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The Letter of Father Jesaja Gaetano: A Confidential Report to the Vatican

The following is a letter written by Father Jesaja Gaetano and sent to the Vatican after the events of March 1958. These events were deemed too confidential to be shared with the public. The letter was enclosed in an oak box, secured with a padlock for which only Cardinal Fermanagh held the key. When our team met with the Cardinal in 1979, a year before his death, we conveyed our mission and were granted access to the letter. This document plays a crucial role in humanity's defense against an insidious force whose primary mission remains unknown to this day.

Letter from Father Jesaja Gaetano to Cardinal Fermanagh

Your Eminence,

I write this letter to you regarding the Diablo Project. I expect you have received the first letter from Father Djo expressing the good news that the mission was a success: the demon had been eliminated. By now, you have also received the bad news: none of my brothers survived the ordeal; I am the sole survivor.

When I awoke in the infirmary, a nun was by my bedside to both congratulate me and offer her condolences. She told me Father Djo had delivered the good news to you, and I could see the joy radiating from her as she chanted, 'Praise God!' over and over. Yes, praise God indeed, but I was anything but overjoyed. The good news you received, Your Eminence, is unfortunately false. The joy you and many others felt upon hearing of the demon's defeat is based on a lie. I could have kept quiet and allowed you to believe the Vatican had once again protected humanity from Lucifer's forces. I could have maintained this peace and continued my life. The battle was over, right? No. The battle has just begun.

The moment news of this demon's existence surfaced, we acted swiftly. The stories of the demon's defeats were regarded as truth, and the weapons used against it were uncovered, dug up, collected, and brought back to the Vatican. Thus, the Diablo Project was put into motion. We were instructed to venture to the demon's keep and slay it: myself, Father Birch, Father Paride, Father Rocco, Father Jadis, Father Bayle, and Father Conroy. We each carried one of the weapons: Father Birch the knobkerrie; Father Bayle the katana; Father Jadis the sword; Father Conroy the axe; Father Paride the khopesh; and Father Rocco and I carried the two weapons of blessed iron forged by the Vatican's blacksmiths — a spiral of heavy chains and a shield with one of the stakes used to crucify the Son of Man melted onto its surface. With those weapons, we believed we were unstoppable.

The demon was just as formidable.

The demon's keep was a cavern in Northern China, discovered when locals spread rumors of something wicked and supernatural roaming the nearby mountain. With God's grace, we ambushed the demon while it fed in its home. The weapons were marvelously effective at piercing the demon's skin. However, the demon was prepared. In the darkness of the cavern resided what I can only describe as its 'hounds from Hell'. They aided it in battle, and Father Paride and Father Birch fell first. We carried their weapons and fought on. I know not how long the battle lasted, but by the time only Father Bayle and I remained, the sun had set, and we were left to fight in the dark. The shield performed its purpose, protecting us from every slash the demon delivered. Father Bayle was extraordinary, and even the demon and its slain hounds knew it. The demon tried to escape, but we blocked its path. Some weapons lay on the ground, untouched by the demon. We fought on until we were drenched in sweat, blood, and tears. Our bodies cried out in exhaustion and pain, our bones shattered under the demon's might. Eventually, I collapsed, my legs horrifically mangled. Father Bayle foresaw his demise and knew the demon could not be killed by us. Despite our efforts, the demon stood strong, bleeding only in teaspoons.

Father Bayle's final act of courage and strength was remarkable: using the shield for cover and the katana alone, he fought the demon. Although I had lost faith, knowing the demon would crush him like the others, Father Bayle moved swiftly and severed one of the demon's four arms. It seemed insignificant compared to our suffering, but it was enough to scare the demon, revealing its mortality. The demon, realizing Father Bayle's determination to decapitate it, fled.

Your Eminence, I would lie if I said I knew what happened next. The air behind the demon ripped open, blinding us with red light, shaking the Earth, stopping the wind, and pulling the demon away. We were left in the dark. I assume the demon fled back to Hell upon realizing its vulnerability. It has been defeated many times but never killed. The demon is not dead. The weapons have been brought back to the Vatican. Keep them locked away and ready. The battle is not over. The demon will return, relentless and resilient like the Devil himself.


Father Gaetano died a week later from natural causes. The Diablo Project was never again discussed for fear it might conjure the demon. No one knew the exact period between the demon's visits to Earth. When we spoke with the Cardinal, he gave us unfortunate news: the weapons had been taken from the Vatican. On his deathbed, he swore he knew not by whom or what. These weapons were the only things capable of harming this evil. My team and I have dedicated our lives to finding them, but our search remains fruitless. If Father Gaetano was correct, the demon will return. Will we be ready?

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