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Bill grew more and more worried about Tom the further they got into the tour. Their manager had no idea what was going on with Tom and extended the tour for a few more shows. Bill tried to get him to cancel the extra shows he was on the phone all the time but nothing convinced him. They were headed to their next venu and Tom was still locked away in the back bedroom.
"Do you think he is even alive in there?" Gustav asked making bill give him a look.
"Sorry, we are all thanking it. I'm worried about him too." Gustav says with a sigh slouching in his seat. Bill got up and went over to the door to Tom's bedroom.
"Tommy are you at least alive, make a noise or something" there was a thump like the pillow hit the door.
"Thank you" Bill whispered softly and sat back down running his hands in his hair. It was killing him watching Tom be so distant from him. When they got to the hotel bill stayed on the bus he knew Tom would only leave the bus an hour after the rest of them did. He had made it sound like he had left and was waiting on the sofa for Tom to leave his room. He could hear shuffling and hide quickly so Tom wouldn't see him. Tom came out of the room looking worse than ever. He had dark bags under his eyes, his hair was different, he had taken his dreads out and had his nachural hair laying on his shoulders. It has been a long time since Bill had seen Tom's regular hair and he watched him closely from his hiding spot. Tom was on the phone talking to their hair and make-up crew discussing his hair.
"I know we took my dreads out and my hair is feeling better so I want to put them back in."
Bill watched him and noticed some hickeys on Tom's neck. He was severely depressed, didnt want to talk to anyone, and stayed in his room all day and night but he had time to fuck? Tom continued to get ready to leave the bus and got a phone call. He put it on speaker and Bill was horrified at what he was hearing.
"Hey pretty boy you haven't sent me your hotels location yet why you taking so long"
"I haven't even left the bus yet can you be a little patient with me"
"Ok just give me a minute to post those photos of you online"
"Wait! Please dont im sending over the location now just please don't."
Bill couldn't believe what he was hearing, someone was blackmailing Tom. Is that why he was acting like this?
"I'm glad you decided to behave for me. I will be there shortly make sure your ready for me"
"I thank bill is sharing a sweet with me again so you can't act like you normally do"
"Find a way to get him out of the room. I'm feeling extra needy tonight and i'm not going to have you being quite"
"That's not fair to bill besides the noises i make are painful and you know it i hate you!"
"O i love you to slut now be ready!"
The call hung up and Bill was staring in shock at everything it all made since now. Tom was being blackmailed and used for sex that's why tom was hiding from everyone. Bill watched on and Tom started to punch the wall in anger, the tears streaming down his face quickly and his voice cracking as he cried out.
"Why me! Why does this have to happen to me! I want out of this! Why did I have to have those thoughts of bill! Why did I start those drugs! WHY!!" Tom continued to scream and punch the wall. Bill couldn't hide from Tom any longer and quickly went to him, hugging him. Tom was confused and shocked trying to get away from Bill's grip.
"It's ok tommy please it's not your fault" bill says making tom break down crying more holding onto bill. They were both sitting on the floor as Bill held Tom close, softly running his fingers through Tom's hair. Tom couldn't stop crying and gripped Bill's arm and he repeatedly apologized. Bill would tell him over and over that it was ok and he didn't need to apologize for anything. Soon Tom shot up with panic in his eyes.
"Shit he is going to be here any minute and I'm not ready!!"
"Tom, listen to me, you don't need to keep doing this to yourself. It's ok, I want you to know that I have the same thoughts that you have."
"R-really and you aren't freaked out by it at all it doesn't bother you?"
"Well it did at first but when i knew you felt the same i didn't care anymore i feel what matters is love not reputation."
"What do we do if it gets out what will georg and gustav think? What  will happen to the band?"
"We will worry about that when we have to but for right now we just need to keep you safe"
Tom nodded to Bill and sniffed as they both got up. Bill helped Tom with his bags and got them to their room double locking the door before they started to unpack.
"So what is the plan?" Tom asked and paused as he stared at Bill who was loading a gun.
"B-bill you're not going to kill him are you?"
"What would be fun is that I wont kill him yet. But he is going to wish he never crossed my path"
"Since when do you own a gun bill this isn't like you at all"
"I have always had a gun, I just don't openly talk about it."
"Ok even if we did shoot him someone would hear it we would get caught."
"Tom i have a silencer attached to it trust me no one is hearing it"
Tom wasn't sure how to feel about this side of the bill. He had known him for his whole life and never knew this side. He watched Bill mess with the gun and wondered what else he didn't know about bill. Before he could ask though a knock was heard at the door. Tom froze recognizing the knock and saw Bill pull his shirt off.
"What are you doing?" he whispers."
"Just just hide in the bathroom ok" Bill whispers back going to the door. He opened it after messing his hair up a little and leaned on the door frame.
"Can i help you i'm trying to get my beauty sleep"
"O my apologizes im toms friend the name in ben"
"O well tom is sleeping so maybe come by tomorrow"
"I would but he called me wanting me to come by tonight. I drove 2 hours to get hear" he gives a slight chuckle and glances up and down at Bill's body.
"You drove 2 hours well i'm sorry that you had to drive so fare anything i can do to make it up to you"
"O yes there is something you could do. Go lay on that bed"
"Aren't you naughty~ well if you insist"
Bill walked into the room leaving Ben's view for a moment. Once Ben turned the corner to meet Bill his neck hit the front of a gun barrel. Bill's eyes were dark and they showed no hint of mercy in them.
"H-hey now i was only kidding with you. I can go, it's really not a problem."
"No. no stay i want you hear." Bill pressed the gun deeper to Ben's neck making him gulp. Tom watched from the bathroom scared of Bill for the first time in his life. The look Bill had was almost animalistic and he knew he wasn't staring at bill anymore this was like some demon took over his body. Ben begged for his life as he was now on his knees and Bill just smirked at the pathetic man before him. Soon Bill gave a look to Tom for him to look away then a muffled sound was heard then a thud. Tom looks at the man lying dead on the floor and blood spattered onto bill.
"You will never touch tom again you sick fuck" was all bill said before kicking the body. Tom stood shocked, his body slightly trembling. How could Bill just kill someone without showing remorse.

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