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Bill and Gustav stayed in the hospital for a few days just to make sure Bill was for sure ok to go home. Gustav took Bill as soon as they were able to leave for the airport. Bill was confused but did not question it. Bill was sitting by Gustav at a gate for a plane going to Germany and Bill was pretty nervous.

Bills pov
I felt so confused on why Gus was taking me back to germany. Was he getting me away from Tom? Was he just bringing me to his house to relax? Was he taking me back to the gang?
Wait, why would he know about that? What am I thanking. Or maybe he does. I mean I did see that face flash over him in the hospital. That couldn't have been him though Gus would never kill anyone he is super sweet and i have literally seen him help a fly back outside. Soon the fight was called out over the speaker for boarding. Gus got up and helped me up and onto the plain it wasn't really that crowded to be honest. There were maybe 20 other people on the plane besides me and Gus. I had a window seat and Gus was in the middle. I enjoyed watching the clouds and sunset as we flew but it was a pretty long flight so I laid my head back resting my eyes. Soon I had fallen asleep and was dreaming of the field again.

"Where are you right now?" my older self asked.
"On my way to Germany with Gus" I answered looking at the stars that were now twinkling above us.
"O i remember that time it was definitely interesting"
"Is Gus a gang member?" I asked, looking at my older self. He chuckles and shrugs his shoulders.
"I can't tell you it would empack the futcher" he smiles and i nod looking at the stars again.
"It is going to be a rough gurney ahead, that i can tell you"
I looked down hearing the tone in his voice and sighed. My childhood was already bad enough why did this stress have to continue.
"Will Tom come around any time soon?"
I watched my older self tear up and sigh.
"Not any time soon but when your much older he will"
"We are apart for that long?!?"
"Sadly yes but life happens and people have to grow on their own." they spoke to me before laying back. I wasn't sure how to feel about that so I just stayed quiet.

Gustavs pov
Bill was sleeping so I took the opportunity to put my tracker in his pocket so if we got separated I could find him faster. He didn't know we were going to our hometown and I really didn't want to tell him. I also didn't want to tell him we were going to tell his mom everything. She was sweet and would have the answers we needed to help out everyone. I have been doing alot of research and believe Tom has bipolar disorder. As I looked over all my notes I froze, feeling a head on my shoulder. I didn't dare move in fear of waking Bill up. He was laying his head on me in his sleep making soft mumbling noises. I soon relaxed and Bill slipped down to my lap. I ran my hand through his hair and tried to make him as comfortubol at possible. I knew he just needed some protection for a bit and I was willing to do just that for him.


Bills pov
I woke up laying on gustavs lap. It was nice to just have him around. I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes.
"Morning sleepyhead" i hurd Gustav giggle.
"Mmmm morning have we been flying that long?"
"Yea we are almost there" gustav said pointing out the window. I looked and saw the familiar buildings. Sitting up fully, I fixed my hair and looked to gustav.
"So why are we back here?"
"You will see," he said smiling and we landed.
Soon we got off the plane and I heard a familiar voice.
"Billy!" looking over, my mom tackled me, hugging me tightly.
"Hi mama, I missed you" I said, hugging her back.
"I missed you much more trust me" she says smiling at me
"Look at you! You have gotten so big and handsome my sweet boy." she says hugging me again and i smile hugging back. This must have been the reason gustav brought me back maybe he thought i needed my mother for a bit i was always a-
"Mama's boy" she whispers
it's like she could hear my thoughts. Soon we were walking to her car and she turned to me while grabbing my bag.
"So where's Tom, was he not able to come with you?"
"O um gustav brought me as a surprise so i didn't get to tell tom" i tried to sound happy but the memories of tom's rage flooded my head.
"So you're going to tell me what happened to you or are we going to pretend I can't see the bruises." she spoke while driving us to her house. I didn't know what to tell her because they were caused by Tom but I felt that would break her heart and i didnt want to do that.
"Tom did it, '' Gustav said from the back seat. My mother was quite the rest of the drive and I shot a look at Gustav. I know he was trying to help me but he didn't need to say it so bluntly. As soon as we got to her house I noticed something was off. It seemed different. We walked inside the rooms feeling dry and cold.
"Mama, why does the house feel so cold?"
"I knew you boys were fighting...i just didn't want to believe it..."
"What do you mean?"
"When you both are happy my house is bright and warm but when you fight...my house is dark and cold." she says taking my bags upstairs and Gustav followed her i guess to talk to her. I was stuck in the hallway. It was like i couldn't breathe. For some reason a sense of panic filled me and I couldn't get myself to move to follow them. The room got smaller and my vision blurred.
I hurd and called out "who is that"
"What do you want?!"
"BILL!" it was tom's voice booming around me but i couldn't see him i couldn't see anything. I rubbed my eyes but nothing worked. I couldn't see. What was this? Why can't I see? Am i dieing? Someone please help me. I was back in the field but this time it was gray and my kid self was sitting by the pond crying.
"B-buddy what's wrong?" i ask.
"Tom no love us no more he is going to leave" he cried and my heart sank. What did he mean leave Tom wouldn't do that he wouldn't. I looked around for my older self desperately but couldn't see him anywhere. The feeling of falling hit me and I realized I was falling down a hole reaching out for my younger self before he faded from view. Was this really happening what was going on? My back hit the ground, knocking the wind out of me and I looked around. It was like I was in a void with a single spotlight on me.
"Hello?'' I called out and I could hear my voice echo into the distance. What was this place?
I walked in the dark before seeing a light in the distance. There was something standing in it.
"Hello!" I called out to it.
"Bill?" it was tom he turned to me and we stared at each other.
Was this twin telepathy?

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