007, "Claimed by Her."

463 35 3

- Minju's POV -

God, I am so tired! I groaned almost feeling like I was drowning in exhaustion and fatigue. I felt like I was going to collapse from the amount of work I had to do today, all thanks to my professors. "Minju?" Hyunjin asked as he walked up to me. Someone save me.. Not him again I can't bear it. Why does he always seem to show up when I'm totally drained and on the verge of collapsing?

"Hey babe," He wraps his arms around me and kisses me softly. "I've missed you so much. Why haven't you been answering my calls?" He asked. Well duh, I don't like you so I don't feel like talking to you. But I can't just say that to his face, so I just kept it to myself. I shrugged and just smiled.

"You didn't have to come all the way over here just to ask me that, Hyunjin.." I backed up a little, wanting him to let me go but he just pulled me closer. "Well yeah I do. I wanted to see you, and it's been three days since you last talked to me. That's too long for a guy to be without his girlfriend." He said, placing his hands on my waist. Gross.. I thought to myself.

"It's not like we've never gone that long without seeing each other." I said, hoping that he would let me go. I don't like being this close to this man. I just want to leave, I want to go home and lay in my bed. "Well... Yeah, I guess. But this feels different. I wanted to see you more, to talk to you, to hang out."

He continued talking but something else caught my attention almost immediately. I looked to the side and I saw her. Chaewon. I gulped feeling my heartbeat picking up and my cheeks flush. Fuck.. This is so embarrassing. I didn't know how to react seeing Chaewon standing there, but my mind was telling me that I needed to say something, to acknowledge her.

"Hey babe, you okay?" But I can't.. Not when he's here. Biting my lip, my eyebrows furrow. "Minju-ah... Can you say something? I'm not just talking to myself, right?" He asked with a chuckle. I can't look at her. I can't. He'll see it and he'll find out about what Chaewon and I have been doing for the past few days.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry." I said, my voice a little shaky. "What's wrong? You're acting strange, is there something bothering you?" He asks.
I gulped and tried to shake my head,  "Minju, just tell me what's wrong." Hyunjin said with a frown, placing his hand on my shoulder and trying to look at me but I turned my head to the side.

"There's really nothing wrong. You shouldn't worry about it." I murmured. He's so annoying. I just want him to leave so I can see her. Chaewon has a small grin on her face and smirked at me and I just blushed and looked down. I wanted to get his hands off me and I wanted to go over and talk to her but I didn't know what I was going to say. I had no idea what to do, and he just kept talking but all I could think about was, Chaewon.

"Minju, talk to me. What's on your mind?" Hyunjin asked and I just sighed. "I'm not feeling so well today, I don't really feel like talking about anything right now.  You can just leave."

Hyunjin looked at me and I just stood there not sure how to respond to that. He sighed and let go of me, "Fine. You should just tell me if something is bothering you, you know I always listen." I watched from the corner of my eye as Chaewon made her way out of our school building and towards the parking lot..

"I'll get going, Minju. Take care." Hyunjin says.
I sighed with relief, not wanting him to be around me anymore. I left the school building and started walking towards my car, it's just a few meters away. But as soon as I got to my car.. I saw Chaewon standing in front of it, leaning her back against my car with her hands in her sweatpant pockets.

I gulped as I approached the older girl. I didn't say anything as I approached her, she just had a smirk on her face, "Hey." She said as I stopped in front of her. "Chaewon.. What are you doing in front of my car? I haven't seen you since last night." I said as I got close to her, feeling myself becoming hot and flustered.

"I wanted to see you, you know? But I see that you're busy." She said with a small pout on her face. "With him." She said with a small scoff. "Yeah, I can't do much about it so-" She cups my face and I froze, not knowing how to respond.

"He's been bugging you for a while now, right?" She asked. "Yeah... It's getting a little annoying but I can't really tell him off, he's my boyfriend and-" She pulls me closer smashing her lips against mine. "Mfffhh.. Chaewon unni-"

She just kept kissing me, placing her hands on my hips and I couldn't stop her. Her tongue forced its way into my mouth and I had no choice but to let it happen. I moaned and she smirked, biting my bottom lip and tugging on it with her teeth. She continues kissing me, roughly assaulting my mouth, causing me to sigh and then pushing her tongue forcefully into my mouth.

I whined, closing my eyes a little, feeling a little embarrassed that Hyunjin could come out of nowhere and see us. "Chaewon un-unnie..." I tried to push her away from me, but she didn't even budge, she kept kissing me and she just wouldn't let me go holding my face in place.

"Mmff... Ch-Chaewon." I tried again but she just didn't pay any attention to me, she just kept kissing me, biting my bottom lip and she even nipped my lip a little bit. Her hands moved to my waist, later making their way to my ass and groping it roughly, pulling me closer to her.

I moaned out loud and she continued to knead my ass with her  hands, moving them up and down. I was a blushing, panting mess right now. I tried to pull back from her kiss, I really did, but she just kept me there, keeping me in her grasp, and holding me against her, so I just sighed and let it happen.

I could barely breathe as she stubbornly continued to assault my lips and I let out a shaky moan as she gripped my ass tightly. Pda.. She was really being so aggressive with me today.

"Unnie.. Mmm." I moaned as she sucked on my neck. She went back to my lips and crashed them against hers causing me to breathe heavily as soon as she pulled away. I slapped her arm as soon as she pulled away from me, "What do you think you're doing?" I asked as I took a deep breath and she just smirked, looking me dead in the eyes.

"I'm showing him, that you're mine. You're not his, you're mine." She said and I frowned, "But you can't just-"

"No, I can't just do this." She said as she lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around her waist, letting out a gasp. "Chaewon! What the- Where's the car keys?" I asked. She smirked as she looked up at me, her arms securely wrapped around my thighs.

"Right here, baby." She said, spinning them on her index finger, showing me the keys. I gasped as I felt something poking against me. "U-unnie, where did your-" She placed her index finger over my lips, hushing me.

I couldn't help but get even more excited by the thought of being in such a predicament right now, and in front of the school, where anyone could just walk out and see us. "I have a special place for us to do it at.. Thanks to Yunjin."

"Do it?" I breathed out, "Chaewon you're confusing me with a dog again.. Let me go, please. Someone might walk out here and see us and then-"

She pushed me against the car, trapping me between her body and the vehicle and I let out a moan, feeling her bulge poking me through the material of her pants and my skirt. "Oh- unnie.. Mmm-" I whimpered as she pushed me harder against the car, making it so I was laying on it.

"No one's going to see us. We're not doing it here .. Don't worry I'm gonna fuck you good and hard. I'll make you forget all about Hyunjin. He doesn't deserve to be with you if he makes you feel bad."

"Just wait.. I'll make sure you won't be able to walk for weeks this time. I promise. " I gasped as she took the chance to attack my neck again and I just felt like melting.

"I'll dumbificate your little body. You'll be able to think of nothing other than me, you won't be able to stand for a week, you won't be able to sit, you won't be able to move. " She breathed out and I panted, feeling myself becoming so wet and hot.


AND NO SMUT FOR YALL IN THIS CHAPTER MOAHAHAHAHA 😈😈 wait for the next one the next chapters gonna be hella kinky 😓

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