004, "After School Rendezvous."

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- Chaewon's POV -

"YOU FUCKED KIM MINJU!?" Yena exclaims, putting down the book she was holding. I roll my eyes, sighing as she starts shouting. I look at her from my bed and say, "Shh... Do you wanna get in trouble? Can't you just shut up? We have to get ready for school, we can't be shouting at each other in my room." I murmured.

She frowns at me and says, "First of all, you were the one who fucked her! Second of all, how is that even possible?" Yunjin then chimes in, "Right I don't understand how that's possible she has a boyfriend, she's popular, pretty, and has a good personality. She wouldn't fuck just anyone! Especially not a vampire as low and boring as Chaewon!"

I sigh, trying to sleep but they won't stop talking about this. And since when was I low and boring. "You know what? Fuck you both." I said, turning away from them. "Why does it matter so much? Maybe you two are just jealous that someone wants to get laid by me." I murmured trying to avoid any more irrelevant conversations with these two idiots.

I was just tired from the amount of talking that's happened to me today. I woke up in the middle of the night, only to have my roommate wake me up again about my previous sexual encounter with Kim Minju. God, they're both so annoying. And then I wake up in the morning and Yena's suddenly here?

"Chaewon, it matters so much because... it's just such a scandal. This is scandalous! Minju has a boyfriend. What if Hyunjin finds out? You fucked his girlfriend. They're the greatest couple in our school and they have the most popular status in our college."

Yunjin says and I roll my eyes, turning back to the two of them, "Well if you don't shut up I'm going to kill both of you. I'm tired."

Yunjin groans in annoyance and says, "Ugh... don't be a fucking baby Won. Just let us talk about this. You're going to see her at school anyways, you just have to apologize and tell her that it was an accident. She won't tell anyone about this if you just apologize." I scoffed I don't want to apologize for something that wasn't even my fault.

"Why would I do that? I'm not going to apologize, can both of you just shut your damn mouths before I shove my shoe down your throats?" I said, sitting up, and glaring at them. "Fine.. If you don't want to apologize then you're just going to get yourself into trouble. Plus we have to get ready in an hour." Yunjin says.

I roll my eyes in annoyance, turning away from her again, I don't know why but the thought of apologizing to her just makes me angry. "How did you even fuck her? Did you fuck her good? Was she sobbing? Or was it rough? What position did you have her in? I need to know!" Yena asks excitedly.

"Stop, you two are annoying, I'm trying to sleep. You damn perverted humans." I muttered. "Bro.. Tell us.." Yena says, "Fine... but don't get mad when I say this..." I muttered.

"I had her in the back seat of my police car. She was half naked, I spanked her ass and made her beg for me. I also fucked her with my fingers and she moaned so loud. I bet her boyfriend heard her, if he doesn't know she has a good ass, he's stupid and he deserves to get cheated on. It was so hot. And then, when she came, she begged me not to stop. I was so fucking horny and it turned me on so much to see her in such a vulnerable state." I smirk.

"DAMN. You fucked a girl while you were driving. That's so hot! I'm so jealous, I wish I could fuck a girl while driving." Yena exclaims, "Ask Yuri, she could help you out." Yunjin adds.

"She was drunk and begging for me to fuck her so desperately. She was so fucking hot. Her moans were so lewd that it got me so fucking turned on. Her ass was so pink and round, and it was so smooth." I said trying to make it sound as erotic as possible, looking at them as they listen to me with such intense looks on their faces.

Ruthless Officer - {Chaewon + Minju}Where stories live. Discover now