Chapter -7

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After listening to Bhai story everyone gave me an amazed look but this Ekansh he gave me a proud look, just like he expected this from me like he know me very well!!..

By shrugging off my thoughts i said

Niki: Vivek Bhai and Neha di i have some important work with you guys!!.. ( I said sternly!!..)

Nihar: Konsa kaam??... (Which work??..)... (Papa said raising his eyebrow..)

Niki: umm!!.. Yahh!!.. Which type of makeup I do in Sangeet so I want Neha di opinion and you know this year my marks really got down so i want Vivek Bhai help in some topic for pre-prepration for my final year!!.. ( I said trying hard to hide  my nervousness!!...)

Luckily Papa beleive in my lie!!...

I quickly hold there hands and started walking towards door, i felt like I am prey which saved from lion's den!!..

Just then Ekansh said:

Ekansh: If you want i can help you in studies!!...( He said being nervous!!..)

By bitting my inner cheeks to control my anger, I said it's Okay I will take Bhai's help!!..

Without listening to him i run from there!!..


When Niki said that she has work from Neha and Vivek, i understood that she is lying so i offer her that I will help her in studies she bitted her inner cheeks that means she is trying to control her anger and rejected my offer, I was about to tell her that I am her to be professor but without listening to me she ran from room along with Vivek and Neha!!..

Uncle by putting his hand on my shoulder asked What happened??..

By Signing i tell him everything that Niki know about Vivek and Neha and about her planning!!..

Aunty immediately said that how will they explain her now!!..

Uncle started walking towards there direction me and Aunty follow them!!..


I quickly bring both of them to my room!!..

By crossing my hands to my chest i asked

Niki: What you guys are doing in Mumma and Papa room along with Ekansh??.. ( I asked in a serious voice!!.)

Neha: Listen Papa know about me and Vivek!!... ( She said putting an eye contact that means she didn't lie!!..)

Niki: How??.. I mean you guys said that he doesn't know anything isn't it??.. ( I said raising my eyebrows!!..)

Neha: We also though that but he know!!..

Niki: ( By taking long breathes i said).. okay agree he know but why You guys were in their room??..

Neha: Papa and Ekansh said no one comes to know expect for few people that I marry Ekansh and after six months he personally goes to Vivek's Parents for our Marriage!!...

Niki: And what you say??... ( I asked in a very dangerous tone!!..)

Neha: By signing she said, We are agree for this Contract marriage !!... ( She said sadness is lace in her voice!!..)

Niki: What the hell??.. Are you all out of your mind!!... Or Marriage is a game for you guys!!.. ( I said tried my best to control my anger!!..)

But both heads are down not even looking at me!!..

By signing i said,

Niki: Is there anyone who blackmail Papa for this??... ( I said because I can sense that they are  hiding  about something!!..)

Neha: It's not like that!!..

I was about to ask anything but there is knock on my door!!..

I opened the door Papa , Mumma and Ekansh enter in my room!!..

I was about to ask Papa about this but cutted by Ekansh!!..

Ekansh: I know that you are angry but please it's matter of only 6 months and i promise, i never harm on Neha's dignity!!..

Niki: Tell me how you blackmail my family??.. ( I asked holding his Collar!!..)

He just gave me a Confused looks!!..

By greeting my teeths i said

Niki: Why are you being so innocent because this marriage only bring profits to you!!.. ( I said loosing my control!!..)

Ekansh: I destroy your Father's business along with Kapoor's business!!.. ( He said in a cold voice in my ear , shiver ran down my spine!!..)

My hold on his collar loose , i see him with hurting eyes he immediately turned backwards and walk towards door before telling, Don't act stupid otherwise ready for consequences!!.. ( He said in heavy voice like tried to hide his tears)

But why would he cry he is the one who bring tears in my family eyes!!..

I sat on the floor, By cupping my cheeks Papa said don't worry it's only matter of six months be a strong girl okay!!..

By taking my hands Mumma said I have to be strong to gave strength to Neha di ...

I just replied in hmm!!..

They all leave my room I just sat on the corner!!..

I hugged my knees and started crying after sometime I harshly wiped my tears and said i can't loose to anyone!!..

I never bully that Ekansh to my Family!!..


When we reached near Niki's room we heard there every conversation she tried hard to know the truth but we can't let her know the truth!!..

So I told Uncle and Aunty that I took all blame on myself first they denied that when she came to know truth it's hard for me to mend my relationship with her!!..

By taking deep breaths i said that, "I do blackmail you guys at first."

I said being guilty!!..

Uncle replied, " I also hide truth from you!!.."

After lots of my convincing they agreed!!..

When I said that I destroy his father and Vivek's family business she looked at me with hurted eyes!!..

I can't see the hurt in her eyes so i quickly turn my back , unknowingly tears fell from my eyes!!..

I walked towards door and said coldly, "Don't act stupid otherwise ready for consequences.."

I saw from window , she fell on her knees i though," I am sorry baby, for hurting you I hope that those incident never took place so today we married without these heart break. "

But i promise once I gave punishment to culprits i make it up for you!!..

I wiped my tears and started walking towards my room!!...


1.So guys which incident Ekansh talking about??..

2.What Niki will do to stop this marriage??..

3.Or this marriage will happen??..

4.For more updates please join Naksh Journey!!... 💗💗

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