It's a Date then.

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I woke up and it was still kinda dark. I looked at the clock. 5am. I was feeling like crap. A hangover. I had school today so I should get up in about an hour. I shuffled around in bed. "Hey, you good doll?" Dally asked in a tired deep voice. "Oh um yeah I was just thinking I have to get up for sc-Oh shit dal."


"I forgot to tell Darry I was staying. I didn't come home last night. He's gonna be so mad."

"You'll be fine. Want me to drop you off this morning then you can get ready for school there?" Dally asked while he was still half asleep.

"Um sure Dal. Thanks."

"Y/n- about last night. I-" I cut him off. "Yeah. I'm sorry about that too. I was too drunk to think. I don't even remember half of it"

"Oh um yeah." he said while scratching the back of his head.

I got up and grabbed my shoes. "Oh dallas, you can have your jacket back if you want."

"Oh uh you can keep it doll. Never mean't much to me anyways." 

I blushed knowing Dally was giving me his jacket. "Thanks" He got up and we walked downstairs. "Hey buck, can I borrow your car?" Dallas asked. "Um yeah sure. Just bring it back before 9:00 pm." buck said. We sure wouldn't be using it till 9:00 we were just going home.

We exited bucks place and got into his red car. Dally didn't talk the whole way there. What's up with him. Eventually I could see the fence and I knew my house was coming up. Dally pulled in and we hopped out of the car. It was time to face darry. 

I opened the door and walked in to see Darry in the armchair. He stood up. I was so nervous. "Congratulations y/n!" Darry said. Ponyboy nodded. "Uhhhh....May I ask on what?"

"Your job at the DX. I know it must've been stressful working the night shift but now you can have a little extra money to spend anyways. Won't have to ask me for it." Darry said.

"Umm I think your mista-" Soda and steve ran in and cut me off, "YEAH it's pretty stressful and long but you know y/n! Always moving on!" Soda said.

I heard dally mumble "clearly". Soda and Steve pulled me outside. "Y/n, we had to find a cover for you so we told Darry you were at the DX. Sorry." Steve said. "Don't be sorry, you saved my butt. AND NOW I CAN LEAVE AT NIGHT WHENEVER I WANT!!!!" I said excitedly but not too loud that Darry could hear me. Steve and Soda continued talking as they walked off the porch and down to the DX for work. 

I walked back inside. Dally was sitting on the couch next to johnny and two bit. Two bit and Pony were gonna walk to school today. I figured I'd walk with them. I went into my room and threw on some clothes. I skipped breakfast because I just didn't really care. Pony and Two bit were walking out the door as I sped through the hallway to catch up with them. "WAIIIT" I said. They waited for a second until I got to them. We started walking together.

"So y/n, you and Dally huh. He's always hangin around ya." Two bit said. "Oh um no. Actually last night I kissed that Soc boy Duncan. I can barely remember it but I remembered a real good kiss." I said. 

"Y/N CURTIS. ITS BAD ENOUGH YOUR HANGING OUT WITH SOCS WHO HURT YOU BUT DATIN ONE?" Pony yelled. "Damn it pony I can do what I want. You sound like Darry."

Pony looked at me shocked. "Come on two bit. Y/n can walk with her soc friends." Pony said as they left me behind and kept walking to school. I walked the rest of school alone. What have I done. Pony and I used to get along so well before. I miss that. He has to respect that I can make decisions though.

I got to school but this time Duncan was at my locker. "Hey y/n...about last night, It was nice. Will you be my girl." Something about the way he said it sounded so familiar. "Actually Duncan, that'd be great." "Will ya come with me to dinner tonight? There's a new place all the soc couples are going. Like how about 7:00" 

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