Chapter -2

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I am sitting on the swing and looking towards Moon, and sobbing quitely i don't want my family to know the truth!!... After marriage i told everything to my Mummy because I can't hide anything from her !!..

I prepared a mental note that after going to college, i never show that I am hurt.... After seeing me happy there planning flop brutuntaly!!...

I not only pretend to be happy but also tried my best to move on!!... Because that bastard don't deserve my tears!!... I deserved to be happy and I will!!... (I said this very loudly!!..)

After sometime I heard throat clearing sound after turning backside I saw Ekansh Jiju, my eyes widen in shock because I never expected him to be here at this hours.... I quickly turn backside wiping my tears, composing myself and kept a smile on my face , I turn towards him!!...

He just looked into my eyes without telling anything!!... By taking deep breath i said, "What are doing at here at this hours??".... He replied as usual coldly, "I can't sleep that why though to took some fresh air!!".... Okay Good night, it's getting late i should go to room... ( I said giving him a small smile)

I started walking towards door but he said,Stop.. ( In a demanding way but he don't know that Niki only follow her order not everyone!!..)... By taking a long breath i turn towards him but again he just looking into my eyes!!

What??.. ( I said in a annoyed voice by raising my eyebrow).... Nothing good night... ( He said softly but as far as I know he never talk anyone softly, I narrowed my eyes but doesn't said anything).... By replying Hmm!!.. ( I practically run from terrace just like dogs are behind me...)


No matter how much I worked and became tired but i can't sleep and Maa and Papa never allowed me to take sleeping pills!!...

By signing i close my eyes, those beautiful pairs of eyes kept coming infront of me.. By signing i walked towards terrace to get some air!!...

I heard some sinffing sound,I saw Niki on swing looking towards Moon and sobbing quitely... I quietly standing there and observe her suddenly she stand up and said, "I deserved to be happy and I will!!..".

Automatic smile came into my face she is such a child... But I want to know what happened to her , i purposely cleared my throat to grab her attention, she quickly turned towards me and widen her eyes, she looked so cute even with tear after composing herself she gave me her smile, i just looked into her eyes by seeing her duality a few minutes ago she was crying and now she is smiling...

She took a deep breath and asked me , "what I am doing here at this hours??"... I replied coldly, "I can't sleep that why though to took some fresh air!!"... (I was beyond shocked i never explain myself to others from my childhood expect my family, friends and her... but after her death i never explain myself to my family and friends!!... Because I don't want them to took Stress because of me ..)

Okay good night, it's getting late i should go to my room... (She said avoiding conversation and gave me a small smile which never reaches her eyes)

She started walking towards door but i can't leave her without getting my answer so I suddenly say Stop!!.. ( In demanding way!!)..

We just kept staring at each other after sometime she asked being annoyed What??... (She said raising her eyebrows)... For the first time in my life i felt nervous.. i replied nothing good night... (She just narrowed her eyes i was thinking what for this reaction).. she replied hmm and run from there !!...

Then realization hit me i just talk to her softly which i only talked 5years ago to my family, friends and to her ... But after her i never talk to anyone softly... What the hell you are doing with me??.. Niki!!.. He shrugged off his shoulder and started going towards his room!!..

Little did he know that his Parents listen there every conversation and noticed every action of him!!...


G: About what we see in terrace, what do you think about this?? (I asked my husband)

R:I don't know and we never thought about like this because she is going to be his Sister -in-law ....(He said being serious)

G: Hmm you are right!!.. But i prayed to God that please gave my son his happiness!!.. (I said hoping for miracle)

R:Hmm now sleep!!.. Tomorrow is Mehedi and Sangeet!!.... Good night dear.. (He said kissing my forehead)

G: Good night!!.. (I said kissing his cheeks)


Niki: Are Neha di kya hua apka chera kyu utra hua hai... (Ohh Neha di why you are looking down).... Just she was about to reply me but Mummy cutted her and said me it's just a weddings jitters nothing else... I doubt but shrugged it off....

D:Niki ja jaldi se tayar ho ja mehendi shuru hone wali hai... (Niki go and get ready Mehendi is about to start)

Niki: Okay Mummy!!... (I was about to go but Neha di stop me and asked me about Vivek Bhai, I was shocked why she wants to know about Bhai, i replied yah!!.. he will be there in few minutes)

I feel something is fishy so I decided to call Vivek Bhai!!...


Where are you Bhai??... Okay my room no. is 203 i want to discuss something urgent with you!!...

After sometime I heard knock on my door it was Vivek Bhai, I let him enter my room ...

N:What 's going between you and Neha di?? (I asked seriously!!..)

V: Nothing Niki , why are you thinking too much!!.. (He said avoiding my eyes)

N: You know na you can't lie to me!!.. Tell me the truth otherwise it turned into blunder !! ( I said sternly)

V: When i first saw Neha i started falling for her , but never get that much courage to tell her and you also said your sister hate love marriages so I never confessed with her!!...

But one day I came to know that Ekansh and Neha marriage are fixed they both are going for a date but on that day , Ekansh never reached there infact he sent his secretary with driver to inform her that he can't make it up!!..

Neha cried too much I go towards her and hugged her , she kept repeating one thing that I want only love so in that moment i confessed my feelings to her!!.. she also confessed that she loved me so much but she never thought her feelings being reciprocated !!...

On that day Neha talk to your parents that she never love Ekansh because she love someone else but your Papa said that he can't go back to his words!!..

No one dare to disobey your father!!.. Even he took her mobile from her !!.. your parents doesn't know I am that boy whom Neha love!!..

I decided that we will run from here and marry in temple!!...


1. What do you think that Nikita help them in running away??..

2.Or she came with another solution??..

3. For more updates please join there journey!!.... Nikita & Ekansh
# Naksh💞💞

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