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A Little longer was an understatement. It was now bills 30th birthday. He was making a invite list and always kept a invitation set aside for tom. He still missed him dearly and wrote to him everyday. There was a trunk full of letters and invitations for tom. He had almost all the invites done and was writing the last one.
To nick.
Bill and him have grow quite close but in 8 years they have never even trying to fuck or even kiss. Sure Nick kissed him on the forehead but that was all and he still hadn't seen the bottom of his face. Nick was so mysterious to bill and he really liked that. But tonight was going to be the night that bill finally saw nicks face. No matter how hard it was going to be he was going to see it. If Nick didn't trust him by now then what did they even have? Bill really loved this guy like he loved.
Could that even be possible. Was he betraying tom in a way for loving this man just as much. He shook the thoughts from his head as he drove up to Nick's house. It was a beautiful place that he spent a lot of time at. He hadn't texted him he was coming by and probably should have but Nick's car was there so he was sure it would be fine.
Bill knocks on the door softly while holding the invite. Nick opens the door covering the bottom of his face with his shirt.
“Hey Bill, I wasn't expecting you.” Nick says opening the door wider for Bill to walk in.
“Yea sorry i know i should have texted first but i didn't remember to tell i got here. I brought you an invite to my birthday party.”
“Oh another one? You know I will show up regardless, "Nick says, coming back to the room now with a mask on the lower part of his face.
“I know but still I enjoy giving them to you.” Bill smiles, handing it to Nick and sitting on his couch. He was met with Nick's massive pointer dog as he lay on the couch by him. Bill petted him watching Nick cook in his kitchen.
“Have you eaten yet?” Nick asks.
“Not yet i was running errands.” bill sighs leaning back on the couch. He closed his eyes and listened to Nick hum. It sounded like tom in fact nicks voice in general sounded like tom. Bill tried to ignore it the first time he noticed but now he just embraces it.
It's almost like Tom is back and it gave him a sense of comfort.
“Hear you go” bill was pulled out of his trance and opened his eyes to nick setting a plate of pancakes down on the table for him.
“Oh thank you. You didn't have to, you know.” Bill says looking at Nick he could tell he was smiling.
“I know but I wanted to.” he kisses Bill's forehead again and goes back to the kitchen to clean up.
“Hay if I have to eat, you have to eat.” Bill says, looking at Nick's plate of food on the table as well.
“I will. When you leave.”
“You never eat infront of me. In Fact i haven't even seen your full face." Bill whins.

Tom stood at the sink liaising to bill whin. He wanted to rip his mask off and stick his tongue down Bill's throat but the thought of Bill hating him held him back. He watched as the slender man ate. The food flowing into his mouth, he was transfixed on Bill's lips. His soft light pink ever so plump lips. God the things he wanted to do. He was gripping the counter so hard his fingers started to hurt. The way Bill's blond hair messy fell in front of his face barely covering his eyes. Those deep dark chocolate eyes. Tom goes over and sits by Bill putting his arm around him. Bill leans onto him and smiles.
“I really enjoy your company,” Bill says, looking up to tom.
“I enjoy yours, Billy,” Tom said, looking into Bill's soft eyes.
“You know the only person who ever called me that before was tom.” Bill says, looking at him.

Bill could see that Nick's face changed a little at him saying Tom's name. For some reason tom was a sore spot with nick as well. He wondered how he even knew tom.
“Do you and Tom have a past?” Bill asks, now sitting up to look at Nick better.
“Kind of. But it's not important, "Nick says, getting up again and getting the leash for his dog.
“It is to me.” Bill says now intrigued by Nick's resistance to tell him what he wanted. Nick did that alot. He would never tell bill anything he wanted to know. He only knew the bare minimum.

It was bills birthday and boy was he wasted. It had only been 2 hours but Bill couldn't even walk straight. Nick stayed close by and so did gustav. Both for different but same reasons. Bill really wanted more drinks but nick had cut him off a while ago.
Bill sneaks off in the crowd and finds his way to the bar snagging a free drink from a pretty handsome guy. He was tall and blond. He also had a whole package if you know what I mean. Bill noticed how tight the guy's pants were and could tell. Bill was talking to him trying to concentrate on the small talk. His favorite song came on and he got up to dance.
“I will be right back um what's your name again?” Bill asked the man.
“Leon.” he smiles and Bill nods, going to the dance floor dancing his heart out.

Leon took the opportunity to drug bills drink. He didn't want sex even though he was hot. He needed to take him to the gang leader.
Leon was part of a gang named Dagger. It was a rival gang to Bullet. The leader of Dagger was georg. Not many people knew how dangerous georg could be.
Georg didn't know that Bill was the leader of Bullet but he wanted them so he could have the most powerful gang.
Soon Bill was back and took a big gulp of his drink. Leon watched as the drink slid into his mouth and his throat moved with every swallow. He knew it was only a matter of time before Bill was a mess in his arms.

Tom and Gustav were searching the club frantically for bill. There had to be over 500 people there. It was so crowded. In the search somehow Tom's bandana got pulled off and he hadn't noticed. He was frantically searching around, getting more and more worried. He couldn't lose him again; he just got him back. Gustav met with Tom and looked at him.
“Your bandana is gone!” Gustav said as Tom felt his own face.
Tom looked around but couldn't see it anywhere then he hurd Bill laugh. Looking in the direction he saw a guy taking him outside with a leather jacket.
It had a bloody dagger on the back.
“No! Shit gustav out the door now!” Tom says rushing to the front door with Gustav following behind him. Tom was pushing past people harshly not caring if any of them got hurt or not. Gustav would try to keep up with tom but knew he was much faster then him. He had always been faster then gustav.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2024 ⏰

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