Chapter -12

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How can he do this with me and what the hell happened to me that i hugged him!!..

Ahh!!... Niki how stupid you are??...

I said while grabbing my hairs in my fists!!..

No i can't marry him, i have to do something!!...

But what i can do, how to stop this marriage!!..

Suddenly Papa came towards me and said;

P: Niki baccha i know you don't want this marriage and i never force you in this last decision will be yours ... ( Papa said patting my head...)

I know Papa you never force me in this marriage but i don't want you guys to suffer... by taking deep breaths i said Yes for this marriage or rather say arrangement!!...

My papa has a broad smile on his face by narrowing my eyes i look at him he quickly compose himself soon Mumma came to my room and said that today is my Sangeet so I had to ready soon for Sangeet!!..

I only nod in response!!..

Mamma quickly hugged me and said

Everything will be alright soon!!...

She always knows what I was thinking!!.. 😊😊

Soon Avayansh came towards me and gave my Sangeet outfit by looking at his face i know he knows about everything I just  gave him a small smile but that idiot smack my head I groan in pain and gave him a death glare!!..

Avayansh: Stop faking yourself infront of me understand!!... Zali!!... ( He muttered under his breath but i heard it!!..)

Niki: Please don't complicate things for me!!... I don't want this emotional drama and all!!... ( I said giving him my best smile!!..)

Avayansh: I know you very well always hide your pain in your smile, but listen I will help you in running away if you want!!... ( He said giving me side hug!!..)

Niki: Do you think if I want to run I need your help??.. ( I said while smirking!!..)

By shooking his head and smiling he said;

I know no one can stop you what you want to do!!...

He said raising his hand in surrender

By laughing i said; Don't be senti and be ready because today not only mine but also your brother Sangeet!!..

He smiled and left;

I quickly close the door and started crying,

Why why I marry in this way i never thought to marry like this!!...

I said while banging my head on backside of the wall!!..

I don't know when sleep consume me i slept on the floor!!...


After leaving the Niki 's room i saw her from window she was deeply thinking something soon uncle came and she said that she is ready for this marriage!!..

At one side I was feeling happy and other side I can't see her sad!!..

Soon Avayansh came to her room for giving her Sangeet outfit, when he hugged her i felt that someone has thrown ice cubes on me!!...

Don't worry Avayansh it's your last time to touch what mine!!...😎😎

When Avayansh left she quickly close the door and started crying i can't see her like that but i can't do anything!!..

Unknowingly tears started flowing from my eyes!!..

Tum firse us Ekansh ko wapas la Rahi ho Niki jo patthar ban Gaya tha!!...

Soon she slept on the cold floor, this girl!!..

I quickly call manager and said him to bring spare keys of this room ;

I opened the door tip top so that she didn't wake up because she is light sleeper

I carried her in a bridal style, she stiffen in her sleep but I rub her back so she again sleep I put her on the bed rub her tears and kissed her forehead and cheeks!!..

I go towards my room suddenly Niki's Mom met me and said; Please always be with her and care for her like you did today!!..

I replied; Don't worry Aunty I am always there for her!!.. I said with a reassuring smile!!...

I reached my room and think about today incident please Jaan forgive me i promise to make it up for you!!..

After sometime I also felt asleep!!...


My sleep disturb by knock on the door, I realized I am on the bed!...

Did I sleep walk or what??..

I was in my thoughts suddenly there was a knock, i immediately open the door and my three best friends engulfed me in a hug!!..

Naina quickly close the door and settled me on the bed!!..

I raised my eyebrows asking what are you doing??..

Naina: Are you mad, how could you to marry Ekansh??...
( Anger is clearly visible in her voice and care for me clearly visible in her eyes)

Ishika: Listen Niki please don't do this, if you want we can help you in running away!!..( She said being concerned!!..)

Kiara: Guys let her speak so that we can understood what she is thinking!!.. ( That what i except the most sensible girl in my group to understand my situation but i don't know what she see in that Avayansh!!..)

By giving my smile to Kiara i said;

Naina I am not mad , but i don't want to suffer my family!!...

Before they could say i continue;

I know guys you are always there for me in any situation but please understand Ekansh is the billionaire and he can do anything with the help of money!!..

Before i could say Naina interrupt me;

Naina: I know he can capable of anything you know he also have connection in mafia !!..

I gasp with this information

How do you know this things??...

Naina: Dude Ekansh is Lakshya Bestfriend and Lakshya is my boyfriend!!.. ( She said rolling her eyes!!..)

Suddenly Naina grab my hands and said excitedly;

But Ekansh is perfect for you, just like your dream man at the age of 27 he never rumoured with any girl, one woman man and always care for those whom he loved the most and he is Virgin!!..

I said;

Oh!!.. really then why he is cold hearted??.. ( I said in a mocking tone!!..)

By removing my hands in her grib and fold my hands in front of my chest!!..

She replied;

I don't know but something happened 5 years ago in which he changed completely!!..

I started thinking deeply what happened with him??..


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