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Bill was able to leave the hospital after a few days and the tour was still going on. Bill made that choice; he didn't think it was right for the fans to suffer just because he was bruised up. Bill stayed in his back bedroom on the bus though the band knew the truth and Bill was honestly scared to be in Tom's presents. George was still pissed off at Tom who now seemed to not even care that he hurt Bill so much. Gustav on the other hand was very worried about bill most people didn't know it but gustav and Bill were best friends they shared a very deep bond that no one else had. Gustav would check on Bill alot and bring him food and water. The next gig was about 3 days away so Bill had a lot of time to himself.
Bills pov
I have been laying in this bed all day gustav the sweet boy he is had lifted up the blinds on the window so i could watch out the window while i layed down. He sat with me earlier today and told me some of his cheesy jokes that always made me smile. The bus made a gas stop and Gustav was inside getting me a drink and snacks. I heard someone knock on my door and i yell out
"Come in" I was expecting Gustav but was met with tom. His eyes were unreadable and I scooted back trying to make more distance from me and tom. Never had I imagined that I would be scared of tom. We stared at each other for a while not speaking a word then Tom broke the silence.
"How are you feeling..."
"I-i'm alright just a little sore" was all i could stutter out tom was frightening me more and more. He started to come closer and I flinched remembering the beating I took from him.
"Please don't be scared of me" Tom spoke softer to me and I tried my best to relax but it was hard.
"I just want you to know what I did back there wasn't me. It's complicated and too long to explain but it wasn't me "Tom says now sitting on the bed looking at me.
"Ok" was all i could say then silence fell over the room. It felt like years went by as me and Tom kept eye contact. We were interrupted as Gustav walked in with my stuff completely ignoring Tom as he left the room.
"Hear you go i got you a monster and some sour gummies" gustav smiled at me and i couldn't help but smile back.
"Thank you gus i think i'm going to rest for a bit" he nodded leaving the room and i layed back down drifting off to sleep.
Each day a repeat bill would stay in his room, Gustav would take care of him, Tom would only check in if no one was on the bus, and George would pick fights with Tom all the time. They had finally gotten to the gig and their hotel. Bill was still sharing a sweet with Tom and didn't know how to feel. He sat in his new room unpacking his bag. It was late but everyone wanted to go out. Bill decided to stay in wanting some time to himself. He had fallen asleep a while ago but was woken up to a hand on his side. The room was dark and he couldn't tell who was there but he thought it was tom.
"Tom please go, I don't want to get into this with you." the hand slipped up my shirt making me shiver.
"Tom please" I tried to push him away but realized my hands were tied to the bed.
"T-tom untie me please" I started to panic. How was I supposed to keep away from him if I couldn't even get him off me. Both hands traveled my body and I let out a whimper. It felt good to me but I knew I couldn't let it happen.
"Tom plea-" a hand covered my mouth roughly.
"Stop calling me tom" my eyes widened. It was George on top of me, not tom. Why was he on me like this i didnt even know he liked guys. I tried to speak but it was muffled. I really didn't want this to happen even more now. If Tom found out I would probably get hurt again. Wait why am I worried about what Tom would thank. All I knew is I needed George off of me now. I kicked him to get off. I'm sure I hit a bad spot because he was growing in pain.
"Why would you let me show you what love is!" I felt him grip my chin just like Tom did. I whimpered, scared and he seemed to back off. Soon I heard him leave the room only one problem though I was still tired to the bed. I couldn't get free no matter what I tried.
"Help! Someone help me!" was all I could call out. I had been calling out for help for an hour before I heard the door open.
"Help me please!" I didn't care who it was. I just needed to get out of the rope. It was rubbing my skin raw and I could feel blood dripping.
"Bill why are you tied up" fuck it was tom.
"It's not important please untie me"
"I don't know, I kind of like you like this" Tom says i could hear him smirking i swear.
"Ok ok fine jeez"
Tom untied me and I ran to the bathroom locking the door. I turned on the light and winced at the brightness of it. Getting a look at myself in the mirror, I saw 4 big hickeys on my neck. How long had George been in my room before I had woken up?

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