008, "Making Love All Day." {M}

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- Reader's POV -

Thanks to Yunjin, Chaewon was able to borrow her significantly big house car that was completely empty, she said she was going to have a party and that she would fill up the car with the people she invited, but she was lying to her, not wanting anyone to see the two inside of the car. Minju's lying on her back on the house car's bed with Chaewon hovering over her, kissing her lips roughly, she lets out a soft moan and Chaewon just smirks.

"You like it when I kiss you?" Chaewon asked, her fingers intertwined with Minju's and she gives her a little squeeze, "I'll make sure you get used to it." She said as she moved down from her lips, moving down to her jaw and her neck.

Minju let out another moan, her back arching slightly, Chaewon's hand going up the front of her shirt and feeling her soft and milky skin. Chaewon kisses Minju's neck, sucking and nipping it and the younger girl was letting out breathy moans.

Chaewon moves further down to her chest, taking her bra off and she licks her lips looking down at the mounds displayed before her. "Ah-!" Minju's body jumps a little, as Chaewon moves lower and lower down, taking her black bra off completely and taking one of Minju's breasts into her mouth.

"Are you sure we can do it in here? Wont your friend be mad at you or something?" Minju asked as she looks up at her with lust-filled eyes, panting as she watches Chaewon play with her breasts.

"Well, we can't really do it anywhere else but in here.. Right?" She asks with a smirk and Minju bites her lip. "I guess..." She says and Chaewon shakes her head. "Don't be shy.. Just relax baby, I'm gonna make sure you forget about him." She says as she places kisses on her stomach.

Minju was feeling embarrassed, she was wearing sexy lingerie and Chaewon kept kissing her along with some stockings she had on, she didn't want to wear it but Chaewon told her that she looked good and she did. It was black, her panties were black and so were her stockings. She had a black lacy bra on which had been tossed away by Chaewon and a garter belt for Chaewon to pull on. She was feeling shy but at the same time she was excited for what was to come.

Chaewon continued kissing down Minju's body, making her way to her panties, "No need to be embarrassed now.. You're already so wet for me.." She says as she traces Minju's slit through her panties. Minju just blushes and watches her, as Chaewon moves her underwear to the side, placing her hand on her pussy, rubbing it, feeling how wet it was.

"Ahh-unnie!~" She moaned out as Chaewon's finger rubbed against her clit, she felt herself growing more wet, a hot blush coming onto her cheeks, her thighs and legs quivering. Chaewon looked up at her and Minju bit her lip, trying to hold back a moan that was about to escape her lips.

Chaewon just smirked and got off of her, moving down to Minju's lower body, spreading her legs apart, opening them wide so she can see everything.

"Fuck..." Chaewon said under her breath as she looked down at Minju's pussy. "So cute.. And all mine." She says and Minju whimpers as Chaewon dips her finger into her, pulling a moan out of the younger girl. She pulls her finger out and attacks Minju's breast with her mouth, making the younger girl moan out loud.

"Oh fuck-unnie, mmm~" Chaewon pokes Minju's slit with the tip of her finger and she gasps. Chaewon chuckles and moves her finger away from Minju's slit, circling it around Minju's entrance instead. Minju's toes curled and she felt a shiver go down her spine, she gasped and arched her back a little.

Chaewon feels her own arousal growing, her cock getting harder, but she ignores it. The pink flesh before her, is too good to pass up. She wanted to take her time, to slowly pleasure Minju. She had done this a few times before, it wasn't her first time but it was her first time with Minju, and it was much different than with the others.

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