Chapter -11

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Now I will see how Ekansh will marry with my sister!!.... ( I said while smirking!!...)

I was on my thoughts suddenly i heard knock on my door, i immediately open the door but frozen on my place when i saw Ekansh here ;

I don't know why but after seeing him , i felt shiver ran down my spine his eyes are doing something on me , but we just look into our eyes!!...

Suddenly he grab my hand and dragged me inside the room and immediately locked the door, negative thoughts appeared in my mind;

By gulping i asked;

What are you doing Mr. Malhotra??.. Don't you know it's not a good manners to enter anyone room without there permission!!.... And why you lock the door??... ( I asked showing my finger to him suddenly;...)

Suddenly he grabbed my finger and pulled me towards himself, he grabbed my waist I was shocked by this sudden moment!!...

I don't know why but i don't feel uncomfortable with his touch!!...

What comes into me i can't understand, suddenly i hugged him his body stiffen with my touch but soon he also hugged me tightly like if he release me i became evaporated!!...

There pic:


When uncle asked me how to convince Niki??... I felt like my all hope shattered once again!!..

I know how stubborn she is??...

But i know she love her family alot, i know after that she probably hate me but i guess I had to do this!!...

I had to blackmail her with her family!!..

Then she definitely ready for this marriage!!...

By taking deep breaths, i started walking towards her room!!..

I knocked on her door soon she opened doors for me , by seeing me here she became shocked i grabbed her hand pushed her inside and lock the door!!...

I know she became nervous, by gulping she asked in anger;

What are you doing Mr. Malhotra??.. Don't you know it's not a good manners to enter anyone room without there permission!!.... And why you lock the door??... ( She said while showing her finger to me, i grabbed her finger and pulled her towards me, i grabbed her waist we looked each other eyes with thousands of emotions suddenly she hugged me, i became stiffen on my place!!...)

I felt solace after five years, my love in my arms I wish to time to stop here !!.. I quickly hug her very tight what if in next moment i again loose her!!..

Tears started to form in my eyes, before it poured onto my cheeks Niki kicked me on my leg reality hit me i quickly turn backwards and remove my tears and compose myself!!...

Before i could say anything she started yelling;

How dare you to hug me??.....

She said with blood shot eyes and breathing heavily

I raised my eyebrows, she is the one who hugged me first and now she is the one who blaming me for this!!..

I said in a cold voice;

You were the one who hugged me!!..

I think reality hit her hard, she quickly broke our eye contact and think deeply suddenly she closed her eyes and put hands on her head!!...

I feel panick , i rubbed her back and said; Are you alright!!...

She didn't answer me but started running towards washroom I was about to follow her but she locked the door!!...

I felt panicked negative thoughts appeared in my mind!!..

I bang door harshly and said her please come out!!..

About 20 minutes, which feel like hours to me she opened the door;


When he hugged me back, reality hit me hard what i am doing i quickly kick his leg he groaned in pain!!!....

I don't know why but by seeing him in pain , i also felt pain!!..

I quickly shrugged off my thoughts!!..

His back is facing me!!...

Before he could say i said;

How dare you to hug me??...

He looked at me like I have grown two heads!!...

By narrowing his eyes he said in a cold tone;

You were the one who hugged me!!...

I quickly broke our eye contact, i felt embarassed how i hugged a stranger!!..

I close by eyes but i felt this is not a first time i hugged him!!..

I saw some pictures but i can't clearly seen it!!..

Fuck!!.. I muttered under my breath and hold my head but it's paining alot!!..

Soon Ekansh came towards me and rubbed my back and said something but I can't recognise it due to pain;

I ran towards washroom and locked the door, i opened the tap and started washing my face with cold water!!..

After sometime I felt better!!...

I quickly open the door i saw Ekansh there, he signed in relief by seeing me!!..

I quickly went towards drawer and took my tablet which doctor uncle gave me for my headache!!..


When i saw her i sighed in relief!!..

She took some medicine and look towards me!!...

And said to me in calm voice;

What are you doing here??...

How i reply her now , she is already not well how she will react about this!!..

But if i didn't make her agree , the bua of mine will surely understand that I care for her!!..

And surely she used her against me!!..

By taking deep breaths i started saying;

I know you love your family very much!!... When you said everything to my grandfather he said only on one condition i became CEO by Marrying you!!.... So you have to marry with me if you didn't agree and again try something stupid then your family had to paid for this!!...

I said in a cold voice!!...

And yaa before you started assuming things let me tell you i hugged you back because you are soon to be my wife!!... And yaa don't overthink otherwise little brains of your will blast!!....

I said all this if by any chance she said that anyone that i hugged her it only makes situation worst!!...

I can see hurt lace on her face but I had to do this!!....


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