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I was awakened by violent shaking. My eyes opened to see dally's face. "Finally you're awake!" "Dally, why did you have to wake me up so early." I said tiredly as I just woke up. "We have to leave early so nobody follows us. We can't even risk buck finding out. He knows Pony and Johnny were here last night." I glanced at the clock and it said 4:00am. I was surprised Dally could even wake up that early. He didn't have anything packed to bring with him accept his wallet and keys. I thought maybe we should bring something for them so I grabbed a Pepsi from bucks fridge. I knew Ponyboy had a Pepsi addiction. 

As much as I hate to say It, I kind of missed my brother. But I was excited to see him and Johnny.Dally walked into the kitchen and found me. "Y/n hurry up. We have to leave." 

"I'm coming. Jesus Christ."Dally grabbed my arm and pulled me too bucks car. I sat in the front next to him and we began the long car ride to Windrixville. He blasted shitty rock music the first half of the car ride. "Dallas! Won't you turn that crap down." 

"I can't hear you doll." He said as he continued to ignore me and turn his music up. I guess I would just have to accept it. 

Eventually we got to Windrixville and he said we'd have to park here and walk up to the church for not because he didn't want to be seen. I fucking hate hiking. We made it up Jay mountain and the church came into view. I ran there so fast I practically teleported. Dally got there shortly after. "Damn doll. Slow down." 

"Get in the entrance!! Sorry. I like to go fast."

 "That's what she said." Dally said with a chuckle. 

"Y/n come on. The entrance is over there through this broken window." He said as he showed me how to get in.

 We both climbed through the window to see pony and johnny asleep on benches. "PONYYYYY JOHNNYYY!!!!" I screamed in excitement. Dally went over and ruffled Johnny's hair. "Wow. This kid and his hair." Dally said. Pony was a blonde. He looked so different. Johnny cut his hair short too.

 "Y/n! Dal! I'm glad to see ya!" Johnny said. Dally went over to catch johnny up on how things were doing in town. "Oh pony wait. I have this for you." I said as I handed him the letter and a Pepsi.

 "Who's it from?"

 "Cherry Valance."


 "No. It's from your brother sodapop."He rolled his eyes and unfolded the paper. I couldn't help but wonder what the note said. Pony put it in his pocket after he was done reading it. Dally and Johnny came back in. 

"How bout we get some food. I'm starvin." Dal said."You're starving?! Try having baloney everyday." Dally laughed and brought us to his car. I sat in the back with my brother and Johnny sat up next to Dally. We pulled into the Dairy Queen parking lot and ordered some barbecue sandwiches. The boys were eating like it was there last meal.

 "Guys... I'm think about turning myself in. I could say it was self defense." Johnny said before he further explained his plan. Dally looked like he didn't wanna go with this plan but decided to do it because it was Johnnys decision. "Guys if we're gonna go back we should go now. It'll take a while to get back home." Dally said."Alright we left some stuff in the church let's stop there first. I wanna finish that book." Pony said."Oh come on pony. We can get another book. It'll take longer if we go to the church." 

"PLEEEASSSEE" him and Johnny pleaded.

 "Fine." I said as Dally drove back to the church.

 As we drove by I smelled something. Almost like....smoke. The church was on fire.I could see Pony about to jump out of that car and I could tell Dally did too.

 "Oh no the kids are in there." A man said. 

Pony was about to jump out of our car but I grabbed his arm and pulled him down. Dally started driving away so they couldn't jump out. I was glad he did. We needed to get johnny back home to turn himself in. After we got far enough I let go of Pony. "Y/n! We could have helped those kids!!" 

"No. There were plenty of people there to help. We can't risk you getting hurt." 

"Besides. Who like kids anyway" dally added.

 I could tell Pony was mad but it was for his own good. People die in fires. I didn't want that to happen to him. ~We pulled into our driveway and I ran out of the car and burst through the door. 

"Guess who's back again!!! It's Ponyboy and Johnny." Soda's face lit up and Darry came running out the door. Everyone ran in and my siblings almost choked me half to death in a group hug. We explained to everyone that Johnny was gonna turn himself in and plea not guilty because he was using self defense. Dally and Johnny drive off somewhere and I stayed here with my siblings. I was more grateful than ever to have them. Tonight I was going to sleep well.

 ~Next Day~

Dally and Johnny came early this morning and told us that the trial was in a week. That gave us some time to prepare. Since we were greasers we could barely afford a good lawyer. We had a lot riding on this. Plus we didn't want out family to get separated. I was worried that maybe they'd think Darry wasn't a good guardian. 

He really was. He always watched out for us.In two days there was a rumble in Bobs honor. Even though the Socs had something to fight for, we were still gonna beat the crap out of em. "So guys, you excited for the rumble?" I asked

"Hell yeah!" Dally said.

"Oh um y/n. I don't think you should fight in the rumble. I don't want you getting hurt. You've been best up a lot lately." Darry said.

 "Darry please let me go. I'll be careful. Me pony and johnny team up real well."

 "I don't know y/n. I'll think about it. Just stay out of trouble for now."

 YESSSSS. When Darry says maybe, it usually means yes. I really wanted to fight in this rumble.

Important A/N: My computer broke and I had to upload this draft before it permanently died. I got a new computer and will be uploading from there soon enough. Sorry it was so short, I had to get the main point of it on one page without my computer dying. When I say I speed typed that thing...I really did.

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