chpt - 17: the house no one dared enter

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i had a splendid berfday yesterday, which is my excuse for not posting yesterday

i have many other stories i'm writing and updating, so WHC won't be updated as frequently i'm afriad

and i have my finals


anyway enjoy 😁


Two Days Later

THE HOUSE STOOD ALONE IN THE dead yard. DO NOT CROSS tape crossed the door, but the wind had pulled some off and left them to flutter in the opposite direction.

Stuart House was scary with its creepy residents living inside of it, but empty made it outright terrifying.

Olivia must have been standing in front of the old structure for almost half an hour, contemplating whether she should head inside or not.

It was a bit chilly even with the sun out, so the denim shorts she had on made her hate the confusing weather even more.

"It was just a dream." she told herself for what felt like the hundredth time. For three days she'd been telling herself this, yet she still grabbed a flashlight and walked to Stuart House without her crutches. Her mother insisted she walk with them, but she refused. It wasn't like a leg was broken. And getting out of the house was nice. She needed some fresh oxygen to breathe, where at home the air was polluted with her parents' accusing thoughts that she had given herself the injury.

Olivia drew in a breath of cold air and closed her eyes. It wasn't just a dream. It was a message. Someone was dead.

She gripped the flashlight in her hand and walked forward. She stepped onto the unkempt grass the neighbourhood children feared to walk on. The trail that led to the front porch felt like a tongue guiding her to the beast's mouth, and soon she'd be entering the belly.

The front door looked heavy when she stepped in front. On her right was the rocking chair Old Man McKay sat on almost every day. The wheelchair he pushed Old Lady McKay around was no doubt somewhere inside. The thought of it sent a chill down her spine. She always hated wheelchairs. In horror movies, wheelchairs were never a good sign.

Olivia looked behind her to make sure the coast was clear. Then, she tore away the yellow tape and grabbed hold of the doorknob. It was cold in her hands, and when she turned it, she felt the inside twist and then CLICK.

The door was locked. Of course.

Olivia could have turned around and headed home, but the dream was still fresh in her mind. At first she dismissed it as a nightmare, but when her mother showed her the newspaper article with the news of Old Lady McKay's murder which happened the same night she had that dream she knew the coincidence was a sign.

Her next option was to see if there was a backdoor and hopefully find it unlocked. If not, the latter would be breaking and entering.

She resorted to the latter when the backdoor was also locked.

Olivia used the back of the flashlight and bashed open a window next to the backdoor. She carefully reached inside and unlocked the backdoor.

Once inside, she closed the door and checked out her surroundings.

She was in the kitchen: a big old fridge was next to a counter against the wall which connected a sink with a rusty tap with a stove which carried two pots. The sink held no dirty dishes. A small island in the middle of the room had a basket of expired fruit in it. There were flies swarming the fuzzy green fruit. The smell made Olivia hold a hand over her nose.

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