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Bill has been keeping to himself and wouldn't let anyone close to him. Tom knew all too well what his behavior was like and was trying everything to find out who hurt him. But everything he tried it was like Bill would just reject it or ignore it. Tom was so confused on bills behavure one moment he was fine then the next he was upset then the next he was almost homicidal. The last show was tonight and Bill was completely focused on the show and no one else. Georg found himself going to Tom and knocking on the dressing room door as they all had their own dressing rooms this show.
"Hey tom can i talk to you"
"Yea i'm pretty sure i know what its about"
"Yea, it's about Bill. I'm really worried I just watched him stare at a wall for almost 5 minutes without blinking "Tom nodded he was noticing bill zones out alot more lately as well. Georg and Tom talked for a while unaware of what was going on in Bill's dressing room.


Bills pov
I have been rocking back and forth for a while now. I'm nervous, scared, and hungry. I haven't eaten in a few days because I just don't have an appetite for anything. My stomach is in knots though and it's eating itself. I think I'm panicking but I can't really tell my body is numb and I can't hear anything except a loud ass ringing in my ears. I didn't even notice Gustav come in; he had set a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump.
"Sorry bill i didn't mean to scare you i brought you a snack"
"It's ok thank you" I replied and took the snack while smiling to gustav. He was honestly the only one who noticed all of my odd behavior. He sat with me until it was time to start the show and walked with me to meet the others. Soon we are on stage playing our songs. The crowd is going crazy but I can't hear them. The ringing got louder and I could barely hear the music going on to keep on beat. After a few songs my legs started to shake as my body had a heat wave wash over it. Before I knew it I hit the floor convulsing in front of thousands of fans. The world went dark and it felt weird like I was floating. I could barely hear distant voices and soon woke up in a field. I remember coming here when I was little with Tom on vacation. It was a huge field with flowers and a big weeping willow tree. We tied a swing to it and I found myself sitting on it. This must be a dream or maybe it's heaven? Children's laughter could be hurd and I turned my head to see little me and little tom running around the flowers and laughing. Life was so carefree back then and we seemed so happy. I sat and watched them for a while before I felt a presence next to me. Turning to look I was met with an older version of myself.
"A-are you me?"
"Yes but older i come hear a lot to relax"
"Am i dead?"
"No just unconscious"
"What happened to me"
"You passed out and started to have a seizure on stage"
"I have seizures"
"Well anyone can get one if you don't take care of the body"
"So why am i hear"
"Well it's the only place your brain feels safe so it brought you back here and you are talking to me because you are longing for some guidance." I nodded, listening to myself talk. I guess in a weird way your brain can send you a gardein of yourself to help you calm down. But soon my time with him was interrupted as I heard a loud "clear" and felt a jolt.
"W-what's happening?!"
"It's time for you to go back to your world we will see each other again"
Before I could respond I was jolted awake shrouded by doctors one holding defibrillators.

Did I die?

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