chpt - 46: dusty butterflies

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thank you very much for making it this far 💙

this book means so much to me, it was my very first novel, and now i've revamped it but kept that original flavour 🖤

enjoy this last chapter 💘


RYAN LOOKED AT HIS HANDS FOR a second before falling back. His breathing was rapid, tears leaving his eyes. Doubleday had disappeared from the spot Ryan strangled him for a good three minutes. Did that mean the jester was dead?

"We did it," Wren confirmed.

Ryan turned around and looked at his friends, all of whom were sharing in his tears of victory.

Noah collapsed to his knees, then to his hands, and he sobbed heavily and uncontrollably.

Sheriff Carl and Olivia joined them cautiously.

"Mind telling me what just happened?" asked the sheriff as he let Olivia leave him to take care of Noah.

Wren sniffled, and she couldn't help but smile. They were going to be asked so many questions, but she didn't care. That would have to wait for another day. For now, all she planned to do was fall asleep and wake up to a world where everyone under thirteen had returned.

Though a small portion of the town was destroyed and a few people died as a consequence to their battle, Wren knew they had just saved the world, even if no one would believe them.

As her body begged her to go sit down, and the idea was as tempting as a burger during a twelve-hour fast, Wren froze slightly when she noticed someone in the crowd of people the police officers were holding back. She didn't need to squint, but she had to make sure she wasn't going crazy. Had her mind taken too big a blow if she was seeing him?

If Wren's mind was still working clearly, then she was actually seeing Peter Jones standing in the crowd—or at least the ghost of him—and he stared directly at her, unnoticed by the people around him.

Wren felt her heart pounding rapidly, shaking her like a tremor beneath her feet. She had to grab at her chest when her mind was once again flooded with visions, but for some reason she could only focus on Peter Jones.

"Wren, you okay?" she heard Ryan ask from behind her, but her ears were soon clogged with screaming and crying and begging and skin burning and explosions and...

...and then complete silence.

Peter Jones opened his mouth slowly, speaking directly into Wren's mind. The sound of his voice came only after his mouth closed again, and the words Wren heard were the same words Peter Jones was given—the same words that led to his suicide.

When his protégé heard these three words, she inhaled sharply, and her racing heart immediately stopped.

Nibiru is coming.

Wren's eyes rolled over as she fell to the ground, the world around her vanishing, giving way to infinite darkness.

"Wren!" Ryan cried out when he saw her collapse to the gravel. But then he heard Noah's cries above the cries of their audience. He looked to his friend, and to his horror he saw Noah screaming at Olivia who was spewing slimy black fluids from the pit of her stomach, spilling it all over the ground.

"Liv?" Ryan said, but for some reason, looking at Olivia and seeing what was happening to her, the boy knew it was going to happen to him as well.

Olivia looked up at Ryan, the black slime covering her mouth and chin. She reached out to him, tears pooling in her terrified eyes, and then the girl combusted into a cloud of flying insects.

"What the fuck?" Noah let out, backing away from whatever Olivia turned into, and then he felt his body shake with convulsion, and he too threw up the black slime. He looked up at Ryan with the same eyes Olivia had, only more terrified, and before he knew it, he became a cloud of flying insects as well.

Wren was next, her unconscious body writhing violently before she vanished and all that was left of her was the hundreds of flying insects.

The three clouds of insects came together, forming one giant tornado.

Ryan watched in horrified awe, the creatures spiralling beautifully, giving him no answers as to what happened to his friends. For some reason he knew it by the pluck of his heartstring that the same was happening to Kendrick all the way on the other side of town, as well as Caitlin all the way in another state.

All Ryan could do was wait for his turn, watching the tornado of flying insects flying close to him. It was then that Ryan realized these flying insects were in fact moths, and they weren't waiting for the cloud of moths he would soon turn into to join their tornado. Instead, these creatures overwhelmed Ryan, flying all around him.

Sheriff Carl just watched in pure fascination, his mouth slightly open, as Ryan's clothes and hair blew with the winds caused by the flapping of hundreds of moth wings.

Just as Sheriff Carl stepped forward to do something—what that was he didn't know—the moths all departed from one another, flying in opposite directions, leaving the spot where Ryan was completely empty.

"What in the actual fuck?" was all Sheriff Carl could say to what he had just experienced.

what? i left it on a cliffhanger? WHAT???

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