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putting the pen down, as he closed the notebook, ❝done.❞ was the only word that left his lips as he let out a stressful, rather tired sigh and leaned back, closing his eyes. 

it took him more than a month, nearly two months. to finish what he was doing. the assignment that was given to him at school. at first, he thought it was stupid, just a pure waste of time and nothing else. he still remembered so vividly coming back from school with a frown displaying on his face and ranting for an hour or so to his parents, how he hated school because they just were wasting his precious time and giving him any stupid assignments they would come up with. 

his parents comforted him how they could. trying to show him the bright side of that 'stupid assignment' and motivate him to actually do it. 

well, he would have to do it one way or another. because, it was an assignment and the teacher told the class that based on it they would get their final grades. 

and as one of the best students of the class, he knew since day one, he had to do it perfectly. even though, he thought it was just a pure waste of time and it wouldn't help him in any way possible at school, asides from a grade of course. 

his parents played a huge role in this. they motivated him the most. as he had only two months or so, to finish it, he had to start as soon as possible. 

for the first few days, when his parents would come home from work, they just sat in the living room, talking about many topics that could help him start doing his assignment. about the problems, that sadly many teens his age were facing and how to solve these problems and issues. 

thankfully, he was raised by supportive parents. who always, always stood by his side, were his number one motivators and supporters. he knew, he always could tell them everything and ask for advice from them. they meant everything to him and he was so glad he had them as his parents. he felt every single day, how loved he was, how his parents always were rooting for him, cheering for him and helping him, he knew and could see how they wanted all the best for him. he seriously couldn't imagine a day without them. 

so to say, rather than thinking that the assignment given to him was stupid, he also struggled with it at first would be an understatement. because he chose to do it in the way where he himself had no experience and never had been in even a similar situation. 

he liked the idea he had. yet, he felt like he couldn't do it. he didn't want to make it not accurate and then for people who sadly go through that tell him, that he was wrong and he wrote just lies and things that were not even accurate. 

"hyeongjun, baby, dinner is ready." 

standing up slowly, from his seat, the said boy turned off the calm music that had been playing in the background ever since he stepped in his room and with that, walked out of his room heading towards the kitchen where from his mom had called him. 

flashing his parents the soft signature smile of his, with the bunny teeth peeking, hyeongjun took a seat at the table, watching his mother placing a bowl in front of him. 

i've finished writing.❞ before he would start eating, hyeongjun announced with a proud voice. 

his father placed the chopsticks he was holding down on the table, looking up and smiling at his son. ❝i'm so proud of you.❞ he told him and brought his hand up to ruffle hyeongjun's soft hair. 

see? we told you, you would handle it all perfectly.❞ his mother sounded so proud while looking at his son. she knew, hyeongjun would handle everything so well. ❝will you let us read it before you take it to school?❞ she then questioned. she would totally understand, if hyeongjun wouldn't want for her and her husband to read what he had written, she would never force him to give the notebook to them. but she was really, genuinely curious, wanted to know what her son had done. 

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