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Bill woke up in his bed taking in the morning sun. He sat for a bit before getting out of his bed and getting dressed. The clothes he had decided to wear were a black t-shirt and some skinny jeans. Slipping on his boots a knock was heard at his door. Getting up he looks out seeing Tom's face as he bit onto his lip ring.
"Hey Tom, what's up?" he asked him now, opening the door fully and leaning on the door frame.
"I was seeing if you were ready for the tour we leave today in like 5 minutes" Tom says, giving Bill a hurried look. Shit that was today and the bill wasn't even ready yet. He rushed to get his things packed and ran out to the tour bus. Everyone was already on but working on unpacking what they needed and finding the beds they wanted. The tour bus was pretty fancy and big so everyone got to have a bad to themselves. The very back bedroom was for Bill. It was his turn to have it this tour so he went back and started taking out everything he needed, which wasn't a lot. He was really excited for this tour and couldn't wait for it to begin.
Tom sat in his bed on the bus listening to music. He didn't want to be bothered and just wanted to listen to the sound of bill's sweet voice playing in his ears. Tom had been strangely obsessed with their music lately and wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because he could hear Bill's voice harmonize with his playing. Tom had been thinking of Bill alot to he always seemed to be on his mind. Was something wrong with him? Maybe he just needed to listen to something else or maybe he was just around bill too much. Yes they were very close but sometimes you need to have your own space. Tom went to change the song when "don't jump" started playing. Not a lot of people knew but Tom wrote that song and loved hearing Bill's voice sing the lyrics. The bus started moving and Tom got up for a snack looking in all the cabinets he finally found some skittles. He was munching on them and Bill walked up to him.
"Ooo can I have one please" he said sweetly and Tom smiled. He was going to pour some into Bill's hand but was met with Bill opening his mouth for him to pour some in. Tom looked at it for a moment. Bill's eyes were closed and his tongue was sticking out just a little showing off his tongue piercing. Tom could feel the redness start to run up his neck and he quickly poured some into Bill's mouth before dashing to his bed and pulling the curtain so no one could see him. What was that all about why did he get so flustered? It was just Bill, why did he react that way. Tom sighs to himself and tries to calm down his mind and breathing. Maybe a nap would help him relax so he took off his hat and sweat band letting his dreads fall as he pulled the ponytail holder out laying down and getting comfortable. It took a few minutes but soon Tom was fast asleep dreaming. His dream however was about Bill and it was something he had never dreamed before.
Tom found himself in a hotel room with Bill talking on and on about the tour. He new bill was excited and wanted to seem interested but all he could focus on was the dream he had back on the bus. It was definitely something he shouldn't have dreamed of and something he shouldn't be thinking about.
Tom was on top of Bill passionately kissing him until they had to pull apart for air. Looking down he could see Bill's black hair warling around his head on the pillow and a soft pink on his cheeks as he caught his breath.
"What are we doing this is bad" bill painted with lust in his voice.
"But it feels so good doesn't it." Tom teased as his knee pressed onto Bill's crotch causing him to moan out."
Um tom are you listening to me at all? Bill ask casing tom to be ripped out of his memory from the dream.
"Hm? O yea im liaising "Tom says, stirring a little in his seat.
"You sure you seem off are you getting sick" Bill walked over putting a hand on Tom's forehead. All Tom could look at was the slender body towering over him, his eyes landing on Bill's star tattoo. Bill's shirt was pretty see through and Tom admired it alot he could feel himself getting more flustered and got up now standing face to face with bill inches apart.
"I just need to rest, I'm tired that's all" Tom said moving from where he was to go to his part of the sweet. He shut the door behind him and breathed out still feeling a little uncomfortable downstairs he sits on his bed and thanks.
"This isn't good, why am I thanking like this?"
Bill stood in the same spot that Tom left him in. He swears to himself that it was an accident but Tom had grazed his own thigh as he left for his room.
"Tom didn't mean to touch you like that bill, stop thanking it when it's not." he told himself softly so tom wouldn't hear. Bill got called by georg to go have dinner and he decided to let Tom sleep. The dinner was wonderful and it helped distract his mind. He brought back some food for Tom and noticed his door still shut. He must still be sleeping so he put his food in the fridge for Tom to have later. He went into his room stripping off his shirt and stretching. He saw himself in the mirror and noticed his ribs showing a lot more. He didn't know why he couldn't gain weight like he lost it. Shrugging it off he got into his sweat pants and layed down drifting off to sleep.

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