Guess who's back again?

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Today I was in a good mood for once. I decided to actually get ready for school. I put on a similar outfit as yesterday. I had a style, and I liked it. (pretend the leather jacket in the pic is a bit older and beaten up). Darry was about to knock on my door to wake me up but when I opened it first he was shocked. "y/n? Your awake? I could get used to this!" "Yup! I'm in a good mood today! Don't ruin it" I said. He chuckled a bit. Ponyboy looked extra happy this morning too. "Hey pony? Why so happy?" "BECAUSE Y/N! YOUR FINALLY UP ON TIME! MRS. SMITH WILL BE SO PROUD." "I'm sure she will pony." I said sarcasticly. Soda got on his DX shirt about to leave "Bye y/n! Bye pony! Have a good day at school."

Me and Pony walked to school together and talked

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Me and Pony walked to school together and talked. Maybe if I listened to him more and woke up on time, we could become closer. 

"y/n. Did you notice Soda was in a bad mood yesterday? That morning he didn't even say goodbye." "Actually yeah Pony. I thought maybe he would talk to you about it."

Pony got a bit quiet. I'm not sure why. Then he said "Oh. He didn't say anything to me."


Once we got to school, I went to my locker as usual and grabbed my English stuff. I was a bit early in class so I had a few options of where to sit. I decided to sit by Ponyboy anyways. We talked for a bit about the project. I still hadn't told anyone about Duncan jumping me and Dallas last night. Mrs. Smith said to get with our partners and Duncan made his way to me. 

"Hey...y/n. Im sorry about last night. Randy told me to." he said. I snapped back at him "Yeah right Duncan. You could have stopped. Your soc dumbass tried to hit me. Maybe we should just do separate reports because I sure don't wanna work with you"

He looked scared of me. I don't blame him "I take it your not coming to my house tonight then."

"No never" I spat.

I started writing my own book report knowing I was going to fail. I should have never trusted a soc. Just when I got the hang of things, the bell rang and I was off to lunch. Pony walked with two-bit and I slowly walked behind them until two bit said "Hey yn! Why don't you sit with us today!" "Alright..." I said slowly. 

Once we got to the cafeteria I made my way to the table where Ponyboy, Two-bit, and some other guy Two-bit hangs out with. On the table next to us was the Shepard gang. I didn't give a crap about them. We sat down and started eating. Two bit started talking about a new attraction at Disney world and I tuned it out. I saw two girls walk up to us. It took me a minute to notice who it was.

Olivia Miller.

Olivia walked up with some other chick. "Long time no see y/n" I hated her. And I'm sure the others could see that by the look on my face. "If by long time you mean earlier in class, yeah. Long time no see."

"Listen here y/n, I've moved on from you." "No sh!t Olivia! I thought us never hanging out and you backstabbing meant we were best friends!" She rolled her eyes as she spoke up again "this is my best friend Sylvia" she said.

I wanted to punch Olivia right now. "Never met her but I'm assuming she's a good for nothing, dirty ass, who-" Pony interrupted me. "Hey leave our table. Last time I checked, nobody invited you." Olivia glared rudely at me and Pony and left.

Two bit spoke up "Dang pony. Why'd you have to interrupt her. She was just getting to the good part."


To take my mind off earlier I decided to walk home from school without Pony. I just didn't want him asking all those questions. Nobody really knows what happened in the past besides me and Olivia. And another person.

I got to my house and then I saw that Pony had already gotten back and had been talking to Johnny about who know what. "Hey guys!" I said. "Hey y/n" said Johnny. I was going to say something but Johnny spoke up again "Dally wants you and me and Pony to go to a party at Buck's with him." I was shocked by that news as I never really talked to Dallas much. "Alright" I said clearly nervous. 


I was doing my makeup and getting ready for Buck's party. I was excited since this was my first party with the gang. It was gonna be at Bucks for the first time too. 

I heard a car honking so I looked out the windows. While I was getting ready Dallas's car had gotten here and the boys were already sitting in the back. That meant I got the passenger seat. "Took your long enough" Dallas mumbled. "Shut your trap Dallas" I spat back. "Stop calling me Dallas. I have a nickname for a reason." I rolled my eyes at that. What did he want me to call him?! Loverboy?! Probably just Dally. I'm stupid for thinking anything else.


Once we got to the party Pony and Johnny went to talk in the corner. Dally left too. Probably went to pick up some girls. I was alone. Why did he even want me to come. I sat at the bar and got a beer. Just one. I was not getting drunk tonight.

I saw Olivia and her new friend Sylvia heading over here. "Omg y/n. Your at a party?! That's new." Said Olivia. Sylvia started yapping too "She looks lonely over here anyway. What a loser." 

I was about to scream at them when I heard a voice behind me "Sylvia?!". It was none other than Dallas Winston.

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