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Tom pulled back quickly.
"What are you doing bill your to drunk!"
Tom hadn't meant to yell at Bill but he was caught off guard and needed to comprehend everything that just happened. Worried he hurt the others feeling he looked at him but he was already passed out asleep. Breathing out and putting a blanket over him and goes to his room. He couldn't stop thinking of that kiss though it meant something to him but did it mean something to bill?
They were on the rode again but Tom sat away from everyone. His mind was always on that kiss, his feelings for bill, and how he wished he wasn't sick like this. Bill had noticed but didnt know why all he knew is he woke up with a massive hangover and his head still hurt. Luckly the bus was quite cus gustav and georg where sleeping. Tom would look at Bill a lot and watch him closely. He needed to get his mind off of this; he needed some space or an escape from everything. Tom remembers a number that was given to him last night and goes into the back room to call it.
'Hey its tom from the party last night you said you had something that could help me'
"O decided you wanted to try some"
'Yes when can i get it'
"Easy tiger there's a price for everything"
'What do you want'
"You my place tonight"
Tom had a very uneasy feeling but agreed and got the address lucky the place was in the town they were going to. Tom walks back to where he was sitting but spotted Bill now sitting by that seat. He sits down just looking at his phone and Bill nudges him.
"Hay why are you avoiding everyone, Tommi?" god that nickname always made tom blush.
"Im not im just tired bill we got pretty waisted last night"
"O i know i woke up with another hickey i must be getting lucky in my sleep or something" bill chuckles and tom looks at the spot that bill was pointing to. How is that possible he brought Bill home last night there was no way someone came in and Bill was too drunk to walk quietly.
"Tommi? You ok"
"Yea sorry" Tom looks out the window thanking to himself as Bill nods slowly and looks out the other window.
The concert was good. A few fans tried to get on stage but besides that it went well. Everyone was at the after party but Tom was in an alley waiting for the dealer. A tall man shows up and smirks to tom.
"You have my payment cutie"
"Just get it over will i really need theas"
The man nodded, grinning he was your normal pedo looking man and he didn't smell any better. Tom shut his eyes tightly trying to imagine his happy place only for it to get ruined but the thought of Bill kissing him. Tom didn't know how long he was in that alley but it felt like forever the man's hands were oily and made his skin itch. After he was done he set the little baggy into Tom's hand.
"Next time where this for me" he was handed a frilly piece of underwear and Tom cringed at the thought. He nodded slowly and the guy left, making Tom the only person in that alley now. He took 2 pills out and swallowed them quickly then went back into the party. It wasn't long before the pills took effect and Tom was all over girls making them happy and making him forget. He liked the feeling he got from them and knew he was going to need more. Bill didnt like it though he was very jealous seeing tom basically fucking girls at the party.
Why was he jealous though? Tom had a right to sleep with whoever he wanted. But Bill longed for it to be him. Bill didn't drink a lot that night. He was too worried about Tom's reckless behavior and wanted to make sure he got back to the bus safely. Once on the bus it started moving and Bill went to the back room laying on the bed. He still had a headache and wanted some peace. Before he could drift off to sleep his door opened revealing a very high tom he went over and started to run his hands on bills sides making him shiver.
"Ahh~ tom what are you mmm~" Bill couldn't help but moan. It felt good and this is what he was longing for. He was already hard and saw that Tom knew that. Maybe this was ok as long as Tom engayged first. Bill leaned back enjoying the feeling of Tom's hands roaming his body. He hoped this lasted forever.

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