I'm so sorry

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A/n: sorry in advance. Just trust me on this though. Sorry not sorry.

I was still in that alleyway with Dallas Winston. This time it meant something different though. I was his girl. "We are keeping this a secret from the gang to be clear. I'm not looking forward to confirming their suspicions." I said.

"Mhm. We should get back there though. You've been gone a lot lately."

"Yeah. Wanna come with me?"

"Sure why not. I'd like to see Johnnycakes anyways."

Me and Dallas walked back to my house. We didn't do so much as look at each other on the way back. I didn't want to start another argument especially considering how good things were going with us. So I stayed silent. We got home soon enough and I opened the door. Dally walked in behind me. He then cupped his hands around his mouth as if he was making a megaphone.

"Y/N CURTIS IS MY GIRLFRIEND." He yelled. The gang looked our way. Accept pony and Johnny who were hanging out somewhere else. I glared at Dallas. Soda just shrugged. "Guys. We should've seen this coming. I think everyone in the entire gang has suspected them of dating at least once." Soda said.

"So...I'm assuming you just came from dally's room. How was it?" Two bit asked. 

"TWO BIT WHAT THE HELL. I DID NOT. Can't yall go a day without making a sex joke? We just started dating like 5 minutes ago."I said. I saw steve's facial expression change to relief. I hope he hadn't thought I was with dally when I was dating him. I hoped me and Dally's relationship would be different. I hoped it would last more than a day.

"Y/n. I think we should talk." Darry said.

Oh hell no. 

"Darry, I didn't do anything with Dallas"

"I believe you but I don't know if you're ready for a relationship."

"Darry, This is like my fourth relationship this month."

Darry looked at me in udder shock. Soda nodded. "She dated Steve." Soda said.

"And Duncan." Two bit said.

"Wait. Who's the third one?" Steve asked

"She got back with carter." Dally said. Soda looked wide eyed.

"Well...stay safe y/n. Be careful." Darry said as he was still in complete shock.

"Thanks Darry. Think me and Dal could hang out tonight?"

"Sure...Just don't....you know." 

I nodded. I couldn't help remember what Dally said to me all those nights ago in my room.

 "Dal! They'd be mad at me. They think we're dating or whatever and we're not." I said.

"Not yet." He said.

"Huh?" I replied with.

I smiled to myself at my own thoughts. Dallas grabbed my hand and we walked out of the house together. "So much for seeing Johnny." He said.

"Yeah. We can go see him tomorrow maybe he'll be there."

"So wanna go to bucks and hang out? He's having a party."

"Sure why not." I said. I didn't really want to though. I wasn't in the mood for a party. Dally would just be flirting with all the broads anyways.

We walked to bucks together, still hand in hand. He made me feel something different.

Once we got to bucks we went and sat at the bar together. I started to get a little bored and I looked at Dally who was just fidgeting with his fingers. "Hey doll, you wanna just go watch a movie or something. I'm kinda bored."

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