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seungmin already couldn't tell if it was like that every day or were his classmate extremely noisy that day. as if they somehow managed to find out about how seungmin was so confused about everything, how he wanted to be in silence and decided to give him the complete opposite. 

even the earphones and loud blasting music wasn't helping and couldn't cover the annoying sound of too many people talking and laughing. he was at the verge of crying at this point. he couldn't stand this anymore. 

trying to focus on anything else but the noise, seungmin fixed the earbuds and went back to doodling on the back of one of his notebooks. he was thanking everything and everyone above that at least he was sitting alone and there was no one literally beside him. 

hey, min.❞ 

the said boy closed his eyes for a brief second, in a pure annoyance, not even bothering to look to the side and take off his earbuds, just lowering the volume of the music. first of all, who was this person, to call him by that nickname. he was no one to be able to do so. in fact, there was only one single person allowed to call him that. and second of all, what on the earth did he even want from him. 

seungmin flinched the moment his classmate put his hand on his shoulder. with pure instincts, the boy looked at him, fear deeply written in his eyes, as he moved slightly back, blinking, trying to realize that it was not any of the people who could harm him. hopefully. 

the boy in fact was looking at him with a grin, which seungmin found annoying as ever. since when did anyone in this class decide that seungmin was their friend. they all barely talked to him ⸺ because seungmin himself didn't want to talk to anyone nor he ever shown any signs of wanting anything from them ⸺ but that didn't matter. they were not friends. seungmin just didn't want to be friends with any of these people. 

not because they were bad people. seungmin would never assume such thing even though he somehow automatically considered everyone wanting to harm him for whatever reason. he had never even had a proper talk with any of his classmates and honestly, he would like for it to stay that way forever. 

so the question that bothered him so much now, was why this boy right here was sitting exactly beside him, calling out a nickname of his and wanting his attention. 

seungmin decided to correct him next time, if the boy called him min again. which he hoped would never happen, and just lazily hummed as a response, ❝is there something i can help you with?❞ he asked, glancing over at the boy for a mere second, and going back to his small doodles on the back of the notebook, to show his classmate that he certainly was not interested in whatever he was planning to say. 

curving his lips up in a small smile, ❝we are all going out after lectures and we thought maybe⸺❞ 

no.❞ seungmin cut the boy off. he knew it sounded rather harsh and rude but he seemed to not care at this point. not like any other time he would agree, but today, at this exact moment he didn't know why he felt so irritated by everything happening around him. every small sound, noise and laughter annoyed him to the point he just wanted to walk out of the classroom and never come back there. even this boy sitting beside him, annoyed the hell out of him for whatever reason. 

seungmin could not tell, if he was always like that, he never thought about it. sure, he always pushed everyone away from him, but he did this in a more of a polite manner and never was the one to be this annoyed, like he was right now by a simple thing such as someone asking him if he wanted to hang out. 

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