Chapter -6

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What Papa and Ekansh said i can't believe to my ears, but Ekansh's gave me there pics!!..

At first I was sad that Papa used me for this but he is right he only want us to be happy!!..

After thinking for sometime about there planning i decided to discuss this with Vivek...

Neha: I want to discuss all this to Vivek!!.. ( I said sternly!!..)

Ekansh: I knew it that you would like to discuss it with him so i already called him!!... ( He said sincerely!!..)

After sometime we heard a knock Mummy opened the door Vivek entry inside by looking his face anyone can say he is nervous!!...

Honestly speaking i enjoyed it alot because no on think that Vivek Kapoor would ever be nervous in his life!!..

I quickly hug him and pulled him towards chair ... I settled him there!!..

He looked at me with wide eyes because he never though I took bold steps infront of my Parents!!..

I took his hands in my hands and tell him everything!!..

He started thinking deeply because in every decision, I took his concern because it's matter to me alot!!..

As far as i know he love Niki alot so might be he agree...

By taking a deep breaths he said, Okay I am agree...

Papa and Ekansh quickly hug him , I can see through his eyes that he is not happy with this decision!!..

But what we can do Ekansh need to be CEO position to took his revenge and his parents select me as his Fiancee and we can't let them to suspicious our relationship that why he agreed for this Arrange Marriage!!..


When Ekansh message me to meet Neha's parents room i nervous a lot ..

Because I don't want this plan to flop!!..

I though to tell Niki about it but i don't want to stress my Lil Sis...

When someone heard that Vivek Kapoor was nervous they laughed alot..

When I go there, Neha Suddenly hugged me and settle me on chair by holding my hands she told me everything!!..

I was shocked to hell i also want them to punish them but i can't see Neha with any other guy for 6 second how will I manage 6 months!!.

But if Niki is not there i might loose my Mother, By taking a deep breath i said, Okay I am agree!!..

Suddenly Uncle and Ekansh hugged me, Ekansh assured me that Neha is all yours i just gave him a weak smile..

Neha was about to say anything but suddenly door knocked Aunty opened the door Niki and Avayansh both were bickering as usual!!.


I saw Vivek's eyes show thousands of emotions even i can't see Niki with anyone even for one second so i assured him that Neha is all yours!!..

Suddenly door opened revealing Niki and Avayansh they were bickering but i don't like the way he hold her hand..

By looking at us her eyes widen in shock I must say when she tried to hide something her facial expressions tell everything!!.. Cute as always!!..

Niki: What are you all doing here??.. ( She asked suspiciously by narrowing her eyes,... How i forgot her senses  alert she is like that only by seeing person she exactly go to conclusions and most of the time her conclusion are correct)

Dipti: We all are just discussing about something... Why you are here??..

Niki: Nothing I gave Avayansh my Sangeet outfit for few alterations but he forgot to collect my dress from designer!!.. (She said pouting cutely but I know her she already suspicious to everyone and also know that she can't get truth from us so she never asked twice, I know about her nature)

Avayansh: Listen don't blame me you have to message me once for reminding me!!.. (He said holding her hair)

Niki:Fine I will say Maa about this..(She said while smirking)

Avayansh eyes widen while joining his hands he said I will bring your dress but please don't tell about this to Mom!!..

She burst into laughing and said Never mess with me!!.. She said flipping her hairs!!...

But why she address Mrs. Kapoor as Maa Curiosity took over me so I asked, "Why you are saying Maa to her ."

By looking at me i can see she is irritated with me but Why??..

By taking a long breath, i know she is claiming herself

Niki: Because she considers me as a daughter and I consider her as a mother... ( She said in a scarticst way)

Dipti:  Why are you talking in this way tell him the truth!!... ( Aunty said in a raise voice)

Niki: ( By rolling her eyes she said, i swear i don't like her this habit don't worry baby soon you became my good girl..)... I though we all kept secrets with eachother!!.. (She said eyeing everyone in the room except Avayansh...)

By gulping Vivek said to me, 2 years ago Mom caused in a big accident no one was ready to help her but Niki took her to the hospital when doctor said that there is no chance of her surviving she called Niki in her ward actually she wants to gave a message to me and Avayansh!!..

When Niki reached her room Mom started giving her message but when she completed everything Niki said that she is deaf ... Mom eyes widen and soon she become unconscious when me, Avayansh and Dad reached there Mom regain her consciousnes... Doctor said she only survived only because shocked given by Niki , when she became stable Niki tell her truth and apologize to her!!..

When we asked her why she did that she said that she read this into book.. So first she listen to her and then give her a shock just in case if she can't survive!!..

From that day She became my Sister, Avayansh BFF and Mom$Dad daughter!!..


1.So guys What you think how Neha and Vivek answer Nikita's questions??..

2.Is Niki succeed in her plan in marriage of Neha and Vivek??..

3.Who is the Villian to whom Ekansh wants revenge??..

4.Now you all know how Niki is related to Vivek and his family..

5.For more updates please join Naksh Journey!!... 💞💞

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