002, "After-Hours Escapades."

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- Readers POV -

Chaewon unlocks the door to her shared dormitory and steps inside. She takes her duty belt off and puts it away in her bedroom before taking her leather jacket off. She places it on one of the hangers and walks out of the bedroom and into the living room.

Minju is still sleeping, laying on the sofa.
She sits down next to the girl and shakes her shoulder. "Hey, wake up." Chaewon says but she doesn't get a response. The vampire frowns, "Kim Minju, wake up." Chaewon says again, shaking her shoulder once more.

"Wake up, or I'll take your blood and you'll never wake up." Chaewon says, looking at Minju's face. Her lips were plump and so perfect, she really wanted to bite them, just to see what they tasted like. She took another look at the woman's face, she was really beautiful. "A-ahh... Huh... Wh-What?" Minju groans and slowly sits up.

'It worked.' Chaewon smirks, 'Finally.' She thought as the human sits up. She stretches and yawns, rubbing her eyes. "Oh my god, what happened? Where am I-" Minju looks around before noticing that she's sitting on the sofa. "Oh..." She mumbled as she looks at Chaewon who is just watching her.

Minju turns back to her. "... Wh-what happened?" She asks. "You fell asleep."
Chaewon says, making the girl sigh in relief. "I have to go home. My parents are going to kill me." She murmurs, standing up. "Kim Minju, wait." Chaewon says.

The woman turns back to the vampire and tilts her head. "Yes, officer?" She asks. "You're still drunk, you can't drive." Chaewon states seriously. Minju nods, "Oh right, yeah I can't... What should I do?" The woman asked.

Chaewon stands up and steps in front of Minju. She slowly looks the girl up and down before licking her lips. "I'll take you home." She says, grabbing Minju's waist and pulling the girl closer.

"O-oh thank you officer, but my house isn't far... I mean, I can get home from here. I really should go though... My parents-" Chaewon interrupts her.

"I don't think you should drive like that. Just get in the car and I'll take you home." Chaewon said, looking at the woman. She seems hesitant, so Chaewon leans closer and whispers in the woman's ear. "You should do as your officer tells you." Chaewon said, giving the girl a knowing smirk. Minju's cheeks turn red at the comment and she nods.

She clears her throat and they make their way to the door. Chaewon unlocks it and then steps out.
"Get in the passenger seat." Chaewon says, motioning towards the Mercedes. Minju walks over to it, walking slowly as she tries to stay awake.

She gets in the passenger seat and sighs as she leans back against the chair. "Seatbelt." Chaewon said, watching the woman. Minju slowly unbuckles it and Chaewon puts her belt on, starting the engine. "Okay, what's your address? I don't know this part of town very well." Chaewon asks.

Minju sits up and turns to the vampire. "Oh, um, we'll it's not far away... it's really close." She murmurs. Chaewon nods and glances at the woman before looking at the road again. "Is that so?"

"Yeah.. Um, so it's just down this street..." Minji grows nervous and starts looking around. She slowly moves closer to the vampire and turns to look at Chaewon. "Can you... uh.. can you drive a little slower please?" She asks shyly, biting her lip.

"Don't worry, miss, I'm an officer and a driver. I know how to drive safely so don't tell me to slow down , cause I won't listen." She replies. Minju pouts but nods. "Okay, okay. Sorry." She said and moves away. "Are you really a police officer?" She asks after a moment of silence.

Ruthless Officer - {Chaewon + Minju}Where stories live. Discover now