15. ⚠️

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Bill had been in the hospital for a few days now with Gustav keeping him company. Tom had been acting a little strange and was going through a lot of bill's stuff. It was like he was looking for something but no one knew what he was after. Georg would come by and see if bill or gustav needed anything then he would help tom go through bill's things.

Bills pov
I have gotten to know my nurses and they have treated me really well at this hospital. Gustav hasn't left my side; he even sleeps here so I'm not alone. I really do enjoy his company and I hope he enjoys mine just as much.
"How are you feeling today? Do you thank your up to taking a walk around the hall?" Gustav asked me and I thought for a moment before answering.
"Yes i thank so I haven't walked since I got here so it might be good for me. Will you walk with me?"
"Of course is that even a question" gustav smiled at me and i felt pure happiness gustav really was my best friend. He helped me out of bed after the nurse gave me the ok to walk. I held onto his arm as we walked for a bit. I was super slow because I was still recovering from everything that had just happened a few days earlier. Luckily the tour was over so I was able to rest in the hospital and not worry about the next show. We soon got back to my room and Gustav helped me into bed putting the blanket over me.
"Thank you gus" I said smiling and i could see gustav's eyes light up. He always loved that nickname and he nodded.
"It's no problem you should get some sleep"
"Is tom coming by today?" I asked and saw Gustav's happy face darken a little but he tried to hide it.
"I don't thank so he is really busy with the interviews and keeping everyone away from your hospital room."
I looked down i hadn't seen Tom in 2 days and it was getting to me. I didn't like being apart for a long time and this felt like years.
"Dont worry im sure he will be over tomorrow" gustav says smiling.
"I hope" I mumble before falling asleep.

Toms pov
I have been going through bills stuff with georg is hopes of finding answers as to why he had been acting so off and passed out on stage. So far everything has looked normal. I really need to go through his phone but he has it in the hospital. I haven't seen him for a few days because its hard for me to see him in that state. Gustav has been asking over and over for me to come by but I just can't.
"I found something!" georg says holding up bills journal.
"Anything useful?" i ask walking over and saw a bunch of pages with very hard pin marks sckribeld into them. That wasn't like Bill at all and I looked at georg worried before looking into the book more. I found a page that was dated a few days before the last show.

'I have been seeing that man in my nightmares. He keeps touching me like he did that night. I can't run from him; he always finds me. His hands always traveling my skin and breath always in my ear. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to feel nothing. I so desperately want him to stop but he's in my head how could he stop. He keeps going no matter what I do. I wish I was dead..."

My eyes water as I read bills words. His handwriting was sloppy like he was crying while writing. I looked at Georg who was having the same reaction as I was.
"Do you think he is talking about me?" Georg asked hesitantly.
"No he would mention your name this is about a stranger to us but not to him"
"Who does he know that we don't?"
"I don't know but i'm going to find out" my mind races as i think of everything that has happened on tour so far. I then remembered the guy Bill killed. Maybe I should look him up and see if there's anyone out there seeking a type of revenge.

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