It's all a charade

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"Will you be my girl?"


"I think it's a little soon isn't it?! Just after all of that. My brothers wouldn't be happy."

"But y/n I thought we liked each other now. Isn't that why you came to talk to me?"

"I came to try and make up with you. Not make out with you."

"Fuck it. Why do I try? Do you even think about things?! Didn't you break up with Duncan so you could get with me?! You're right y/n maybe it's too soon. Going from boy to boy to boy like the little hoe you are." He sounded like he meant it. His voice filled with anger. He knew it hurt me.

"Damn Dallas Winston. You're worse than Carter."

"Maybe you should go back with him then."

"M-maybe I will. And I'm not running back to you this time." This time he didn't even look sad. I'm just angry. If looks could kill I'd be telling this story from my grave. 

"Lets so how that works out for you. I'm too busy for this anyway."

As soon as he said that I started making my way out of bucks. "Why don't ya stay y/n" buck said. I pushed him out of the way and left. I didn't know where I was going at all. I wanted to make Dallas feel like the terrible person he is. I just need one break. I feel like all I ever do is argue and get into fights. That's the way of a greaser I guess.

I knew I wouldn't run into Carter because he was usually busy or at parties but I was hoping I would. I didn't run into him though. But I may have found something better.


"Oh hey Sylvia."

"Why are you talking to me. I'm the bitch who stole your best friend and your ex boyfriend."

"That's why I'm here Sylvia. Carter isn't my ex. We've been going strong together for a year now. He's hoping you won't find out but since I know how it feels I'm telling ya."

"Fucking man whore. Goes from you to Olivia to me. Does Dallas know you're cheatin."

"I'm not with Dallas. But I'm sure he doesn't know anyway."

"He's so oblivious. Didn't notice me for a whole year I was two timing him. It's not my fault. He's always in jail."

"You know where Carter is?"

"Oh um yeah he's at his house. Know where it is?"

"Yeah. You know, it was nice talking to ya Sylvia. I mean it. We shouldn't have to deal with all these horrible people in our lives."

"Yeah you too y/n."

I turned around to Carter's place. I didn't mean a word I said. She's the oblivious one. I played her like a card. Once I get back with Carter and she breaks up with him she'll see that it was all just a game.

Carter's house wasn't that far off. It was bigger than my house but not anything like Duncan's. I walked past the gate and up his steps. I knocked on his door. No answer. I knocked again and I heard footsteps walking to the door. Carter opened it. I remembered when we were together and I'd come to his house. I really did like Carter but he was always with other girls.

"Y/n? What are you doing here. Going to apologize for cheating at pool."

"No. Are you going to apologize for cheating on me?"

"No. But you're here running back anyway." It took all of me not to yell back and insult him but I had to keep up this little charade. "Carter, I realized that you were right to be cheating on me. But I just love you. I can't keep away. If you're still up for that date I'd take the offer."

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