011, "Healing Touch."

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- Reader's POV -

Chaewon's eyebrows knitted together as she held the steering wheel tightly. "He hit you? Why? What did he do to you, Minju?"

"I-I don't want to talk about it.." Minju mumbled, staring down at her lap. "Hey, hey. Look at me. Are you okay?" Chaewon asks. Minju doesn't say anything, she just stares down, tears falling down her cheeks.

"I'm fine." She says her voice breaking down, her bottom lip quivering, and her eyes watering. "You don't look fine, Minju."

"I am. It doesn't matter. He didn't mean to."

"Didn't mean to? The hell he didn't. He beat you. He hurt you. He made you cry. Of course he meant to. He's an abusive piece of shit, and you deserve so much better." Chaewon growls, her hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. "I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make you angry."

"I'm not angry, Minju. I'm not angry. But I am pissed. Why would he do that? Why would he hurt you? It's not right." Chaewon says, her voice filled with disgust and she looks over at Minju, and her heart breaks.

Minju has tears streaming down her face, and she looks so sad, and defeated. "Minju, don't cry. It's okay. Everything's okay."

"Everything's not okay. I'm not okay, Chaewon. He was so violent.."

"Violent? What did he do?"

"He slapped me, and then he hit me, and then he choked me. And then he said he was gonna beat the shit out of me, and he said he was gonna kill you." Minju's voice was shaking and her breathing was ragged, her eyes red, and puffy.

Chaewon grits her teeth, her grip on the steering wheel tightening, her knuckles turning white. "That fucker." She curses under her breath. Minju sniffles, and wipes her eyes, her cheeks wet. "I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have bothered you. I shouldn't have-"

"Shut up. It's not your fault, Minju." Chaewon cuts her off, her voice firm. Minju bites her lip and looks down, her hands clenched into fists. "Are you okay, Minju? Are you hurt?"

"A little. My stomach hurts.." Minju whispers. Chaewon reaches out, and grabs her hand. "Here. Let me take a look at it." She says softly, and Minju nods her head, her face burning. Chaewon pulls the car over, and she looks over at Minju, her expression concerned. "Minju.."


"Are you alright? Is your stomach okay?"

"Yeah.. Yeah, I'm okay." Minju replies. Chaewon reaches over and puts her hand on her cheek, her fingers tracing the outline of the bruise forming on her skin. "This is bad.." She mumbles. Minju blushes and she turns away, her eyes averted. "Sorry.."

"Stop apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong." Chaewon says, her voice soft. Minju bites her lip and looks down, her cheeks red. "I'm sorry.." She mutters.

"Stop." Chaewon says sternly, and Minju flinches, her heart skipping a beat. Her body stiffens, and her breathing is shallow, her hands trembling.

"Minju, calm down." Chaewon's voice is gentle, and her touch is soothing, her fingers stroking her cheek. Minju closes her eyes and exhales deeply, her heart rate slowing. "I-I'm fine.. It's fine. I'm not scared of you."

"Good. Because I'm not gonna hurt you." Chaewon reassures her, her voice soothing, and calm. "I know.." Minju murmurs, her eyelids heavy. Chaewon's heart melts, and she smiles.

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