chpt - 13 : the things we try to hide

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after reading shiverton hall, i told myself to add little stories that contribute to the main story

hope you enjoy the first one


COLE SHIVERED INSIDE THE LOCKER. HIS skin was pale and his lips were chapped. He was surprised he could fit in the locker at all.

That's when he heard it. The horrible and familiar sound of an animal growling echoed down the corridor outside. He could hear the creature's nails scraping the pavement. Every sound it made seemed louder now that most of the other kids had been silenced.

Cole placed a hand over his quivering mouth to stop himself from screaming. The creature grew nearer and nearer. Cole's instinct told him to call out to Ryan, but he had to remind himself that there was no one in this black and white world to save him. The only person to protect Cole was he himself, and the only way to do that was to remain as quiet as he could lest he wanted to be painted in his own blood.

Then Cole heard a sound that made his blood freeze, and he moved his eyes to the wall on his left. Someone else was hiding in the lockers with him, and they also heard the approach of one of the creatures that had been hunting them down one by one since their arrival. This person was whimpering, and they did so loudly.

Cole leaned against the left wall and carefully placed his lips against the cold iron. "Please be quiet. It'll hear you." He was whispering, but he was sure the kid next to him would be able to hear.

"Hello?" the kid asked, a boy with a sob to his voice. "Help me! Please, I don't want to die!" The kid sounded younger than Cole; maybe six years old. With the franticness they were portraying Cole knew they weren't going to make it.

Within seconds the creature outside rushed against the collection of lockers against the wall. Cole's hands slapped over his mouth and he silenced his cries as the creature broke open the locker on his left and attacked the boy inside. His screams were drowned out by growls from the creature and crunches from the boy's bones under the creature's powerful fangs and jaws.


Ryan and the others waited for Olivia to arrive with her parents by her side. They sat in the waiting area with balloons and a box of Olivia's favourite sweets.

"I've always hated hospitals." said Kendrick. "The smell makes my head ache."

"What do you guys think happened to Olivia?" said Caitlin after a while.

Brendon shrugged. He had a GET WELL SOON balloon (with BABE written in a black marker underneath) in his hands with his head bowed. "I don't know." He looked truly concerned.

Ryan put a hand on Brendon's shoulder and squeezed.

"There she is." said Noah when he spotted Olivia in crutches and her parents behind her. They looked annoyed but also relieved.

Everyone got up and cheered as Olivia arrived. Her drooping expression lit up when she saw her friends and boyfriend. Even with crutches she hurried to her friends. She swung her arms around her friends first and then hugged Brendon last. He ignored her parents and gave her a peck on her mouth.

Caitlin looked down at Olivia's leg and saw the bandage.

Olivia noticed Caitlin's eyes and sighed. "I fell down the stairs."

"Amy No. 2 much?" Kendrick joked, but Caitlin punched him in the back. He then turned to Ryan and apologized.

Olivia sighed and looked at her parents who were still standing behind them. "Can you give us a minute?"

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