006, "Hearts in Disarray."

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- Reader's POV -

Minju sighs as she feels so incredibly tired and drained from Chaewon assaulting each one of her holes last night, even her mouth and backside. She could still feel the ache in her lower back, even when doing something so simple as sitting down. She whines as she rubs her sore lower back and lets out a dramatic whine, which caught the attention of her roommate.

"Unnie, what were you doing yesterday? You seem so worn out!" Wonyoung questions a hint of curiosity in her tone. "I..." Minju blushes as she looks down, not sure how to tell her friend that she was with Chaewon last night, and that Chaewon did unspeakable things to her.

"I... Was just...-" Wonyoung gasps, "Did you and Hyunjin finally 'do it'!?" She exclaims, bouncing up and down with a huge smile on her face. "N-no.. I just... We didn't. He didn't even come over last night." She lies. Wonyoung frowns and tilts her head. "Then... Did you meet up with that officer? Did you two do it again?" She asked and Minju's eyes widened.

"Which officer? I wasn't with any officers last night." She lied, feeling guilty that she was lying to her friend about meeting up with Chaewon again, but she knew if she told Wonyoung that she was with Chaewon that she'll blow a fuse.

"Huh, but you told me about two days ago that a nice looking officer pulled you over and you two fucked, then she even dropped you off at home." She said with a shrug. Minju froze, "Wait what?"

"Yeah, you were talking in your sleep. I think you had a dream about her." She said. "You have to be joking.. I would never...- I'd never fuck a cop." She said with a scoff. "So, I was just dreaming then." Wonyoung shakes her head and waves her off, "I don't know, it was weird. You were talking about being called 'Miss Kim' and how you were getting fucked by a police officer and-"

Minju covered Wonyoung's mouth, "What!?" Wonyoung nods and removes Minju's hand from her mouth. "Yeah, it's true. I was really confused by that and you said something along the lines 'I got a big huge coc-"

Minju quickly covers her mouth again and glares at the younger girl. "Wonyoung! That's really fucked up, don't say such things." She scolded as she removed her hand from her mouth and Wonyoung shrugged.

"You were the one talking in your sleep and saying all of that. You also said something even more vulgar than that. You said 'Officer Chaewon's cock is so fucking huge. It fills my pussy up so much. I love Officer Chaewon's big fat cock so much. I want it inside of me everyday, all day everyday, please, I need it. And I kid you not you said those words with a straight face."

Minju was quiet as she looked at the girl. She was stunned by what Wonyoung had said. There was no way that she could have been dreaming. Minju buried her face into the pillow, "This is so embarrassing..!" she whines.

"I already know how you and Hyunjin rarely get along but wow! I didn't think it would be that bad for you to even do it with an officer. What did you do?" Wonyoung asked and Minju was still quiet.

"Unnie... Please tell me the truth. What did you do with that officer? What did you do with her?" She asked. "I..." Minju stopped, not wanting to say anything, and she was going to try to avoid the topic until Wonyoung yelled at her. "Minju, I'm not playing around with you!"

"Ugh! You shouldn't be asking me anything, you don't even know her!" She said with a frown. "I do, though." Wonyoung said with a small grin on her face and Minju glared at her. "What do you mean you do?"

"It's Kim Chaewon, right? She goes to our college. She's the quiet type and doesn't really talk much." Wonyoung said. Minju was quiet.

"So, tell me unnie." Wonyoung said, wanting to get an answer from her roommate. Minju let out a big sigh, "We're just friends, alright? Stop asking so many questions. It was just one time. She just... She just took me on a ride that's all." She lied. Once more. "Then why does it seem like you want to mate with her?" Wonyoung asked.

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