012, "Appetite for More." {M}

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- Reader's POV -

After eating, Minju is in Chaewon's lap, her face buried in her neck, and her arms wrapped around her waist. "How do you feel, Minju-ah?" Chaewon asks, running her hand through Minju's hair. "Horny.. I need your cock in me now.."

"Be patient, Minju-ah.."

"Noooo. Fuck me pleaseee.."

"If you're a good girl, and stop whining, maybe I will." The vampire whispers in Minju's ear, and the latter whimpers, her thighs rubbing together. "Fine.. I'll be a good girl.."

"I knew you would.." Chaewon's hands travel down her back, and she grabs her ass, squeezing the firm flesh. "Fuck.." Minju bites her lip, and she rolls her hips, her arousal growing. "Mmm.. Chaewon-ah.. Let me suck your cock.." She whines.

"So demanding.." Chaewon teases, her fingers slipping into Minju's panties, her digits sliding through her slick folds. "I just want you to fuck my throat, and cum in my mouth.. I wanna taste your hot cum.."

"You're so fucking dirty, Minju. I love it.."

"Then shut up and let me suck your dick, you stupid vampire.." Chaewon chuckles, and she pushes two fingers inside of Minju's wet pussy.
"I'm not stupid. I'm very smart." Minju whines loudly as soon as Chaewon's finger penetrates her dripping wet hole.

"Prove it.." She breathes out, her eyes hazy with lust, her cheeks flushed, and her bottom lip swollen from being bitten. "You don't want me to do that, baby. I'll show you how stupid I am."

Chaewon growls, and she grabs Minju's hair, yanking her head back, and forcing her to look up at her. "Mmm, fuck.. That's so hot.." Minju whimpers, and she wraps her arms around the vampire's neck, pulling her close, her lips brushing against hers.

"I wanna cum. Fuckkk... So bad.. Chaewon.. Make me cum.." Minju moans, her hips rolling, and her pussy clenching around Chaewon's fingers.
"Fuckkk.." Chaewon curses, and she pushes her fingers deeper into Minju's cunt, her thumb rubbing her clit.

"Cum for me, baby." Chaewon breathes, her teeth nipping at Minju's bottom lip, her fangs grazing her skin. "Fuck yes.. Fuck, Chae.. F-fuckkkk..." Minju cries out, her orgasm washing over her, and her legs shaking, her hips bucking, and her eyes rolling back, her mouth open, and her breathing ragged.

"Mmm, good girl." Chaewon purrs and Minju whimpers, her body trembling, and her cheeks red.
"That felt good.. But, will you be my bad girl now and fuck my throat now?" Minju asks, her voice quiet, and her eyes pleading. "Mmm.. Yeah. Get down on your knees. Now." Chaewon orders, her eyes flashing red.

"Yes ma'am." Minju obeys, and she slides down to the floor, getting on her knees, and looking up at the vampire licking her lips. "Mmm, you're such a slut."

"Only for you, mistress." Minju grins, her fingers playing with the waistband of the vampire's boxers.
"Don't call me mistress. It's weird."

"Fine. Can I suck your cock, Chae-Chae?" Minju asks, her tone teasing. "Of course you can, baby. I'll even help you out." Chaewon smiles, and she tugs her boxers down, her erection springing free, and slapping against her stomach. Minju doesn't hesitate one bit, and immediately takes Chaewon's hard and girthy length into her mouth.

"Holy shit." Chaewon curses, and she bites her lip, her fangs digging into her flesh, drawing blood.
Minju's eyes flutter shut, and she moans around Chaewon's cock, the taste of her cum coating her tongue. "Damn, Minju." Chaewon groans, and she thrusts her hips, her cock hitting the back of Minju's throat.

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