Chapter -5

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Enough is enough I can't see hatred in her eyes for me , I have to talk about this to Uncle I mean my soon to be Father - in - law.

I walk towards his room and knocked soon door opened revealing Aunty. By smiling she let me enter into room!!..

Uncle we need to talk!!.. ( I said sternly)

After putting his mobile phone he raised his head towards me!!..

Nihar: About what??.. ( He asked raising his eyebrow)

Ekansh: By scoffing i said, like you don't know what I am talking about.

Nihar: So what do you want from me??... To tell everything to my bacchi ( daughter) .. what happened five years ago!!.. ( He said anger and hurt lacing in his voice)

Ekansh: I know Uncle we can't say anything to Krishika ... ( Uncle didn't let me completed my sentence)

Nihar: By scoffing he said, She is not Krishika she is Nikita... ( Uncle said loosing his temperament)

Ekansh: What about Neha??.. Why are you pushing her in all this??.. ( I said tried to convince him)

Nihar: I know what I am doing with Neha is not good, I know she love Vivek after 6 months you took CEO Position and took revenge for what happened 5 years ago, after that I personally go to Vivek and his family and explain every situation. I know Mrs. Kapoor won't convince easily but she loved Nikita alot When she come to know everything is done for Nikita's safety she easily ready for there marriage. That why I didn't invite too much people and same goes with you and that why we keep media away from this marriage, so no one comes to know that once Neha marries Ekansh.. ( He said guilt is laced in his voice, but more then guilt fear is there..)

Ekansh: What about Neha, when she comes to know her father used her for safety of his younger sister don't you think she will though that you are partial with her!!.. ( I said stating a fact)

Nihar: She won't because they both love eachother very much and you know once while saving Neha , Niki injured very badly on that Neha said she will protect her at any cost!!.. She also took promise from me that if in future by saving Niki if i have to use her i can.. And in all this one thing is clear that by marrying you Neha don't face any danger!!..

Ekansh: Why don't we tell Neha truth!!..

Uncle was about to reply but Aunty cutted him!!..

Dipti: I think Ekansh is right, we can tell about this to Neha!!..

Continuously thinking for minutes Uncle said Okay!!..

Aunty bring Neha in there room, and Uncle told everything to Neha!!..

First she was shocked hearing what happened 5 years ago, she can't believe that her little sister gone through this much!!..

Nihar: I know baccha , you are angry but trust me my intention was to see you happy and Niki too!!..
When Rajiv told me he wants your hand for Ekansh, i immediately ready because Rajiv was my long lost childhood friend...
When you say me what Ekansh think about this marriage i became very angry and bang into his office what he thinks about himself but after seeing his face I lost all colours of my face , same goes with him...
I don't want him to come in our life, so I spatted angrily that I broke this marriage!!..


Ekansh: I know Uncle, you don't want to see my face but if you broke this marriage, I not only cease your business but also destroy Kapoor!!..

Nihar: Why are you doing this after ruining my daughter life , you are now wants my another daughter life!!.. ( He spatted angrily)

Ekansh: I want CEO Position to destroy them , who killed My Love My Krishika!!..

Nihar: You can do contract marriage with anyone for gaining CEO position!!.. ( He said like i don't think about this idea)

Ekansh: I know I can, but i can't trust any girl expect Neha I have to convince Board of directors, jurisdiction and My family that this is real marriage not Contract marriage.
That why I agreed for arrange marriage for future inconvenience.. And one more thing Uncle Convince Neha that not to tell anyone about this Contract and don't worry at first i didn't care about her dignity but i promise now no one comes to know about our marriage!!...

Nihar: Why you are now being nice huh??.. ( He said while Scoffing)

Ekansh: Because at first i don't know that Neha is Krishika's Sister and i know how much My Krishika love her family!!..

When I said this i saw him gulping,like he is hiding something from me!!..

By narrowing my eyes I look towards him but he started walking towards door!!..

By shrugging off my thoughts, i started working!!..


Neha grab my collar and while greeting her teeths she asked, Who the hell is Krishika , how she related to my Sister Niki!!..

By Signing i gently grab her hands and sit her on the bed and i sat next to floor by grabbing her hands i said everything which me and Uncle talk on  after me and Niki met at terrace!!..

By Scoffing she said, " How could you not recognise her after seeing her in the college."

I only see her few glimpses!!..

By signing i continue, " When we first made eye contact my heart started beating like it beat 5 years ago, She changed alot Neha remember 5 years ago she Used to look like a chubby with no makeup sense, she used to live like a tomboy."

By signing she said, " I know She work hard to maintain her figure, and you are wrong she has lots of Makeup and dressing sense but she always said that true man always loves your Soul not your body , and true Woman always love her man in every situation."

When she comes to know that due to fatness she might suffer from illness, she worked hard to maintain her figure...

But I must say you are a true man for my sister because you always love the way she is!!..


1. Soon Nikita and Krishika suspense released!!..

2. What do you think from whom they are protecting Nikita??..

3.For more updates please join Naksh Journey.. 💖💖

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