Don't you dare.

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I was back to my usual schedule. Waking up late and hating school. My alarm went off and I'm going back to sleep. Just as I was about to sleep, I heard pounding on my door. "Darry! I don't wanna go to school. You can't force me." The door opened. But it wasn't Darry. It was Ponyboy. "Hey y/n, please get ready for school. It's the last day to finish projects. I know very well that you aren't gonna do it at home. They're due tomorrow!"

"Fine. but only because I'm working alone and can't put all the work on my partner." I said. "You're working alone?" Pony asked. "Yeah. Me and Duncan had different book ideas." He looked a bit confused "Oh, ok" was all he said. "I'll go get ready then pony".

I decided to wear my usual look but with white top and shoes.

Darry said he would drop us off on his way to work so we all got in his car

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Darry said he would drop us off on his way to work so we all got in his car. Soda had already left for work so we didn't see him this morning. Darry pulled up to the school and me and Pony got out.


I was at my locker as usual when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see Pony. "Y/n, make sure you grab your book report. We only have one day left." "I know Pony. Why else would I be here." I know he was trying to help but he's acting like he's my mom. I know he isn't my mom because my mom's dead. And for a lot of other obvious reasons... Anyway. Me and Pony headed to English.

Mrs. Smith looked happy to see that we were on time again. She told us that get with our partners. To my surprised, Duncan headed over here. "Listen y/n, I know we aren't working together but we have to at least pretend we are so Mrs. Smith doesn't get mad. She won't notice until it's too late." I let it slide but I was not gonna talk to this little shit. 

I went to lunch and Duncan wouldn't stop bothering me on the walk there. He even asked me to sit by his friends. Can you believe that!? Me? Next to Bob Sheldon? Nah. He keeps apologizing but actions speak louder than words.

I sat with Pony's group at lunch. We had a good time talking to each other. Me, Pony, and Two bit all planned on walking home together too. They wanted to play football once we got back. "Count me out! I'll be busy with homework anyway. I didn't do much in class."

I went to Pony's locker only to find that they left without me. Pony already grabbed his bags and left. Guess I would walk alone then. I went back to my locker, grabbed my stuff, and left.

As I was walking home I heard yelling in the distance. "I've got a blade and I'm not afraid to use it!" It sounded like Two bit! Oh no.

I ran over to where the commotion was and I saw a bunch of Socs had jumped Pony and Two bit. "Y/n!" Two bit called. "They grabbed Pony and dragged him out here. They started punchin him. I had to follow." He said.

"Shoot. Two bit, you get Bob and I get Duncan. Randy's in the car, we can get him after." 

"Sounds like a plan m'lady." He said

I grabbed Duncan's arm trying to pry him off my brother while two bit had already gotten Bob and they had been throwing punches. "Duncan! Get off Ponyboy! I thought you were sorry. I hate you so much!!" Duncan let go of Ponyboy. To say I was flabbergasted would be an understatement. "Sorry y/n. Randy's gonna hurt me. He's gone crazy... A-and I haven't even got my book report done." Randy and Bob called him back to the truck and Bob had a huge cut across his cheek from Two bit. "Wait, Duncan. Maybe we can work on it when I come to your house later." 

Duncan looked relieved. "Your coming over? That'd be nice y/n."

Maybe Duncan wasn't as bad as I thought. He never did hurt anyone. Technically.


We walked back home and the whole gang was there accept Darry who had to work late today. Steve came up to me. "Y/n. Can I talk to you?." This surprised me a bit because I literally never talked to Steve. He always seemed to be with Soda. "Sure." I said as we went onto the porch. "Did Soda talk to you? He seemed a bit off. I mean, he didn't even talk to me at the DX today." 

"Soda didn't talk to me. Or Pony. I did notice though. One day he slammed the door and didn't say goodbye." 

Steve started to speak again "let's make this our mission. We gotta find what's wrong with em."

And on that note we went back inside. The gang said hi to me and we talked for a bit. Oh no. Here comes Dallas Winston. "Hey doll, wanna go to bucks with me tonight? We can party again. Hell, you can even invite your brother if you want." I was not going to that party. "My brother Ponyboy?! Darry would skin him if he went to bucks again. Besides I'm going to Duncan's house." Dallas looked different for a minute. Almost angry. "You mean Duncan that guy that tried to kill you? That soc boy? The one I saved you from?"

The whole gang looked toward us. "Duncan tried to kill you?" Ponyboy said. "I don't think you should go over there." Said Johnny. 

"Guys Duncan didn't try to kill me. He almost punched me but Dally was there. Duncan was trying to hurt you ponyboy remembered? But he stopped." I said. "THAT WAS DUNCAN?!" said pony. Two bit came in "Ohhhh that hot soc with the dirty blonde hair?"

It was Steves turn to talk "Oh? Looks like Two bits crushing." Dallas cut us off. "Quit it. Your not going to that boys house. He could hurt ya. Let alone, you walking alone on the south side." He said.

"I can go wherever I want." I snapped back. "Fine. Then I'm walking you there." He replied.

Looks like I'd be walking to the south side with none other than Dallas Winston.

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