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Toms pov
Bill has been in this coma for 3 months now. I asked the doctors why so long but they never gave me a clear answer. I just wanted him to wake up already. I'm scared of losing him and I don't think I can live without him. I stay with him every day hoping he will squeeze my hand back or make a noise. No matter how hard I hope and pray nothing happens. George won't talk to me; he believes this is completely my fault. Gustav has been stopping by every day to check on us both and if I needed anything. I did. I needed Bill to wake up and look at me and tell me everything's ok. I just wanted bill back. I haven't been doing drugs lately. I stopped after that day bill collapsed on stage. The main reason I took those drugs was so I wouldn't thank of bill that way or have the urge to sleep with him. But that's all I did when I was on them. I know Bill would be completely furious if I told him I was doing drugs but I just wanted a way to make the thoughts stop. But now I know I have to tell him he deserves to know why I hurt him so bad. I left those bruises on him and made him scared of everything and everyone. I honestly didn't deserve to even be near him. Bill was like a perfect angel that was just trying their best and I came in like a demon wanting to destroy their life.
Weeks had passed and still nothing from bill. Tom was now sleeping in the chair by Bill's bed instead of the couch across the room. He wanted to be there if Bill woke up. Gustav had stopped by and saw Tom asleep with his head on Bill's bed. He smiled softly at them and knew that if Bill could see this he would be smiling too. Gustav set a blanket over Tom as he dropped off some food and ice. Tom had a bad habit of chewing ice when he was nervous and Gustav knew it was the only thing keeping tom from relapsing.
Tom had left Bill's room to go home and change clothes and fix his hair. He had been wearing his pants but bills shirts made him feel closer to him and he could still smell his body wash. While Tom was in the shower he got a call from the hospital. He almost fell getting to his phone and they told him Bill had woken up but was on oxygen. He rushed to get dressed, not even putting his dreads up and sped to the hospital. Running into Bill's room he was met with Bill's brown eyes as they filled with tears.
"T-tommy" he reaches for him and Tom ran over, hugging him tightly.
"Bill, I'm so sorry I love you so much I'm so sorry" Tom was stuttering and a mess.
Soon Bill was able to go home and get a lot of rest but he didn't want to do that.
"Tom, I told you I'm fine, we should finish the tour." Bill says while walking through the door with Tom following behind him.
"And i said you need rest so it's a no on the tour" tom stood his ground with this. Bill pouted getting into his bed and looked at tom.
"The fans don't deserve this"
"You don't deserve this eather bill, this is my fault." Tom says, sitting on the bed by him. Bill hated it when Tom would blame himself; he didn't want him to feel bad because of him.
"Why don't we rest together?" Bill says hopeful that Tom would stay with him; he really didn't want to be alone. Tom nodded and crawled into the bed by bill and held him close, scared if he let go that this would all be a dream. Bill smiles and snuggles into Tom, soon falling asleep.
Bill was healing at a faster rate than they thought. He was also starting to cheer up. Tom on the other hand was stuck. The guy that was giving him the drugs was contacting him a lot. He wouldnt take no for an answer and threatened to out him to everyone. He didn't want the world to know he was sleeping with a guy for drugs but he also didn't want to take the drugs anymore he wanted to be clean for bill. The guy was calling him all the time and it was getting hard to hide it from the others and bill.
Toms pov
I was out with the band at a really expensive restaurant but my phone kept ringing all night. He was texting me asking if I could send him pictures or videos. I kept telling him no and that I was out with the band but he didn't care about that at all. He started to call me and I answered after the fifth call.
"Please stop im out to dinner" I whispered to him facing away from the table.
"Tell me what you're wearing" his voice was gross and sleazy.
"Please i promise to do this later"
"No! You have made me wait long enough! Now go to that bathroom and send me a nice picture. You know what I like." I close my eyes, frustrated that I couldn't get out of this.
"Ok" I hung up and looked at bill.
"Be right back i'm going to go to the bathroom" he nodded and i walked to it. Luckily it was a one person bathroom so I didn't have to worry about someone walking in. Taking a breath I took off my shirt and lowered my pants to sit on my hips. I hated that I had to do this to keep my secret. I took the photo and sent it. He demanded more and less clothes. I didn't know what else to do. I was stuck in this never ending cycle. I sent more photos and videos. By the time I was done I was crying in the corner with my knees to my chest. I didn't want to do this anymore but I was 18 and I should know how to handle this. A knocking echoed through the bathroom and I jumped.
"Tom you ok in there" it was bill i quickly wiped my tears away and got up opening the door.
"Yea sorry i think i passed out"
"O my god are you ok!?"
"Yea yea im ok can we just go home i'm tired"
"Sure," Bill says, smiling at me. I gave a small smile back and nodded following him to the car. I felt my phone buzz and my heart dropped. Why couldn't he just leave me alone...

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