Is it a date?

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Things were not at all going how I expected. The whole gangs here now accept Darry but Ponyboy and Two bit are ignoring me, Steve is sad because I said no to his date, Soda got cheated on by the love of his life, and Dallas Winston thinks I'm some ugly girl who he would never date. So I decided to go talk to Johnny. He was a great listener.

"Hey Johnny." I said. "Oh hey y/n. Is everything ok with you any Pony? He seemed a bit different." He said. "Ye- actually no. I sat with the Socs at lunch. He's mad at me. He told me not to." I said. "Oh. I'm sure you two will work it out. Your siblings." Johnny said. I knew we would. But not soon enough. I needed someone to talk to and I didn't wanna dump all my problems on Johnny. That's what siblings are for.

Soon enough it was dinner time. Darry had gotten home and made some food. This time I grabbed my food and went up to my room. Just like old times. I just didn't feel like sitting with the gang. Things were awkward. I really hope Pony doesn't spill about me sitting with the Socs at school.

After dinner I just sat in my room thinking about everything. I couldn't stop thinking. I was worried. I'm not sure what I was worried about. I felt sick. Suddenly I could barely breathe at a steady pace I was shaking. Oh shit. A panic attack. I let out a small scream and apparently Johnny heard me. He looked scared and didn't know what to do. He ran out of the room and then Darry came in. He just hugged me and told me to calm down. Eventually I calmed down. "What happened y/n. Are you okay?" Darry asked. "Yeah...i-i'm fine. Just thinking about my book report and grades." I lied. "Grades are important but not important enough to get all worked up about them. You can always fix em' later." he said. I nodded. 

I fell asleep for about 45 minutes and when I woke up it was 7:30. I was meeting Dallas at the Dingo in 30 minutes. I decided to change out of my dress and into something more comfortable. (you have your old leather jacket instead of the fuzzy jacket.)

After I got changed I went into the living room and everyone left except my brothers, and Johnny who was going to sleep on the couch tonight since his parents were fighting again

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After I got changed I went into the living room and everyone left except my brothers, and Johnny who was going to sleep on the couch tonight since his parents were fighting again. I told everyone I was heading out with some friends. Big mistake.

"Oh you mean you soc friends?! Yeah have fun with Cherry and Marcia." said Ponyboy while rolling his eyes. Darry looked at me questionably. "Your hanging out with those Socs?!" said Darry. "No. I'm going to the dingo. Dallas told me too. I'll be fine" I said. "Is there something between you and Dallas? You've been hanging out an awful lot lately." said Darry. "No! I- never mind." I said remembering my relationship with Steve was a secret. "I have to go." I said while walking towards the door.


I walked to the dingo since I didn't have my own car. I made it there without any conflict and it was already 8:10 and Dallas was nowhere to be seen. 8:20 and he still wasn't here. Just as I was thinking he forgot to meet me he showed up. "Hey doll." He said while grabbing my waist. I pushed his hands off. "Why did you want me to come here anyways." I said. "I just wanted you to so I got you to." he said like that was an explanation. "Listen I'm leaving. I blew off a date for this." I said in a rude tone. "You had a date?" he asked. "Yeah." I said. "Well why didn't you say so sooner. No point in even coming here." he said getting quieter with every word. He then walked towards the exit of the dingo. We hadn't even sat down yet, where is he going. "Where are you going." I asked. "I'm leaving. Need a ride." he said so nonchalantly. 

"Yeah I guess. I can't believe I blew off Steve for this. We didn't even do anything" I said not realizing what I said. "Steve? I thought you were on a da-... No way. YOU'RE ON A DATE WITH STEVE?!" yelled Dallas as we were walking to "his" car. "I'm- I- Its- I didn't mean-" he cut me off "So you're dating Steve then. You suck at keeping secrets." he said. I just stayed silent because I knew it was true. "Shit" I heard him mumble. "What..." I said.

"The police are behind us." he said. "WHY?!" I yelled a little bit. "I may have stolen a few things before this. I was a little late." he said nonchalantly. If one word described him it would be nonchalant. He could say the worst thing and make it sound like nothing. Just as I was about to speak up we made a sharp turn. I felt Dallas put his hand on my thigh. Not in a sexual way. In a I might fly out of the fucking car if you don't hold on to me kind of way. Once we got off their trail and started heading back to my house he noticed his hand was there and he took his hand off my leg. It started storming and raining hard. We practically ran into the house. Darry insisted that Dally stayed the night. "Its to stormy to go back home. There's lightning and you'd be soaked." Darry said. "I ain't sleeping in that chair again. It ain't comfortable." Said Dally. Of course he would complain. 

"You can stay in my bed." I said. Darry looked at me as if I said I just killed a guy. "No you may certainly not. I don't want any funny business." Darry said sternly. "DARRY! I mean't I'd sleep on the chair and he could have the bed." I said. "Besides she'd never cheat on ol' Stevie." Dally said and I looked at him as if he just killed a guy. Darry looked at me in a way I can't even begin to describe. "Your with Steve?" Darry asked. "No Darry. Dal was only kidding. He just wants to find any way he can to make fun of me." I said. Dally nodded which made Darry believe me. 

I sat down on the chair to watch something on TV (careful not to wake Johnny) and everyone else went to bed. Accept Dallas.

"Hey y/n?" he asked. "Yeah?" I said. "Are you being all weird with me because of Steve? If I made you feel uncomfortable I didn't know you were with Steve." he said in a tone I had never heard from him. "No. Dal, the truth is, I just got with Steve yesterday. Just when you sai- I don't know. I guess I'm just different." I managed to say quietly without letting anything I didn't want to say come out. "Whatever. Thanks for letting me take your bed tonight. I kinda just wanna sleep on the floor anyways. You can take the bed." he said. All I could think was BRO IF YOU WANTED TO SLEEP ON THE FLOOR WHY DID YOU COMPLAIN EARLIER AND MAKE ME GET ALL EMBARRASSED IN FRONT OF DARRY. But I didn't say that. I just said "Alright. You can borrow a blanket if you want." 

I was sure to leave a note on the counter for Darry saying:

Darry, Don't worry, I'm not sleeping with Dallas *eyeroll* He wanted to sleep on the floor of the other side of my room so I took the bed. -Y/n

He came into my room and slept on the floor while I crawled into my bed. It was cold and thundering. Somehow I still fell asleep.


When I woke up I felt a warm touch around me. Shit. Dallas Winston was sleeping right next to me. His arms were around me. How did I not wake up when he did that. It was 10:32 and he was still asleep. I couldn't get out of bed due to his tight hold on me. Suddenly the door opened. You would never believe who it was. Just kidding you probably would.

It was Steve.

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