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get up!

a very cold voice of a woman pierced through seungmin's ears, as he felt a thin blanket that was covering his body being removed. chills ran down the boy's spine as the room was cold and the only source that kept him warm was removed.

seungmin didn't even get to wake properly up, as his mother moved the curtains away, letting the daylight in. while she also opened the window, which made the boy shiver in cold.

still being half asleep, ❝w-what?❞ seungmin rubbed his eyes and hugged himself trying to get at least a little warm. his eyes were still half closed, trying to adjust to the sudden light, pouring in his bedroom through the window.

you have university get up.❞ his mother's ice cold voice echoed through the room. ❝i don't want my son to be a failure.❞ she threw the blanket she was holding on the floor and left the bedroom not forgetting to slam the door rather aggressively behind her.

seungmin closed his eyes for a short second and messing up his hair even more, if this was possible, fell back on his bed with a loud sigh.

funny how his mother just randomly walked inside his room after a whole week of not even checking up on him, just to wake him up and tell him, he had to go to university. as if, her beloved son didn't skip the whole week because he was locked in his bedroom and physically couldn't do anything.

and even after that, she had the audacity to blame it on him and tell him that she didn't want for her son to be a failure. very funny if you ask seungmin.

the poor boy could barely walk because of not eating anything for a week and now he had to go to university. not to disappoint his parents ⸺ which, he knew, he would end up doing anyway. he already could tell, how the day would go. he would come back from university, right after the lectures, probably see his parents in the living room watching tv and they would ask how the day was. then, they both, probably his mother more, would start telling him how he was not trying enough, how he was supposed to do better and couldn't even do a bare minimum to satisfy his parents. how he never tried, how he was just a selfish, useless human being who failed to see how his parents wanted the best for him. then, he would end up locking himself in his room again and hopefully be able to go out of his room the next day.

and that would repeat over and over again. every single day was the same for him and he couldn't even change anything about it. not his parents reaction and scolding, nor his own responses and actions.

seungmin slowly sat up back again, closing his eyes for a few minutes as he started to feel a little too dizzy and his head started spinning. what else did he expect after not eating for a week.

he felt so weak, and he in fact didn't even realize it until he got up from bed and walked to the bathroom. seungmin leaned against the wall, closing his eyes for another second trying to calm down his breath and get back to his senses. everything seemed darker than usual and seungmin felt like everything was spinning around him. he hated being like this.

after a very serious struggle in the bathroom and then with his clothes for good ten mintues seungmin left his room for the first time after a week and walked to the kitchen to get something to eat. he didn't know, would he be able to eat actually and didn't know how his body would react to food but he decided to give a try, because he knew for sure, he would not be able to last at university for the whole day without food.

you look horrible.❞ the moment seungmin entered the kitchen, he was greeted with those words by his father.

oh he was aware of how he looked like. he took a good look at himself in the bathroom mirror. he was even more pale than usual, dark bags under his eyes said how sleepless he was and the messy hair and tired facial expression were just adding up to it, highlighting how weak he currently was. not to mention how he barely managed to walk to the kitchen.

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