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Bills pov
There I was staring at my other half, eyes locked onto each other. Was Tom in my head? Was i in his head?
"Bill, where are you?" Tom spoke, breaking the silence between us.
"I-im at home with mom. Gustav brought me so I could relax. Is this not freaking you out?" I responded and Tom nodded.
"It does but you going away from me freaks me out more" I could hear the anger in his voice. This was starting to feel hostile and I wanted to get away again. I backed up hoping to disappear into the darkness from Tom's view but it's like his eyes followed me no matter how far I went.
"Bill! Where are you going dont you fucking run from me!" tom shots coming towards me. I started to run as fast as I could. Before Tom could get me I woke up in my bedroom with a cold rag on my forehead.
"Hey hun how are you feeling you took a nasty fall in the hallway" i turned to my mothers voice seeing her happy face. Her smile was contagious, making me smile.
"I'm feeling ok my head hurts though" I responded sitting up slowly.
"I will have to put a bandage on it" she says softly tapping my shoulder. I nodded and sat thinking about everything that had just happened.


Toms pov
I have been sitting at our shared house in silence. It was never this quiet without a bill. I hated it. I hated him being away from me. Why did he run from me! Why does he keep running from me! Before I knew it i punched a wall so hard i made a hole in the wall. Breathing heavily, I heard a knock at the door and opened it hoping it was bill.
"Hay where gustav and bill?" Georg said, walking inside.
"Well come inside why dont you? '' I said, annoyed and rolling my eyes. Georg shoots me a look and sits down.
"So where are they?" he asked and I glared at him.
"Clearly they aren't here bitch!" I snap going to the kitchen to get a drink.
"I gathered that!"
I roll my eyes opening a drink, chugging it, waiting for the buzz to hit me. I didnt feel anything so I opened another one and chugged that one as well. It was like I was immune to them so I kept drinking until georg pulled it out of my hand.
"Whow dude why the fuck are you chugging 6 cans of alcohal?" i pushed georg away and drunkenly stumbled to my room. I could hear his granny voice fallowing me down the hall way. It was so fucking annying it sound like bill when he whines. I hated it more because it started to remind me of bill. I wanted him back. It wasn't fair that he was away from me!
"Dude are you even liaising??" georg shouts at me, making me turn around and swing at him. He dodged my swing making me stumble forward.
"Whow!" Gerog says, catching me with his arm. I was so dizzy as the alcohol hit me all at once. I started to feel the tears running down my face. I just wanted bill back. I started to sob, dropping to my knees as georg held me.
"Dude you ok!?"
"No! I want my billy! I need him!" I say through tears.
"Your billy?" georg asks and everything hits me. He wasn't mine anymore we broke up...
Time passed slowly for the boys. Tom was all over the place having outbursts and crying fits. Bill was trying to rest but could see Tom every time he closed his eyes. Bill knew he needed to be away from him for the better but missed him dearly. Gustav would take care of Bill as well as his mom but it wasn't enough for him. He needed Tom by his side; he missed him with every fiber of his being.
Tom wouldn't speak to anyone and stayed in the house all day and night. He refused parties, girls, guys, and interviews. He didn't want to do anything until his twin flame was back in his life. He couldn't function without him and fell into a deep depression. He wouldn't leave the house and felt so tired from crying all the time.
Bill soon was on his way home after spending a few weeks with his mom. The flight was long, Bill looked out the window as Gustav sat next to him holding his hand. Gustav and Bill had gotten really close and Bill felt that Gustav would do anything for him. As he would for gustav. Some turbulence shook the plain, making Bill squeeze Gustav's hand and shutting his eyes tightly.
"Its ok bill i got you" gustav whispers to bill making him calm down. He nodded and stopped squeezing his hand going back to looking out the window.
Tom knew Bill was coming home and was out of the house for the first time waiting at the airport with georg. He was sitting by the gate when the bill was supposed to come out of his leg bouncing a lot. Georg tried his best to calm Tom down but he was so worried that Bill's plane was going to crash. Every time the flights were announced Tom would perk up and listen but then shrink back down in his seat. He wished Bill would have gotten there already. Soon Bill's flight was announced and he jumped up watching as people exited the plane. Soon Bill and Gustav walked out, still holding each other's hand. It was the first thing Tom saw and he shrank back, his heart sinking. Was Bill with gustav? Did he already move on? Did he already forget about him? He couldn't take it and left the airport leaving georg to greet them.
"Where's tom?" Bill whispers, his voice cracking from softly crying to himself.
"I'm not sure? He was just here." georg replies...

(a/n hey guys sorry for not updating i'm in the middle of a move and just got over covid the next chapter is going to be a long one to make up for my absence. Thank you)

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