A bad beginning

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"Y/n Curits! Get out of bed. It's time for school" Darry called. As usual, I was going to be late. It was the second week of school and only one day went by that I made it on time. What was the point of even going. I had no friends accept this girl named Olivia. Or at least we used to be friends. This year we stopped being friends after something she did last summer. That means I had to stick around my brother Ponyboy. Ponyboy got mad at me quite often because I would always make us late to school. Sometimes he would end up just walking there on his own. Sure I felt bad but his teachers forgave him for being late. They never forgave me. 

I never did real well in school either. I occasionally got a few B's but I was mainly a C and D student. Pony tried to help me but I'm just not smart enough.

I got out of bed and looked through my closet deciding what to wear. I sleep in my brother Sodapop's old room. He moved out of it so he could sleep with Pony. Never told me why. They don't tell me about much. I feel kinda left out. But I wouldn't let it show. It was hurt them. 

In my closet I saw a black cropped top, some jeans, and I leather jacket. I put it on deciding I should get ready for school so I don't make Darry and Pony more upset. My jacket was a bit torn up but I didn't have anything else. And it was cold outside. No way I'm forgetting a jacket again. I forgot it last time and was freezing the whole way there. Pony wouldn't even let me borrow his.

Darry had breakfast ready and I started eating. Pony had already finished so he stood there by the door waiting for me to finish. He was starting to get on my nerves. "Ponyyyyy won't you just stop staring at me? I'm eating." Of course pony replied by saying "you wouldn't be eating right now if you woke up earlier" I rolled my eyes at that comment. Just then Soda went out the door and left for work at the DX. He didn't even say by. He just slammed the door and left. It was unusual. He was usually in such a good mood. Maybe I should talk to him after school. He would never open up to me though. Even though we're twins. Only to Ponyboy.


When I got to school I started heading to my locker to grab my English notebook. What a great way to start the day. The second worst class. (after math ofc) I grabbed my notes and headed to the bathroom before class. I was already late. Why not stall for a few more minutes. I went into a stall and then heard a few other girls walk in. I looked through the crack to see who they were but I couldn't make it out. All I could see where their shoes. The first girl with black flats and the other with converse. I could hear them talking loudly. They probably didn't know I was in the stall. "Yeah she's so ugly and she's never had a boyfriend" said the first girl. "What really? Never? Probably because she's never at school" said the other girl. Then it hit me.

They were talking about me.

Once I heard them leave, I went to English class. I sat in the last empty seat. It was next to my own brother Ponyboy Curtis. He was in MY CLASS because he just had to be smart and move up 2 grades. "Y/n what took you so long?!!" "Nothing Pony. I just had to go to the bathroom that's all" 

Our English teacher Mrs. Smith said we had to do a partner book report. Pony didn't want to be with me. Probably because I'm stupid. I got partnered up with some soc boy Duncan. Oh god. This was gonna be a treat.

Duncan came over and began to speak up. Probably about to complain about getting put with a dumbass greaser like me. "H-hey listen... sorry we are partners. I-i-. Just don't hurt me." He said. This boy seemed genuinely scared. He was supposed to be a bratty soc. Hell, he was Randy Anderson's cousin! "I wasn't gonna hurt you Duncan. But I sure wasn't gonna do this project either" he looked a bit relived but also nervous at the same time. "Yeah it's a stupid one huh. I can just do it" he said. "NO" I blurted out. He looked confused. "sorry what I meant was that my brother would be disappointed if I took credit for some soc boy. He likes learning or something" he spoke up again even though it looked like he was so nervous to talk "alright. Want to meet up at my house after school tomorrow? It's on the South side. My parents won't be home though." I managed to let out a "sure" even though I wasn't excited about going to the south side. It would only be my second time. 


After school me and Ponyboy walked home together. "y/n, I saw that you and Duncan were partnered up. Did he try to hurt you? was he mean?" "Pony I'm your older sister, Don't worry about me. Besides, Duncan's nice. He invited me over tomorrow". 

 "please be careful" said pony.

We eventually reached our home. I assumed that the whole gang would be there. That meant me going to my room. I was in there a lot. The gang never really talked to me and it felt awkward. The only members I talked to were my brothers and two-bit. Only from school though.

Sure enough the whole gang was there when I came in. "HORSEMAN IS BACK" Yelled Steve. I was heading up to my room when Soda grabbed my arm. It caught me by surprise. "hey y/n. Stay down here would ya? We'll be having dinner soon anyways. The gang is staying." Great. That means an awkward time and an awkward dinner. How upsetting. I decided I'd go to the bathroom to get a minute of alone time. "where do you think your going?" Soda said playfully. "To the bathroom?! Or can I not go there either" I said. 

As I came out of the bathroom, I bumped into Dallas Winston. Of course I did. My dumbass bumped into the mean one. "Hey! Watch were your going man" 

"s-sorry" I said. "Oh did I scare you doll?" He said while smirking. "No. Just made me wanna throw up because I had to see your face." I said not thinking. "Oh? Is that why you hide away all day. And you have terrible comebacks by the way"

That boy annoyed the crap out of me and I hardly ever spoke to him. I went back down to my brothers and Darry was getting ready for dinner.

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