, her face turning red. "Oh.." She breathes, and her hands cup my cheeks.

"I love looking at you, too." She whispers, her eyes shining, and her lips curling into a smile.
"Good. Because, I want to look at you all day, every day." I grin, and I lean forward, kissing her lips. "Me too." She says, and her lips find mine again, her hand tangling in my hair. "But, first we need to get out of bed."

Ruthless Officer - {Chaewon + Minju}Where stories live. Discover now