chpt - 4: death at the loch

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so, i made a new decision to post two chapters every wednesday instead of just one.

i'm posting two today, so next wednesday i'll continue this procedure.

enjoy 😁


THE PARRISH FAMILY STAYED AT FATHER Cometa's house. He was generous enough to let Mr. and Mrs. Parrish sleep in the spare room, and Caitlin and Ryan sleep in the living room. Caitlin slept on the large couch and Ryan slept on the floor on an air-mattress Noah so generously blew up for him. They brought duvets and pillows from their own house and covered themselves with it.

No one was in the mood to eat. They watched the news with expectance of an answer, but it was way too early for people to have answers. World leaders were grieving over the loss of their own children, and their people just had to respect them and give them time to collect themselves before telling the world everything was going to be okay.

Caitlin's parents were coming to get her in two weeks because their flight was delayed due to what was going on in the world, and it was dangerous to drive considering the situation could escalate to adults also disappearing: in this case the driver.

Saying goodnight, Father Cometa turned off the lights and headed upstairs. The darkness then filled the room with only the moon as tribute of light. There wasn't even a cricket chirping that night. Not even an owl irritating a person with its hooting, the person frantically searching for signs of the bird. It was too quiet to sleep.

Ryan gazed up at the clock above the TV. The time was about 8:30pm. By that time he and Cole would be arguing about which Netflix series was better: 13 Reasons Why or Stranger Things.

Sighing, he turned over, his head facing the couch.

It was so cold Caitlin wrapped herself up in the duvets, refusing to let them hang over the edge of the couch and lay on the floor.

Ryan pinched his eyes close, trying to sleep, but sleep was miles away.

Opening his eyes, he was hit with confusion. The moon's light may have been terrible as a source of light, but clearly it revealed the pair of toes accompanied by feet behind the couch Caitlin slept on.

With his eyes squinted, Ryan's gaze went under the couch, focusing on the pair of feet. His eyes went up, looking past the couch, past Caitlin's body that was wrapped up in the duvets, past the upper cushions, and stopped to stare in the pure white pebble-sized eyes of a tall and black figure with long and stringy hair.

"Ryan," it gasped in a choking voice. "Ryan Parrish,"


He awoke with a gasp and opened his eyes to the darkness of the living room. He scanned his surroundings and saw the figure was gone.

It was all just a dream, meaning he finally managed to fall asleep. Sighing heavily, Ryan went back to sleep.

The next morning, he opened his eyes to the sight of sunlight and to the sound of tap water pouring into a hollow container.

He climbed out from under his duvets and stretched himself out. Yawning, he walked across the mattress and walked into the kitchen where he saw Noah and Caitlin, who were looking more depressed than him, which seemed impossible; they didn't lose any siblings.

Noah was in his pyjamas (a blue and black striped pair of pyjama pants with a grey T-shirt with the words MY TIME written boldly and coloured red printed on to it), making coffee. He was pouring water into a kettle while Caitlin drank the cup of coffee he made first.

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