12. ⚠️

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(Mature content)
Toms pov
I couldn't get over what Bill did. Sure i hated the guy and wanted him dead but bill of all people killing someone. I thought he wouldn't hurt a fly but now i wasn't so sure. I stayed in that bathroom watching Bill clean the blood and body. I couldn't speak and just sat on the floor. My body was in shock and Bill noticed because his dark demeanor turned into soft love as he went over to tom.
"Love i'm sorry you had to see that side of me.'' Bill says, leaning down to my level and smiling softly. I cried in his arms, my body finally catching up to my mind and the only thing I could think of was that I was free from that man. I was free to keep off the drugs and I was free to be myself. I didn't have to dress or act like that anymore. I could do whatever I wanted and live like I did before. Then it hit me that I was still faced with my original problem. My feelings for bill. Sure he said he felt the same way but what if he was just saying that what if he was lying. I looked up to him and he softly wiped the tears from my cheeks. Bill was always so soft with me ever since I could remember. He never was angry with me and was the only person to see me in such a way. I looked into Bill's eyes, getting lost in the maze that was his brown eyes. They were always so kind and full of life.
"I love you tommy i always have always will" bill spock softly to me softly brushing my hair back. I blushed at his jester and found myself leaning in to him. He caught on and kissed me. I felt my heart skip a beat and realized this was our first kiss where we were both sober and willing. The kiss lasted forever for me and soon Bill pulled back to look at me.
"I love you to Bill I always have and always will '' I spoke softly.
"Always will be our forever" Bill says smiling as our foreheads touched together.
Bill and Tom have never spoken about the death of that man since. The band carried on like normal except Bill and Tom were always together. There was never a time that one of them was alone. Bill loved it; he was more of a protector to Tom ever since he saw his dark side. Bill had a dark past that Tom never knew about and he wanted to keep it that way to be completely honest. Tom on the other hand was a ball of sunshine around bill all the time. If people had to describe them it would be Tom as the golden boy and bill as the scary pitbull. But Tom didn't mind; he loved it when Bill was protective of him. But there was one problem: George still had a massive longing for bill and it never stopped. It got so bad sometimes that he would have to physically stop himself from grabbing Bill's hair and kissing him on stage. The way Bill was being now did not help at all. George thought the way Bill protected Tom was hot and felt more attracted to him. The only problem was George could never get a moment alone with Bill to confess his feelings. Why did he have to confess though Bill already knew how he felt and was just ignoring him. It made George upset and jealous of tom. He needed to find a way to get Tom away from Bill so George could get the answers he needed to know. They had stopped at a gas station for some snacks and George knew this was the only time he could get bill alone. He waited as Tom left the bus and went to the back bedroom where Bill was.
"Bill, we need to talk."
"About what george"
"You know what, why are you just ignoring me like my feelings for you don't matter!" George says not quit yelling yet but getting there.
"George you need to get over this crush on me im with tom not you"
"I can't just get over it, I need you in a way that's hard to explain. George stepped closer to bill.
"George, I am warning you. Keep your feelings to yourself. We aren't anything but friends and that's how that's going to be. Forever."
George watched Bill walk away and was fueled with anger he couldn't just throw him away like that like he was just some fan girl in a vip party. He decided he needed to go after the root of the problem which was tom. He needed to come up with a plan though and it would have to take place at an after party so bill couldn't possibly be by tom 24/7. He needed to get Tom alone and tell him his feelings and what needed to happen.
George didn't know about Bill's evil side though, no one besides tom. Everyone still thought Bill was sweet and could do no harm.
Bills pov
A part of me wishes Tom never had to see me kill a man. I have killed dozens of men before him and never told anyone. All the men were bad people and did deserve to die but the fact that my secret is kind of out makes me nervous.
Let's start from the beginning so you can better understand where this all started.

The first person I ever killed i was 7 years old. This man was creeping around the outside of the house every night and was always watching tom. I recognized him from a police sketch of a known kidnapper that hurt kids. I wasn't going to let Tom get hurt so I had to lure the man into the woods behind our house and as soon as he let his guard down I stabbed him over and over. I know it's a lot to hear that a 7 year old stabbed someone but I had to do what I had to do.
That's when I learned about my sadistic side. I never felt remorse for killing people, I only felt good about it. After that I would actively look for bad people. I would go out every night for years walking the town finding bad people that were hurting or planning on hurting other innocent people. The worst person I ever killed was a man named james. He hurt me physically and mentally. He took advantage of me in any way you could think of and assaulted me. I took my time taking him out and felt good about it.

Now that you know my past you can see why I didn't want tom to know. It's a big burden to carry and Tom now carries it as well. Tom never knew about James though because I never came out to him before the night we slept together. I worry my past will haunt me but so far it has been staying quiet.
I hurd tom come back to the bus and was pulled out of my thoughts as he handed me a snack and drink.
"Thank you love" I told him and he blushed. It was so easy to make him blush. I loved it.
"Your welcome" he spoke sweetly to me and I smiled. I truly loved this man and knew that this was going to be a long if not forever type relationship.
The band got to their next gig. This tour was honestly going on longer then they thought it would and they were getting tired. They loved the fans and singing and playing but being on the road all the time was getting tiring. Bill was napping on the couch while Gustav and Tom were watching tv. George knew this was a better time for talking to Tom than ever.
"Hey tom can i talk to you privately for a moment"
"Sure whats up"
"Lets go to the back and talk, '' George says while walking to the back bedroom tom following behind...

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