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A/N: Yesterday was my birthday, sorry I haven't posted as much but now I will be writing a few times every week. Thanks for reading!

Normal POV

I woke up for school today but I was really worried since I left my book report at Duncan's. I had nothing to turn in. Ponyboy saw how upset I was "Listen, y/n, you can borrow mine if you want. Copy it down? Then you can pretend you worked with us." He said. "Thanks Pony. I guess that's better than nothing."

I saw Soda about to leave for work. "Hey Soda! Have a good day at work. Bye!" He gave me a quick smile but then went back to quietly walking out without saying a word. Darry came in "Y/n, pony, I can drop you off at school on my way to work if you want." Before pony could say anything, I said "No thanks! We were gonna walk." Pony shot me a glare. I knew he would rather get to school faster by car. "We should get going then." Pony said. I grabbed my jacket and we headed out.


After we had been waking a bit I said "Hey Pony, wanna skip school? We can go to the DX together. Maybe see Soda and Steve?" He rolled his eyes. "That's why you wanted to walk?! Today we have to turn in our book reports." He said raising his voice a bit. " Hey calm down. I thought my little brother was fun? I just wanted to see what's up with Soda. Besides, we can turn our book reports in tomorrow and say we were sick." I said. "Ok fine. But if Darry finds out, I had nothing to do with this." Yes pony said yes! I grabbed his arm and ran, pulling him to the DX.

We were greated with Steve "If it isn't y/n and Horseman." He said. Ponyboy HATES when people call him that. Which makes it even funnier. I saw Soda by the register. "Hey Soda!" "Y/n? Didn't school start a few minutes ago? Your gonna be really late." " Don't worry, we didn't have school today" I said. Pony shot me another glare. I knew I was getting myself into a web of lies. Why did I care though.

"Soda what's up? You've been awfully quiet lately..." I said trying to sound sincere. "Nothing is up. I'm fine. You want me to be louder?!" He said that last part almost yelling. I almost never heard Soda yell. "No... Sorry I asked..."I said quietly. He looked sad now. "y/n, I didn't mean to. I was caught up in the moment. I'm sorry. Ok?" Steve was just kinda standing there observing this. "Ok soda." I said. Steve looked at me and we knew we needed to find out what the heck was going on with Soda.


Pony suggested we go see Johnny because he always skips school anyway. Pony said he would be in the lot or at our House. We walked past the lot on our way from the DX and sure enough there was Johnny cade. Pony and him started talking immediately but I never really talked to Johnny even though I'd gotten closer to the gang. Dallas came walking by the lot too. Maybe he was visiting Johnny aswell. "Hey Johnnycakes, Hey Pony." He said. "Oh. She's here too. Didn't notice." What is he talking about. He looked right at me one second ago. "Yeah right. You totally saw me." I said "What does it matter? It's not like I pay attention to anything you do. Even if your being nice. And I see you act the exact same way to me." What the heck is he going on about. About the Socs from yesterday? Sure he was being nice by taking me home but why was this such a big deal. "Are you talking about yesterday?!" "No y/n. Ofc I'm taking about yesterday. I believe you owe me a thank you." He said. "Oh. So that's what this is about. Why do you even care." I spat back. "Sorry, I thought being nice was rewarding." He said sarcasticly. "Well than thank you." I can be sarcastic too. He rolled his eyes and started walking away.

"Wait. I do appreciate that you took me back home. Wanna go to the dingo with us for lunch?" I said right before he left. "Whatever. I'll take the free food." said Dally. "Hey Johnny, you coming too?" Asked Ponyboy. Johnny nodded his head.

We started walking to the dingo. Johnny and Ponyboy were talked and I was just walking. Like usual. I was trying to pay attention this time though. It was kind of awkward. I don't know why though.

We went to the dingo and sat in our usual booth. I didn't want to make things weird so I sat next to Pony. It was awkward anyway. I was the only one not talking. I decided to go to the bathroom and let them talk. I was in the bathroom for ten minutes and the guys were probably concerned. I decided to go back and as I left the bathroom I bumped into someone. "Watch where your going bitc- oh my god. It's you." Said the girl who I soon realized was Olivia. "Olivia please leave me alone. You don't wanna know what will happen if you don't." "What? Nobody's here to protect you now. We are in a hallway next to the girls bathroom." I was about to speak up again but then she kicked me in the stomach. I'm not saying she's a strong kicker but that hurt like hell. This girl was trying to beat me up. Next thing I know I screamed. The guys must've heard me yell because they ran into the hallway. Pony must have remembered Olivia because he looked at her confused for a minute. "Olivia?" He said. She turned around knowing the guys were there. "What do you think about our doing beating up y/n?" Said dally. "Listen I didn't mean too. She was hurting me Dal. Y/n is a terrible person." Olivia had the audacity to say that. "What did you just call me?" Said Dally even though he knew the answer. "Get out or we're beating your ass." Said Dally. When Olivia rolled her eyes and started walking away I noticed she was wearing black flats. I should have known it was her talking about me in the bathroom that day. "That little brat with her stupid black flats." I mumbled. "I can't believe Olivia's bothering you again. Why didn't you tell me or Soda." Said Pony. "Soda and you already have so much going on. Besides, it's nothing." I said. "Let's go home." Johnny said.

Me and Pony decided to split the bill. We were all going to go to our house for a bit. The guys should be back from work soon and Johnny was gonna stay the night later anyways. Pony and Johnny started walking home already and I was about to go when Dallas said he'd walk with me so I didn't get jumped or something.

We started walking home and I said "Thanks for saving me Dal. Again. God I can't get one minute away from socs and ex best friends, and just plain trouble." "What else was I supposed to do. I hate her too anyways. Any friend of Sylvias is a victim of mine." He said. "Well thanks. You're not as mean as you pretend to be... And how come you let me call you Dal and not Olivia" I said. "I don't like that girl. And besides, calling me Dallas Winston was too formal." And with that we quietly walked home. Our hands gently brushed against each other a few times but we both just moved away and acted like nothing happened. Was I falling for Dallas Winston. Was he falling for me? No. I refused to believe it. I had to focus on the walk home and stop dreaming about us holding hands. I need to snap out of it.

 I need to snap out of it

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